hcpookie 3770 Posted December 22, 2017 Released! Both Vanilla and CUP versions are published to Steam, and my onedrive link here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!156668&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 CUP version is available separately! I've been playing with the different artillery selections so their max ranges should be accurately simulated. Up to 300km range on the SCUD so it should work on even the big-huge maps out there. Arty Fire Mission Reveal hidden contents /********* pook_ARTY Artillery Fire Mission Function ********************************************************************* Initiates player-requested artillery fire mission for friendly AI-controlled arty units. This can be scripted for mission-driven artillery support fire missions by "real" units on the map. The use of in-mission active AI artillery units makes the counter-artillery strike mission a real possibility. Enemy guns can be eliminated; friendly artillery has the potential to be destroyed. Consider a scripted mission with enemy AI calling in artillery strikes and you and your SF squad is tasked with finding and neutralizing the artillery units! The function can be assigned to a forward observer, spotter, or other "control" unit, and enemy artillery may become active by careful use of triggers or condition scripts to dynamically change mission parameters. All these possibilities exist due to "real" units on the map making use of this function, which turns artillery into a dynamic aspect for any SP or MP mission! This function currently supports: - POOK_ARTY: 2S19, 2S1, 2S3, 2S5, A-222, 9K58, TOS-1A - POOK_AFV: Pandur M-121 Mortar carrier - CUP: M270, BM-21, M1129 mortar carrier, 2B14 mortar, D30, M119 - VME_PLA: PLZ-05, PLZ-07, PL-96 (aka Type 86 - D30 copy), PP87 82mm mortar, PHZ-10, PHZ-81, PHL-03, PLL-05 - RHS: M119, D30, M109, 2S3, M252 mortar, 2B14 mortar, BM-21, M142 (HIMARS) - BIS vanilla artillery SRBM and SCUD fire missions are provided in their respective functions contained in the pook_Arty pack. Please comment in the BIS forum topic if other units should be considered for addition to this list. Author: hcpookie Arguments: ========== 0: The player calling the mission 1: TYPE: The artillery ammo type being requested (default = "HE") "HE", "SMOKE", "SPOT", "ILLUM", and "CBU" types are available. 2: OPTIONAL: Range (in km) to check for friendly launchers (default = 20km) 3: OPTIONAL: Map grid coordinates. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). USAGE: ====== 1. Place an AI artillery unit via editor, or spawn within mission. 2. Add the function to any forward observer, fire controller, recon vehicle, specops radio, etc. depending on your mission needs. The Fire Controller should be a Commander/Spotter/Radio operator, etc. or a forward observer vehicle operator. The controller could even be a scout plane, helicopter, etc. that would be in a position to request the artillery missions. The controller assignment is added either via "addAction" or via a trigger/script to assign the desired ammo type to an Artillery Fire Controller. Note that the ammo type values are CASE-SENSITIVE! Supported types are: "HE","SMOKE","ILLUM","CBU". The function will default to "HE" if no value is passed: this addAction ["Arty Mission", {[player] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - _arty = [this] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; ---- HE: ---- Using the HE value will launch a conventional high explosive arty fire mission. You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs: this addAction ["Arty Mission", {[player, "HE", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; ALTERNATIVE USAGE: You may also use a trigger/script in place of the artillery controller: _arty = [this, "HE"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; ------- SMOKE: ------- Using the SMOKE value will launch a covering smoke barrage fire mission. You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs: this addAction ["Arty Smoke Mission", {[player, "SMOKE", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; ALTERNATIVE USAGE: You may also use a trigger/script in place of the artillery controller: _arty = [this, "SMOKE"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; ------- SPOT: ------- Using the SPOT value will launch a single spotter smoke round fire mission. You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs: this addAction ["Arty Smoke Mission", {[player, "SPOT", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; ALTERNATIVE USAGE: You may also use a trigger/script in place of the artillery controller: _arty = [this, "SPOT"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; ------- ILLUM: ------- Using the ILLUM value will launch a flare illumination fire mission. You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs: