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Group Link 3

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Of course i can create a auto Init script, but you have to think about some things.

If you play a mission, which has some objects ( For Example: Steal a Helicopter ) which is guarded by some enemy groups and you was spotted by some other groups, which call the Helicopter guard groups as reinforcements, then the groups which may was supposed to guard the Helicopter will leave their positions and go to where they was called in as reinforcements.

But ok i will create such a inizialize and you can use it, if it fit's your needs. wink_o.gif

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But ok i will create such a inizialize and you can use it, if it fit's your needs. wink_o.gif

Thank you, cant wait. smile_o.gif And I'll keep this in mind in case i come across with a mission with this kind of parameter.

Also is this mod modify the AI in a way to make it more likely engage from far distance (without using too much ammo) making suppressive fire and being affected by it?

I know Truegameplay mod is doing it but im not sure if its still necessary with this mod.

Basically my main aim is (being a singleplayer mainly) to find a way to make the Ai in my team and enemy as well fight in a smart and effective way with using flanking, suppressing tactics as well as attacking from distance. As you guys have much more experience can you pls give me an advice how to make it done.

I've recently tried ACE and while Im impressed with many features I found the AI a bit weak compare to the ones in slx or ecs. If u have any opinion which mods I should use to get a competitive AI in Single player would be appreciated. THANK you very much and sorry if this post got too long. Dunno who to ask if not u guys, thx.

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Yeah this looks fantastic. I'm just trying to figure out how to create units in DAC zones to get created using GL3. For example, an SP mission that has 2 enemy zones linked and all enemy units, vehicles, etc that get created in these zones will use GL3. I think I have to create an event some how but I need to learn more about that part of DAC.

If anyone uses DAC to create missions and knows how to do this please let me know. I'd appreciate a little help.

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I've recently tried ACE and while Im impressed with many features I found the AI a bit weak compare to the ones in slx or ecs.

have you tried ACE + ECS ?

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If you figure i out Manzilla please let us know. I've only used the events once before, that was using Rommels Advanced AI. That worked by initializing the script into each group after DAC created them.

With this being activated by the presence of the GL3_Group, i wonder if the GL3 could be initiated after DAC has populated the groups thereby adding them to the GL3 group list.

SNKMAN does GL3 update the group array at all, other than on initialisation? I.e for respawned groups? If so, intergating it into DAC might be a bit easier. (Then again are we going to run into problems because DAC units call for reinforcments ect. aswell?)

Gonna have to do alot of testing me thinks...

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SNKMAN does GL3 update the group array at all, other than on initialisation?  I.e for respawned groups?  If so, intergating it into DAC might be a bit easier.  (Then again are we going to run into problems because DAC units call for reinforcments ect. aswell?)

Gonna have to do alot of testing me thinks...

I do not know exectly, but spawned groups/units/objects also do run through the config.cpp.

GL3 do inizialize each groups/units/objects which was catched by the config.cpp so GL3 also should inizialize groups/units/objects which was spawned.

May i have to rework some stuff in GL3, so GL3 will wait with the Core Inizialize till a enemy ( spawned ) group was stored in the enemy group array.

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Thank you for the release! notworthy.gif I've been waiting for this for a very long time now biggrin_o.gif

I've studied your example mission and your readme but I want to make sure I got every right, so I've got some basic questions if you don't mind.

- only static groups need to be named in the edior (ge1=group this; and so on) in the editor + the target group?

- the settings from the GL3_Settings.sqf have to placed into the init.sqf if I want to use them?

- I guess Grouplink 2 and 3 are compatible to each other as the init.sqf decides which one is loaded?

- does grouplink 3 have any problems if the enemy side switches during the game? f.e. if units are set friendly to each other via SetFriend order

Yesterday I noticed something annoying ... I've loaded GL3 in my mod folder and connected to our server (yet there are no GL3 files and GL3 missions on it). I got a hint message with a warning. Will this happen with every non GL3 mission? If yes, how/where can I disable the hint?

Have you heard of my warnings regarding linux server and the referring to paths with having an @ in the pathname? Linux server will crash when recognizing it!

