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    • That doesn't matter, OFP engine is limited to some crazy small amount of virtual memory (IIRC 2GB). When playing with big mods (and ECP is one of them - especially with all the bells and whistles turned on) it's easy to hit that barrier in just one mission - the more scripts run (ECP is heavy on scripts), the more units spawn, the more memory is used. Solution is simply "don't play campaign with ECP" (or at least limit your sessions to one mission - yep, even ending the mission will not free up all the memory used by it).   Having 666th gen Intel i69 with 77 cores and 88 jiggawatts of RAM doesn't change a thing - in fact sometimes game might not even properly detect the parameters of your PC, such as wrong CPU clock rate (oh, remember game sees single core anyway) or wrong RAM (for me it shows just 1GB of RAM out of 16 installed - doesn't matter when it comes to that virtual memory limit of 2GB though, since afterall it's a virtual memory, not physical memory limit).
    • Want to report another irregularity with the Vehicles. Not sure if its by design but you did stress that the vehicles are more or less following Vanilla behaviour,with no extra scripts..   I can confirm the AH 11f hellcat ,after doing a "TR UNLOAD" waypoint,ascends into the air instead of staying grounded. Staying grounded is vanilla behaviour. Would this be classed as a bug?   To give full context il show you what i have done:   TRIGGER 1 Assigns infantry to 6 different helo's,one is the Hellcat (ex4)   _wp1 = Alpha1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBA1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex1; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Alpha1; _wp1 = Bravo1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBB1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex2; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Bravo1; _wp1 = Charlie1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBC1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex3; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Charlie1; _wp1 = Alpha2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBA2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex4; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Alpha2; _wp1 = Bravo2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBB2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex5; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Bravo2; _wp1 = Charlie2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBC2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex6; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Charlie2; TRIGGER 2 :   _wp = ex1group addWaypoint [position FOBA1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex1group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex2group addWaypoint [position FOBB1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex2group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex3group addWaypoint [position FOBC1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex3group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex4group addWaypoint [position FOBA2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex4group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex5group addWaypoint [position FOBB2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex5group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex6group addWaypoint [position FOBC2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex6group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; And its condition:   {alive _x && {_x in ex1}}count units Alpha1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Alpha1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex2}}count units Bravo1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Bravo1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex3}}count units Charlie1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Charlie1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex4}}count units Alpha2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Alpha2) && {alive _x && {_x in ex5}}count units Bravo2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Bravo2) && {alive _x && {_x in ex6}}count units Charlie2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Charlie2) Chalk of helicopters collect 6 squads,move to a location,unloads,and are supposed to stay there, but the Hellcat is the only helo(all others are Vanilla Arma3) that ascends on its position to default flyheight.   TO just clarify, the "del" reference object wasnt placed in this test so no movement order was given for the last WP statement
    • Started a new Oldman game the other day - something about that Tricolor looks like it might have been added as a post process effect rather than baked into the .CO file - who knows though!
    • @Larrow  After days of struggling I am reporting back. Some progress has been made. Progress was made using my existing code. Will mess around later and figure out how to make it work with what you have wrote up.

      Going off last post:

      1 & 2: After struggling how to understand incorporating set/get variable with this, I decided to take an alternative approach and use setVehicleVarName. Would still like to know how to make this work with set/get Variable if its a better way to do it. So for trigger condition we have this:  
        3/4/5:  For the life of me I could not make this work in a script. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated. I put it down as a trigger in the editor instead. Which still has issues but works.

      On activation I do not have it getting the type of container. Instead it just deletes the first thing in thisList lol. Which in rare circumstances causes the crate to not be deleted (animal, forgotten crate, etc..) but a blackhawk still spawns. Maybe like what I wrote in step 1 but as a if statement to prevent that? I googled how to reapply a EH, led me to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/call. Followed example 5 minus the beginning parts. Which works. I can sit in a endless loop now killing, repairing, and spawning blackHawk1.        recZone.sqf (script for trigger) - if you want to see what I have so far. I guess my biggest issues is making the code work using  quotations.   
    • Maybe you already found this but take a look in this thread and see if it helps: 231504-performance-warning-simpleserialization