this addAction ["ILLUM Mission", {[player, "ILLUM", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; ALTERNATIVE USAGE: You may also use a trigger/script in place of the artillery controller: _arty = [this, "ILLUM"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; ----- CBU: ----- Using the CBU value will launch a cluster munition fire mission. You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs: this addAction ["Arty CBU Mission", {[player, "CBU", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; ALTERNATIVE USAGE: You may also use a trigger/script in place of the artillery controller: _arty = [this, "CBU"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; 3. OPTIONAL: The third input parameter defines the search radius to seek friendly AI artillery units. Default search is 20km. This can be adjusted to accommodate multiple forward observers in the same mission. Example - to narrow the search for friendly units to 4km, change the input as follows: this addAction ["Arty Mission", {[player, "HE", 4] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - _arty = [this,"HE",4] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; 4. OPTIONAL: Map grid Coordinates. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). May be used for scripting purposes. If no value is passed, the fire mission operator will prompted for map-click coordinates. Example - to create a fire mission for a fixed position such as an enemy camp at map grid 150256, change the input as follows: this addAction ["Arty Mission", {[player, "HE",,[150,256,0]] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - _arty = [this,"HE",,[150,256,0]] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_ARTYMISSION; 5. Once the inputs are provided, the function will only select artillery units that meet the following criteria: - Only AI units are considered - Stationary - vehicles that are moving or in transit (either in a convoy or being airlifted) are ignored - Friendly AI units on the side (will not select neutral units) - Units in range of fire mission coordinates - Units with available ammo for the selected type of fire mission - Only alive units are selected; if the unit is destroyed, dead, or captured, the unit will not be tasked 6. The AI gunner will first fire a spotter smoke round, and within 45 seconds all units within the battery will begin the main artillery barrage. 7. Each AI unit will fire a random amount of artillery, anywhere between 3-8 rounds. 8. If AI is in a group, all similar units in that group will fire a salvo. Different artillery types in the same group may not participate in the fire mission. RETURN: ======= - AI will send sideRadio and sideChat notices confirming fire mission or reporting status if out of ammo, or no friendly artillery units are in the area (default 20km zone). NOTES: ====== - Cannot be used for human-controlled artillery units. - Fire Mission command cannot be aborted! - The artillery in the pook_Arty mod is calibrated to Real World values, and can launch anywhere between 1-40km depending on specific unit's capabilities. - Time on Target may vary greatly depending on distance, AI skill, and the specific arty unit's reload times (which are adjusted to Real World values in the pook_Arty pack). *************************************************************************************************************************/ Improved SCUD functions! Initiates player-requested SCUD fire mission for friendly pook_SCUD launchers. Can be scripted for mission-driven "RED DAWN" or "SEARCH AND DESTROY" SCUD fire missions (e.g. "Stop General Guba before he launches the SCUD" type missions). This function is available for SCUD, and Iskander (9K720) functions are in the works. To use the SCUD launch function: Reveal hidden contents /********* pook_ARTY SSBM AI Fire Mission Function ************************************************** Initiates player-requested SSBM fire mission for friendly pook_SCUD launchers. Can be scripted for mission-driven "RED DAWN" or "SEARCH AND DESTROY" SCUD fire missions (e.g. "Stop General Guba before he launches the SCUD" type missions). Author: hcpookie Arguments: ========== 0: The player calling the mission 1: The SSBM ammo type being requested (OPTIONAL: default = HE) 2: Range (in km) to check for friendly launchers (OPTIONAL: default = 20) 3: OPTIONAL: Map grid coordinates. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). USAGE: ====== 1. Place AI SCUD launcher via editor, or spawn within mission. The function supports types: - pook_SCUD - PLA_DF15 2. Either "addAction" for desired ammo type to a Commander/Spotter/Radio operator, etc: HE: ---- this addAction ["SSBM Mission", {[player, "HE", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SCUDMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - this addAction ["SSBM Mission", {[player] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SCUDMISSION},"",1,false,true]; CBU: ---- this addAction ["SSBM Mission", {[player, "CBU", 15] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SCUDMISSION},"",1,false,true]; 5kt: ---- this addAction ["SSBM Mission", {[player, "5KT", 5] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SCUDMISSION},"",1,false,true]; NOTE: You may use "NUK" instead of "5KT". Both will spawn the same fire mission ... You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs. ... Or via trigger/script for the artillery vehicle: _launch = [this, "HE"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SCUDMISSION; 3. OPTIONAL: The third input parameter defines the search radius to seek friendly launch-capable SCUD launchers. Default is 20km. This can be adjusted to accommodate multiple launchers in the same mission. 4. OPTIONAL: Map grid Coordinates. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). May be used for scripting purposes. If not found, operator will prompted for map-click coordinates. 5. AI will select and arm the appropriate warhead. 6. Script will disable consecutive reloads to prevent "infinite ammo" loops 7. Rearm can only be achieved either via player-based launches, and only for launchers with their "ScudLoadStatus" variable > 0. RETURN: ======= - AI will send sideRadio and sideChat notices confirming fire mission or reporting status if out of ammo, or no friendly SCUD launchers are in the area (default 20km zone) NOTES: ====== - Cannot be used for human-controlled launchers. - Launch command cannot be aborted! - The SCUD launcher is calibrated to Real World values, and can launch anywhere between 1-300km *****************************************************************************************************/ To use the SRBM Function: Reveal hidden contents /********* pook_ARTY SRBM AI Fire Mission Function ************************************************** Initiates player-requested SRBM fire mission for friendly SRBM launchers. Can be scripted for mission-driven "RED DAWN" or "SEARCH AND DESTROY" SRBM fire missions (e.g. "Stop General Guba before he launches the missiles" type missions). Author: hcpookie Arguments: ========== 0: The player calling the mission 1: The SRBM ammo type being requested (OPTIONAL: default = HE) 2: Range (in km) to check for friendly launchers (OPTIONAL: default = 20) 3: OPTIONAL: Map grid coordinates for first salvo. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). 4: OPTIONAL: Map grid coordinates for second salvo. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). USAGE: ====== 1. Place AI SRBM launcher via editor, or spawn within mission. The function supports types: - pook_9K720 - pook_9K720K - pook_K300P - pook_4K51 - pook_3K60 - pook_9K52 2. Either "addAction" for desired ammo type to a Commander/Spotter/Radio operator, etc. Note that the ammo type values are CASE-SENSITIVE: you must use "HE" and not "he" NOTE: Only HE is supported at this time! (CBU, 5kt to be added in future) HE: ---- this addAction ["SRBM Mission", {[player, "HE", 20] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - this addAction ["SRBM Mission", {[player] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION},"",1,false,true]; - or - this addAction ["SRBM Mission", {[player, "HE, 20, [7088.1,3146.17,0]] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION},"",1,false,true]; CBU: ---- this addAction ["SRBM Mission", {[player, "CBU", 15] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION},"",1,false,true]; 5kt: ---- this addAction ["SRBM Mission", {[player, "5KT", 5] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION},"",1,false,true]; NOTE: You may use "NUK" instead of "5KT". Both will spawn the same fire mission ... You may replace "player" with the object's "Variable Name" (in the editor) depending on your scripting needs. ... Or via trigger/script for the artillery vehicle: _launch = [this, "HE"] spawn pook_ARTY_FNC_SRBMMISSION; 3. OPTIONAL: The third input parameter defines the search radius to seek friendly launch-capable SRBM launchers. Default is 20km. This can be adjusted to accommodate multiple launchers in the same mission. 4. OPTIONAL: Map grid Coordinates for first salvo. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). May be used for scripting purposes. If not found, operator will prompted for map-click coordinates (for both salvos). 5. OPTIONAL: Map grid Coordinates for second salvo. Uses standard coordinate format (ex. [0,0,0]). May be used for scripting purposes. 6. AI will ready the launcher (raise launch tubes), arm and launch the missile. 