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Thank you for the release!  notworthy.gif I've been waiting for this for a very long time now  biggrin_o.gif

I've studied your example mission and your readme but I want to make sure I got every right, so I've got some basic questions if you don't mind.

- only static groups need to be named in the edior (ge1=group this; and so on) in the editor + the target group?

- the settings from the GL3_Settings.sqf have to placed into the init.sqf if I want to use them?

- I guess Grouplink 2 and 3 are compatible to each other as the init.sqf decides which one is loaded?

- does grouplink 3 have any problems if the enemy side switches during the game? f.e. if units are set friendly to each other via SetFriend order

Yesterday I noticed something annoying ... I've loaded GL3 in my mod folder and connected to our server (yet there are no GL3 files and GL3 missions on it). I got a hint message with a warning. Will this happen with every non GL3 mission? If yes, how/where can I disable the hint?

Have you heard of my warnings regarding linux server and the referring to paths with having an @ in the pathname? Linux server will crash when recognizing it!

1. Yes only Static Groups need to be named "Static_Group_Name=group this" you do not must use "ge1=group this" it can be any name you like, just make sure you initialize the Static Groups with the name you gave them in the init.sqf of your mission.

NO The Player ( Target Group ) must be inizialized by putting ONLY "GL3_Group=group this" in the inizialize field of the group leader.

2. Well yes of course you can copy and past them like you need it but mainly it was meaned to only remove the // in front of the variable to activate them.

The GL3_Settings.sqf is only loaded by the server this means the Server or the Cliend which host ( Is ) the server will run the settings script.

So it should be ok to simply remove the "//" infront of the variable.

Do it like you think. smile_o.gif

3. What do you mean with Compatible?

Of course you can not use GL2 and GL3 toghetter.

This would be totally nonsense.

Also the whole script, syntax, database, way of inizializing and so on was changed from GL2 to GL3.

4. Hmm... No it doesn't so far! But i surely will add this. Thanks for the advice. wink_o.gif

5. Yes i was thinking about this today too.

Well all my missions are GL3 missions so i never played a none GL3 mission and also never get this hint.

I will fix this in the next version till then you can disable it by unPbo "@GL3\AddOns\GL3_Core"

Then go to "@GL3\AddOns\GL3_Core\GL3\GL3_Core_Database\GL3_Init.sqf"

At the bottom of the page you can see a line which start's with hintC

In front of hintC put // to disable this line.

Should now also look like this:

// hintC "WARNING!!! No Group Link 3 Group could be found!\n\nOne player group need a ""GL3_Group=group this"" in the inizialize field of the group leader, to inizialize GL3 correctly!";

rePbo GL3_Core and overwrite the existing GL3_Core.pbo

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3. What do you mean with Compatible?

Of course you can not use GL2 and GL3 toghetter.

This would be totally nonsense.

Also the whole script, syntax, database, way of inizializing and so on was changed from GL2 to GL3.

I mean loading pbo's files of Grouplink 2 and 3 together. Of course I didn't mean to use GL 2 and 3 AI scripts in one mission wink_o.gif

Thanks for the "hint" hint biggrin_o.gif What are you going to do with the @ problem? I've noticed the scripts refers to @GL3. It's definately not possible to use a mod folder having the @. Unless you don't want to change it you should mark GL3 as incompatible to linux server. Maybe you can let the player choose which path it'll be? Maybe with a variable that reads the path to the GL3 pbo's?

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Thanks for the DAC discussion. I'm thinking if I initialize DAC 1st then GL3 it may apply itself to the created groups.

Now a quick question for SNKMAN. If I'm making an SP mission I understand that I need to put "GL3_Group=group this" in the groupleader/player's init field but what about if I have 3 teams total for the player to control, all members of each 5 man team is playable as well. Do I need to put "GL3_Group=group this" in the init field of the player/groupleader of team1 and also in the init field of playable group leaders of group 2 and 3? All the playable units in each of the 3 groups? Or only the player/groupleader of team 1?

Then for the static enemy groups that I do not want be called for reinforcement but be able to call reinforcements i place "Static_Group_Name_x=group this" in the init field of each of the group/team leaders I desire. Then add those group names to the line in the init.sqf?

