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    • I completely forgot that was a thing in addAction and might be easier if you don't use CBA3, or don't want to rely on it.     I've notice "this" works for init boxes within the editor, while "_this" works for pretty much everything else. I imagine there's a technical reason for it relating to passing parameters, but I'm not a software developer or computer programmer. 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can answer that.
    • Made quite a  bit of progress over the last few days. Can kill, package, repair, and respawn all 5 blackhawks over and over now. I have two things though that I could still use help with.

      1. When blackhawk x is respawned,  the EH is applied to all the BHs again. So x blackhawk will have 1 option to package when it is killed, but y blackhawk could have 2, 3, 4 or 5 depending on how many bhs where killed and repaired before y went down. If that makes sense? I think its because of the EH created at bottom of bhDown.sqf. But not sure how to work around this. Maybe remove that part at bottom, and in game editor add this to all bhs? call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "eventHandlers\bhTest.sqf"; ?
      2. Right now I have the create vehicle set to the repair pad. But Ideally I would like it to spawn  at its appropriate pad. I have placed down 5 pads in the editor and named them bh1Pad, bh2Pad and so on. Maybe a if/else or switch statement?    3. Still cant figure out how write this up as a trigger script, if its even possible. Maybe instead of trying to write up the whole trigger like before  in quotation's, I make a trigger in game and in the onActivation I put [] exec VM "somefilename.sqf" would work better? 

      bhDown.sqf       Trigger Condition: 
        _bhVarArray = ["blackHawk1", "blackHawk2", "blackHawk3", "blackHawk4", "blackHawk5"]; thisList findIf {vehicleVarName _x in _bhVarArray && _x inArea thisTrigger} >= 0; onActivation:
        _container = (thisList select 0); _vehWreckName = vehicleVarName _container; deleteVehicle (thisList select 0); _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", repPad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "eventHandlers\bhTest.sqf";  
    • People ware reporting a bug in the 2nd mission, so I released an update.   Changelog: Mission Sleepless Night: The attack waves shouldn't get stuck anymore. Also, the enemies aren't crawling now, so the mission is more fast and fluent. Mission Hidden and Dangerous part 1: The player's team now disembarks from V3S, even when he's sitting at the passenger (non-shooting) position. The last cutscene was replaced with a new one called American Onslaught. The original cutscene now plays at the end of mission Rude Awakening. More smaller changes/fixes/improvements.   Believe it, or not, I'm still working on new missions for this.
    • Hi to all! I hope that this thread is not dead and I also hope that the developers of this DLC have not abandoned their brainchild.   One question that I want to endlessly ask. Once, after I buy this content, I have already asked it on the SOG Prairie Fire feedback forum, but have not received an answer. Now, 3 years after the SOG Prairie Fire release, I am still concerned about this issue. I believe that SOG Prairie Fire has the best amount and also the best quality of content, that has ever existed for Arma 3, but one nuance just seems like a wild contrast to me. It looks weird to say the least. This detail spoils the impression of this DLC, making it one-sided, prevents him from becoming fully smooth and perfect, since it is Impossible in silence to play with pleasure as the Vietnamese soldier. Until today I always wanted to ask - Why the hell in ths super DLC don't Vietnamese fighters still have voices (radio protocols) !? Already I no longer ask the question whether it will be or not. I am sure that it will never appear. My final question is here - Why in the the SOG Prairie Fire, playing as a Vietnamese we will never hear Vietnamese radio conversations?   I can't even imagine the reason:    * SOG Prairie Fire creators don't like playing for Vietnam?
      * Someone made a promise to the Vietnamese president never to do this? * Vietnam War veteran/consultants was found, but impossible to find one Vietnamese person on the Internet, who can voice this? * Nobody wants to pay the Vietnamese for this * Before, no one thought of using a neural network for this purpose?   Please explain the reason to understand
    • Hey all,

      In my mission, I want a supply crate to drop from a Blackfish and then fire a flare so that players can see the drop.

      To do this, I have a trigger that is activated when the pilot flies over. Here is the on activation code: _success = objNull setVehicleCargo supplyDrop; flrpos = supplyDrop modelToWorld [0,0,100]; flrObj = createVehicle ["F_20mm_Red", flrpos, [], 0,"NONE"]; flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]; The supply drop works just fine, but no matter how much I fiddle with the code, the flare never spawns. Please let me know if there is a way to fix the code or if there is another way of doing this.