7. This script has no Rearm option! Launcher rearm can only be achieved via rearm vehicles. RETURN: ======= - AI will send sideRadio and sideChat notices confirming fire mission or reporting status if out of ammo, or no friendly SRBM launchers are in the area (default 20km zone) NOTES: ====== - Cannot be used for human-controlled launchers. - Launch command cannot be aborted! - The SRBM launcher is calibrated to Real World values, and can launch anywhere between 1-300km - Assumes multi-silo launcher is in use, and therefore employs a 2-missile launch procedure. Single-silo launchers or launchers with partially depleted magazines may cause non-critical in-game errors if there are no missiles to fire at the 2nd target coordinate. *****************************************************************************************************/ Players can ready, load and fire the missiles, enabling the choice of HE, cluster, and 5kt nuke warheads on a player-controlled vehicle. Multiple texture sets for the vehicles. Trying to cover all the different camo variations - forest, desert, jungle, drab green for most of the vehicles. I've redone some of the previous textures from the A2 models that weren't looking too good in A3. Credit where it's due: - Citizenship models: 2S19, 2S3, 9K720 (default textures) - BIS: SCUD model, T72 chassis - MAZ chassis units all based on SA8Gecko's original A1 model. - Me: All the other models; custom textures, and logic for all vehicles. - - Also, new wheel 3D model w/ actual modeled tread. Systems so far - 2S19 'Msta' Self-Propelled Howitzer 2S1 Self-Propelled 122mm Howitzer (on the right) 2S3 Self-Propelled 152mm Howitzer (on the left) 2S5 Self-Propelled 152mm Howitzer (no pic yet) TOS-1A Mobile Rocket Artillery A-222 'Bereg' Coastal Artillery 4K51 'Rubezh' Coastal Missile Artillery 3K60 'Bal' Coastal Missile Artillery 9K58 (Smerch) Rocket Launcher 9K72 SCUD SSBM Launcher (selectable HE, cluster, and 5kt nuke warheads) 9K720 'STONE' SSBM Launcher CHANGE NOTES Reveal hidden contents May 10, 2020 =============== Expanded radiation fallout damage capabilities. Now support for numerous external mods' hazmat and radiation suits: Support for CBRN and respirator masks to minimize radiation damage to players! - A combination of supported respirator mask and CBRN suit will negate fallout damage. - The unit must be wearing the mask/suit! Simply carrying in inventory will not reduce damage! - CBRN suits without a supported respirator halve damage to "man" units. - Supported respirator masks will halve damage to "man" units. This function currently supports: CBRN/respirator masks: -------------------------- - Contact DLC (BIS) - Global Mobalization DLChttps://store.bistudio.com/products/arma3-global-mobilization - Hidden Identity Packhttp://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24936 - FAP Unitshttp://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30706 - CBRN Defense Units (Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units)http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31920 - JSHK Contamination Gear (branch of Skellingtons CBRN)http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=35106 - Avon FM12 Respirator Packhttp://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31901 CBRN suits: --------------- - Contact DLC (BIS) - CBRN Defense Units (Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units)http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31920 - JSHK Contamination Gear (branch of Skellingtons CBRN)http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=35106 Aug 12, 2019 =============== NEW: Gas masks now reduce nuclear fallout damage by half when players are within the radiation hot zone. Support for gas masks from: BIS Contact Global Mobilization Hidden Identify Pack FAP Units Aug 10, 2019 =============== IMPROVED: Nuke script optimizations IMPROVED: Nuke damage scripts for buildings, map objects IMPROVED: SSBM CBU coverage NEW: 9K720 Iskander CBU and 5kt Nuclear missiles NEW: Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) drone for nuke fire mission controller v4 ==== FIX: popup error "cannot open object pook_arty\pook_9k140\9m21_fly.p3d" FIX: Missing getin/getout memory points on 9K57 Urugan, 9K52 Luna FIX: Numerous RPT errors FIX: 2S1 model errors FIX: 3K60 Bal missile despawns before impact IMPROVED: Editor previews IMPROVED: MZKT reload vehicle model updated for easier identification IMPROVED: Fire mission functions NEW: Enhanced support for CUP, RHS, vanilla BIS mods' artillery units in fire mission functions NEW: 9P140-M Urugan-M artillery vehicle (based on Belarusian design) v3.1 ===== FIX: Tracked arty drivers heads were visible when turned in IMPROVED: 2S5 physx settings IMPROVED: Tracked arty drivers optics model IMPROVED: AP Direct Fire Munition damage Version 3: NEW: Updated script functions to use OPTIONAL pre-configured coordinates for scripting purposes. NEW: 9K52 Luna-M SRBM Version 2.1: - FIX: No Entry: 'bin/config.bin/CfgCloudlets.pook_missilesmokeshort' - FIX: Missing preview image - IMPROVED: ARTY FIRE MISSION Function now