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    • I completely forgot that was a thing in addAction and might be easier if you don't use CBA3, or don't want to rely on it.     I've notice "this" works for init boxes within the editor, while "_this" works for pretty much everything else. I imagine there's a technical reason for it relating to passing parameters, but I'm not a software developer or computer programmer. 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can answer that.
    • Made quite a  bit of progress over the last few days. Can kill, package, repair, and respawn all 5 blackhawks over and over now. I have two things though that I could still use help with.

      1. When blackhawk x is respawned,  the EH is applied to all the BHs again. So x blackhawk will have 1 option to package when it is killed, but y blackhawk could have 2, 3, 4 or 5 depending on how many bhs where killed and repaired before y went down. If that makes sense?  (EDITED: Fixed this but not sure if its best way, code updated)   2. Still cant figure out how write this up as a trigger script, if its even possible. Maybe instead of trying to write up the whole trigger like before  in quotation's, I make a trigger in game and in the onActivation I put [] exec VM "somefilename.sqf" would work better? 

      bhTest.sqf       Trigger Condition: 
        _bhVarArray = ["blackHawk1", "blackHawk2", "blackHawk3", "blackHawk4", "blackHawk5"]; thisList findIf {vehicleVarName _x in _bhVarArray && _x inArea thisTrigger} >= 0; onActivation:
        _container = (thisList select 0); _vehWreckName = vehicleVarName _container; _vehNum = _vehWreckName splitString "blackHawk" select 0; deleteVehicle (thisList select 0); switch (_vehNum) do { case "1": { _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", bh1Pad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; }; case "2": { _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", bh2Pad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; }; case "3": { _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", bh3Pad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; }; case "4": { _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", bh4Pad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; }; case "5": { _newbh = createVehicle ["RHS_UH60M", bh5Pad, [], 0]; _newbh setVehicleVarName format ["%1", _vehWreckName]; missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1", _vehWreckName], _newbh, true]; }; }; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "eventHandlers\bhTest.sqf";  
    • People ware reporting a bug in the 2nd mission, so I released an update.   Changelog: Mission Sleepless Night: The attack waves shouldn't get stuck anymore. Also, the enemies aren't crawling now, so the mission is more fast and fluent. Mission Hidden and Dangerous part 1: The player's team now disembarks from V3S, even when he's sitting at the passenger (non-shooting) position. The last cutscene was replaced with a new one called American Onslaught. The original cutscene now plays at the end of mission Rude Awakening. More smaller changes/fixes/improvements.   Believe it, or not, I'm still working on new missions for this.
    • Hi to all! I hope that this thread is not dead and I also hope that the developers of this DLC have not abandoned their brainchild.   One question that I want to endlessly ask. Once, after I buy this content, I have already asked it on the SOG Prairie Fire feedback forum, but have not received an answer. Now, 3 years after the SOG Prairie Fire release, I am still concerned about this issue. I believe that SOG Prairie Fire has the best amount and also the best quality of content, that has ever existed for Arma 3, but one nuance just seems like a wild contrast to me. It looks weird to say the least. This detail spoils the impression of this DLC, making it one-sided, prevents him from becoming fully smooth and perfect, since it is Impossible in silence to play with pleasure as the Vietnamese soldier. Until today I always wanted to ask - Why the hell in ths super DLC don't Vietnamese fighters still have voices (radio protocols) !? Already I no longer ask the question whether it will be or not. I am sure that it will never appear. My final question is here - Why in the the SOG Prairie Fire, playing as a Vietnamese we will never hear Vietnamese radio conversations?   I can't even imagine the reason:    * SOG Prairie Fire creators don't like playing for Vietnam?
      * Someone made a promise to the Vietnamese president never to do this? * Vietnam War veteran/consultants was found, but impossible to find one Vietnamese person on the Internet, who can voice this? * Nobody wants to pay the Vietnamese for this * Before, no one thought of using a neural network for this purpose?   Please explain the reason to understand
    • Hey all,

      In my mission, I want a supply crate to drop from a Blackfish and then fire a flare so that players can see the drop.

      To do this, I have a trigger that is activated when the pilot flies over. Here is the on activation code: _success = objNull setVehicleCargo supplyDrop; flrpos = supplyDrop modelToWorld [0,0,100]; flrObj = createVehicle ["F_20mm_Red", flrpos, [], 0,"NONE"]; flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10]; The supply drop works just fine, but no matter how much I fiddle with the code, the flare never spawns. Please let me know if there is a way to fix the code or if there is another way of doing this.