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    • Again today i have in 4 games indentic two solist one duo what cheat and cooperation to one party 19 March after launch in 4 games identic people edgerrunner,orco2k,ragnarlonewolf,blafegore43341please STOP THAT
    • //initServer.sqf KIB_fnc_getPlayerData = { params[ "_player" ]; if ( vehicleVarName _player == "" ) then { _player setVehicleVarName format[ "Player_%1", getPlayerUID _player ]; _player call BIS_fnc_objectVar; }; [ profileNamespace getVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Pos", vehicleVarName _player ], getPosATL _player ], profileNamespace getVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Rating", vehicleVarName _player ], 0 ] ] remoteExec[ "KIB_fnc_setPlayerData", remoteExecutedOwner ]; }; KIB_fnc_savePlayerData = { params[ "_player" ]; profileNamespace setVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Pos", vehicleVarName _player ], getPosATL _player ]; profileNamespace setVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Rating", vehicleVarName _player ], rating _player ]; }; KIB_fnc_updatePlayerData = { params[ "_player" ]; while { true } do { [ _player ] call KIB_fnc_savePlayerData; sleep 300; }; }; //initPlayerLocal.sqf KIB_fnc_setPlayerData = { params[ "_position", "_rating" ]; //Only allow execution from the server if ( isMultiplayer && { !isRemoteExecuted || { remoteExecutedOwner isNotEqualTo 2 }} ) exitWith {}; //Set rating, not add to what they already have player addRating ( _rating - rating player ); player setPosATL _position; //Only once saved/defaults have been applied start saving data [ player ] remoteExec[ "KIB_fnc_updatePlayerData", 2 ]; }; params[ "_player" ]; [ _player ] remoteExec[ "KIB_fnc_getPlayerData", 2 ];  
    • this and { player in triggerAttachedVehicle thisTrigger } Not that it makes any difference but if you are attaching a vehicle as an owner there is a command to retrieve the said vehicle.
    • possible to have such files only on dayz?
    • I believe this is the crux right there, Resume essentially loads a save, so I imagine you can try to use the Loaded eventhandler to reapply the time of day.    