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Securite Civile Mod

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Glad you enjoy it!!! Make sure to give CheyenneAH56 credit on the forums for all of his excellent work!

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Comon guys, we would really like to see some suggestions and posts on the forums!!!!

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Wow, you have all them copters? Nice stuff guys, nice work.

I am not sure of your goals and hard to give some input yet.

But I like all those copters and I have a love for planes of course.

Nice mod, nice start

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Our goal is to have a fun, realistic fire fighting mod. I beleive we are going to be adding search and rescue missions aswell! So far, we do not have a scripter, so all we can do is put the aircraft in game, and make very very basic missions. If anyone with some basic scripting knowlage out there would be interested, please post on our forums!

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Ground units are in development! Not too sure about marine, will suggest that though!

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I'm really glad you are making such a mod !

From what I have seen, it is already well advanced : planes, choppers, scripts, etc.. Very, very nice work !

Some random ideas :

- make a dynamic fire fighting mission, with a random aircraft/chopper. The player spawns as a pilot, the alarm rings : a forest is on fire somewhere on the map. The player has to jump into his aircraft and extinguish the fire ASAP, with the help of supporting units (replenish, ground firefighters, etc..)

- script (how huh.gif) the ability of Canadairs to replenish directly fom the sea. Might be quite hard to implement, though !

- with the incredible amount of models you have there, people will be eager to modify them for their own needs/likings. What's your position regarding this ?

Otherwise : I'm looking forward to this mod ! Keep up the good work !


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Hey, Thanks for the responses! Yes, credits to JasonO for the free hosting, and excellent support! As for the dynamic mission, we have a few very very large missions planned! Also, for the pickup of sea water in the amphibious aircraft, I have already thought of this, and how it would work. We could only make a few designated areas, because we can only use triggers in the editor. We will deffinetly look into it more!

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Hey, I have installed this AMAZING mod, yet the helis and water/fire foam thingamagig do NOT show up.

I have installed the mod correctly, putting the PBO and Bisign files into my "Addons" folder.

The training missions show up, but I cannot use the helis/water/fire foam thingamagig in the editor, HELP?


Edited by AceDog97

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