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You only need to put "GL3_Group=group this" in the inizialize field of ONE playable group leader, all other groups which are friendly to the group leader which has the "GL3_Group=group this" in his inizialize field and controled by a player will be inizialized automatically.

"GL3_Group=group this" only is used into GL3 to detect which side the player ( Tagetgroup ) has.

You can call the Static Groups what ever you want...

For example:

If you like to use 2 Static Groups then:

In the inizializing field of the first Static Groups Leader write "This_is_a_Static_Group=group this"

In the inizializing field of the second Static Groups Leader write "TheWeatherIsBad=group this"

Now in the init.sqf of your mission inizialize thouse two Static Groups with:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// GL3 Static Groups:

// Groups listed in this array can no be called in as Reinforcement.

// Note: Static Groups can not be called in as Reinforcement but can

//  call other ( No Static Groups ) as Reinforcement.

GL3_Server set [4, (GL3_Server select 4) + [This_is_a_Static_Group,TheWeatherIsBad]];

Pretty simple. wink_o.gif

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Ok sounds good. You're right it's a piece of cake to apply. Thanks for the info.

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Quote[/b] ] Thanks for the DAC discussion. I'm thinking if I initialize DAC 1st then GL3 it may apply itself to the created groups.

And HOW to intialize GL3 after DAC is started?

"waituntil{DAC_Basic_Value == 1};" in the .sqf, and then?

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I don't know if it's a good idea to use DAC and GL3 together. DAC is using an own waypoint system so GL3 could mess around with the GL3 waypoints given to the AI during the mission. There might be problems with respawned AI too as GL3 is designed for units that aren't spawned during the mission - well at least if Snkman didn't change it biggrin_o.gif

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I'm a little new to the multiplayer scene, but I love what previous GL mods have done with the AI. If I make a MP mission that uses this mod, do all clients need to have this mod loaded or just the server?

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And HOW to intialize GL3 after DAC is started?

"waituntil{DAC_Basic_Value == 1};" in the .sqf, and then?

Sorry i can't help with this, becouse im not that good in the use with DAC.

But i'm sure someone else can answere your question.


Well if the spawned units/groups would run through the GL3 config then they could be used with Group Lik 3.

For this i need to know the behaviour of what exectly happend when units/groups are spawned.


Each client and the server must have GL3 running to use all features.

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Great news and many thanks SNK. smile_o.gif Down loading now and will try this first chance I get. Also many thanks for making this revive compatible mate.

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I still don't get how to use it, I tried it many different ways, and there still no GL3 features. Here is what I did

I Installed the mod by placing it in my main ArmA folder and made a shortcut for it.

I then placed 4 squads, 2 are BLUFOR and 2 are OPFOR

I then placed my self and added GL3_Group=group this to my intilization.

I then hit play

While im in the game, the AI are not shooting in till they moved very close. They arent shouting anything. I dont here any new bullet wizzbys. Nothing at all

What am I doing wrong?

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<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Group Link 3 v.1.1</span></span>


    Since Group Link 3 v.1.1 it’s not needed any longer to put “GL3_Group=group this†in the initializing field of the player ( Target Group ).

    Group Link 3 now will automatically choose who is player and which are his enemy’s.

    Note: To disable Group Link 3 you have to activate/enable a variable, which can be found in the GL3_Settings.sqf.

    It’s the first entry from the top of the GL3_Settings.sqf called // GL3_Public set [0, False];

    If you remove the “//†in front of the variable, then Group Link 3 is disabled completly.


    Group Link 3 now will check if a enemy unit has switched to friendly.

    If yes, then Group Link 3 will do nothing, if this unit was detected by Group Link 3.

    Requested by Legislator.


    Changed all ( 90 % ) of the execVM with “compile preProcessFileLineNumbers†so now scripts are called and compiled only once and executed with call.

    Thanks to: Sickboy for giving first advice.

    Special thanks to: _Xeno_ who explained and helped me so much understanding all this stuff.

    Removed some publicVariables, which was not needed.

    Once again: Thank you _Xeno_


    Fixed and changed some little things in some scripts.

    Fixed Helicopter eject function.

