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    • Hey hey ! I will try to answer you on certain points that I know.😃
      To launch “improbable headshoots” to beginners, it’s very simple, these players play in first person. And with the worst weapon in the game, you can knock off some unlikely heads. A player who favors speed over precision will tend to be in 3rd person and shoot brutally.   Advanced players who use the staggered movement technique perform [R1][R1][R1], extremely effective when using an Adrenaline bonus. However, you need to have some experience and know that it is always easier to kill a player on the right side than on the left side of their character. (I'm talking about ease of killing, not that we lose a fight every time since he's on our left) 😜   For cheaters I reported a certain player and the game banned him very quickly (less than 48 hours) the problem is that they can only suspend access to the player's account on their game they cannot sanction him more this must be produced by the platform therefore Sony / Microsoft. 😈   For Sony, nothing could be simpler, you keep a video trace of the sequence, you contact support and send it to them, the best is to have a written response from the cheater to report it directly and quickly. The player may be banned from the IP or this console will be banned from online gaming. The main merit is THEM.   Now there is a problem with this is that a free game all these cheats will do is recreate an account and the cheater can come back. If the game wants to crack down on cheaters, I recommend several easy-to-implement things:
      *Facilitates reporting, it's a start (because the option is still quite hidden) 😅   *The 2nd solution is used by ACTIVISION, not an expert, but I will explain it as best as I can, it is the fact that during a suspicious action, in particular a "multi headshoot à la Thompson in 1 second", this product several times, this player is automatically sanctioned with an incapacity to play for a short period (24/48 hours). This security must be clearly specified because it is always possible to come across 2/3 players absent at the start of an elimination round for example. This is why I emphasize "Multiple times" so that the cheater is already slowed down and lets the security team observe his game to see if there is an approved cheat (which most likely there will be since I don't don't know any). ). ). the one who puts 4 heads on each turn with a ratio of +6 legally) 😪   * The 3rd option is debated and I don't think we would pay attention to it but I put it anyway it involves putting the game at 5 or 10 euros to compensate for the cost of the game by giving 500 crowns and a choice of outfit for a beginner, you will have to launch a little publicity stunt to attract a few people because the game is transparent, no one talks about it, you just have to see the number of live spectators. AND ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY bring a significant amount of crown to allow beginners to have easy access to their first game in order to make them want to stay there!
      If you are afraid of the economic impact, slightly modify the prices of the extensions or release attractive new features, I take the example of a beginner's pack with a lot of consumables because beginners are often penalized by the lack of care in Shipping
      because they do not have the consumable diagrams.
    • Hey @Blitzen88,   Paste this in the expression field of the Spawn AI module: _this execVM "Script.sqf";   You can then save the input as variables using the params command: // Paste this near the top of your script file. params ["_Group", "_Module", "_GroupData"];   _Group = The group that was spawned by the module. _Module = The module where the group was spawned (I think?) _GroupData = An array of various info relating to the group.   Honestly, I've only really used the _Group parameter whenever I've used Spawn AI in missions, so take the rest with a grain of salt.   Hope this helps! 😎
    • 1st Battalion. 10th Special Forces Group, Delta Company "Dagger". [DAGR]   10th SFG is a unit co-founded by LT. Colonel Clint and myself. We're a small group of about 20-odd some chill individuals who all find comfort, enjoyment and solace in the MILSIM genre. All of our Ops are homebrewed, modded and zeused by our very own LT Colonel Clint. Our main operations are strict(ish) because of the fact that we try to maintain realism when acting on primary objectives, with the goal of growing and performing cohesively as a unit in the process. That being said, we also run side operations and scout operations between our main Ops. These Ops are typically a lot more lax, and allow for more freedom with kit and mishaps. We run operations semi-regularly as we recognize that both personnel and ourselves have lives that come before the unit. Sometimes there may be a week or two where an op doesn't get hosted. Do not despair. We allow ALL of our personnel the freedom to create and host their own side operations once they've become a full fledged member of the unit. Apollo is fully integrated into our discord server for scheduling and notifications, so everyone in the unit will know when you're making an Op.   10th Command operates out of CST/EST, however our operations are often pretty late in the day to try and account for everyone's time zones and availability. While the regions/timezone listed for the sake of this post, ANYONE from anywhere is welcome in 10th SFG as long as you are able to abide by the following simple rules:   1. NO RACISM/BE RESPECTFUL - We're all a pretty lenient bunch of folks in 10th. Targeted Racism of ANY kind will not be tolerated. Everyone in this unit is a human being. All we expect from you is that you treat them accordingly.   2. DON'T BE A TROLL - Again, we're pretty chill in 10th. Don't be that guy that straps a 40mm on your bottom rail and griefs the entire Op. We have designated times for people to goof around. We don't hate fun. Part of that fun is keeping the main Ops realistic for the people who enjoy it, such as myself.   3. FOLLOW THE CHAIN OF COMMAND - During your time in 10th, we expect you respect your peers, but especially your superior officers. Everyone EARNS their rank, and should be treated as such. Ranks in this unit are earned via distinguished service. This shows itself in many forms, being activity, performance in the Ops, general ability to follow orders, as well as acting when deemed necessary without them. Below is our primary comm hub and A3 unit. If you have any questions or concerns about the unit, or are interested in joining, please feel free to contact either of us aforementioned via discord.   10TH SFG PRIMARY COMMUNICATIONS SERVER: discord.gg/10thsfg 10th SFG ARMA III UNIT PROFILE: HERE
    • It's been 3 or more years since I've played Arma 3 but I have come back to continue working on a few scenarios.
    • This game seems so dead! Bringing in a PC version when you can't even fix the mass amount of glitches for your console players. Instant head shots from raincoats that have less than 10 kills happens so frequently it's ridiculous. This game has completely gone to garbage. Why keep playing? Won't be. Horrible horrible way for the game to end when it could have been so good.  Since waving this game goodbye... reporting playing for cheating or anything of the sort is worthless because nothing is ever done. Cheating clearly isn't taken seriously as stated. Still glitches like crazy while moving around. Takes view from straight forward go a 180 a chunk of the time. Shot registry is still garbage. Nothing that needs to be fixed will be fixed but it's going to be expanded out to PC. This is only going to get worse with aim bots, cheats, and glitches.     