    Fixed Fire Effect for MP.


    Changed and updated some parts.

How to use:

Overwrite the original "GL3_Core.pbo" which can be found in "@GL3\AddOns\" with the one which is icluded in Group Link 3 v.1.1

<span style='color:red'>Mirrows:</span>

Group Link 3 v.1.1

Group Link 3 v.1.1

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What am I doing wrong?

Do you know how to use/install AddOns?

Make sure you added the line -nosplash -mod=@GL3 to your shortcut.

Quote[/b] ]

Group Link 3 How to install:

   Unrar the GL3 Archive.

   Place the @GL3 folder into "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\"

   Next create a shortcut from your original ArmA.exe.

   Right click on the shortcut and choose "Properties".

   Now in the target field you have "C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe"

   Modify your shortcut target field to: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=@GL3


Also many thanks for making this revive compatible mate.

Well no need to say thanks mate.

It's always a pleasure and must be to support your stuff. wink_o.gif

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Thanx for this great release. I have had much fun playing arouynd with it.

I am now making an realism missions using the GL3, but is got into an problem. I have tried to disable the markers, but using...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // GL3 Marker Core

 // Markers are automatically created for each GL3 and the player group

 // The markers also gives informations about the group moving directory,

 // the group behaviour and the group status ( AI only )

 // True / False, default is True

GL3_Public set [21, False];

...in init.sqf, will only disable the enemies marker. The player marker is still shown, which i do not like to have in my mission.

Is there a way to turn of the player marker? If not i can just hope it is possible in next release.


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Thanks for the update, Snkman wink_o.gif I'll have a look into GL3 again. I hope my problems disappear with the new version.

By the way .. you got a PN yesterday.

And still one question biggrin_o.gif Sorry if I repeat myself, but what are you going to do regarding the @-in-the-pathname-on-linux-server issue?

And another question ... does the AI still surrender if one group can't beat the human players?

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I still don't hear any shouting, or get a ringing effect. As I said before, nothing new is happening with this mod. I instilled it correctly because I'm playing a lot of other mods just fine.

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Thanks. smile_o.gif

Nice to hear you like it.

Well yes i just forgot to make this feature enabled/disabled by a False/True...

Of course i will make it changeable in the next release.

If you need to know how to disable it, till the next version comes out simply give me a go and i will post a code, that will disable the Player Marker feature.

Note: You have to unPbo GL3 open a script add "//" to the line rePbo GL3 and you are ready to go.


Yeah its in my list. wink_o.gif

But i didn't found a good solution for this so far, that's the reason why nothing is happend to slove this problem so far.

But i'm working on it.

GL3 got a new Captive/Surrender feature, which is disabled at the moment, becouse it's under heavy W.I.P.


Which other AddOns do you use?

NOTE: If you use any other AddOns, which require/use the E.E.H. ( Extended Event Handlers )

Then you have to use GL3 with the GL3 E.E.H. config.

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Which other AddOns do you use?

NOTE: If you use any other AddOns, which require/use the E.E.H. ( Extended Event Handlers )

Then you have to use GL3 with the GL3 E.E.H. config.

Well ... but that's leading to strange arma text settings somehow ... (see pictures below)

Ok I've tested GL3 1.1. I replaced the gl3_core.pbo and the gl3_config.pbo with E.E.H. and now GL3 is working!

The combat sounds work, the AI did some house search, they called reinforments, the bullet effects worked, the grenade hit fx did work, the paradrop worked, the marker settings. More I didn't notice in the first minutes.

But I found some bugs:

- the player doesn't "Reloading" when reloading ... well maybe some find it annoying, I loved it  tounge2.gif Maybe you could integrate it via optional parameter?

- the grenade hit fx is a little bit too load in relation to the other ArmA environment ... I don't want to get headache while playing, no matter if its realistic or not

- one error message (see picture below) / game speed was at 4x / I was shot down by the enemy after I killed every member of my team for ... uhm ... test reasons

- one missing sound (see picture below)

Testing environment:

- within the Editor

- ArmA 1.14

- other mods loaded


Missing sound

Ugly text setting 1

Ugly text setting 2

Ugly text setting 3

Error message

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