supports RHS M252 Mortar, M106 units. Version 2.0: FIX: - Missing FAE explosion effect - Missing some script radio sounds - Wrong lights on Scud; 2S5 - Conditional loop in functions that could disable fire missions - CBU warheads not deploying submunitions - A222 muzzle effects location - 3K60 missile launch animations IMPROVED: - Damage RVMATs - 9K58 Turret elevation limit - Artillery Fire Mission supports AI-controlled artillery from both this pack and other mods (VME_PLA, CUP, RHS) NEW: - K-300P "Bastion-P" ASM/SSM - 9K57 "Urugan" (Hurricane) Rocket Artillery - Artillery reload vehicle - SRBM Fire Mission function, supporting AI-controlled missile artillery from both this pack and other mods (VME_PLA, CUP, RHS) - Artillery fire mission supports grouped artillery units Version 1.1: FIX: - AI gunners ignoring artilleryFire commands - some vehicles tipping over when firing main cannon NEW: - Cannon artillery fire mission function (works with 2S19, 2S1, 2S3, 2S5, A222, and TOS-1A artillery units) TO-DO: - 9K720 Iskander fire mission - Rocket Artillery fire mission - reload ammo crates - reload vehicles 23 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ayoung 29 Posted December 22, 2017 Oh my. I just wet myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyus 139 Posted December 22, 2017 IDK what we did to deserve you, but all I can say right now is hell yes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 23, 2017 Another little teaser... this time of the 9K720... 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted December 23, 2017 Very nice pook 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyus 139 Posted December 24, 2017 On 12/23/2017 at 5:11 PM, hcpookie said: Another little teaser... this time of the 9K720... I will start the paperwork to make you a god. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 24, 2017 Well let's not get carried away... Credit where it's due: - Citizenship models: 2S19, 2S3, 9K720 (default textures) - BIS: SCUD model, T72 chassis - MAZ chassis units all based on SA8Gecko's original A1 model. - Me: All the other models; custom textures, and logic for all vehicles. - - Also, new wheel 3D model w/ actual modeled tread. 3 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ayoung 29 Posted December 24, 2017 I can't wait to go scud hunting on the PMC maps. Thank you Pook and merry Xmas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyus 139 Posted December 24, 2017 Its still a great Christmas gift haha! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted December 24, 2017 No one ever said it would be a Christmas release. I said "coming soon" which is as specific as I can be at present and that is in Geological terms of "soon" :) If it is ready by Valentine's day I'll be surprised. I would really like to make some static arty to complement the SP arty versions but I don't think I will go down that road. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliabualrub 1142 Posted December 24, 2017 RT-2PM2 Topol-M 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyus 139 Posted December 25, 2017 On 12/24/2017 at 4:17 PM, hcpookie said: No one ever said it would be a Christmas release. I said "coming soon" which is as specific as I can be at present and that is in Geological terms of "soon" :) If it is ready by Valentine's day I'll be surprised. I would really like to make some static arty to complement the SP arty versions but I don't think I will go down that road. I didn't mean I was expecting it by then hahaha! Just the post, is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted January 18, 2018 Progress! All conventional and rocket artillery is calibrated to their published distances. I can't confirm the 9K72 (SCUD-300km) or 9K720 (Iskander-500km) max ranges because there is no map big enough to make the test - not even PMC's maps on which I've been testing! Doubt anyone will complain about that :) No idea how AI will work with the "artilleryFire" command at 100km ranges however the config should allow them to function regardless. We'll see I guess. I haven't explored dispersion although I wish to provide the SCUD with a wider CEP since it should have around 3,000m CEP (!!!) vs. the 9K720 Iskander which is in the double-digits. Might be nice to have a "realistic" SCUD for those long range barrages which would mean you could never be sure it will really hit the target. I need to look into that some. As for the rest of the arty, they are considerably more accurate so they can probably remain as-is or perhaps altered only slightly. 3D models are mostly done and need very little except for some turret memory point config changes for the gunner views. Texture sets are about halfway done and progressing nicely. I've replaced the older texture sets that weren't really working that well with some better configured and color-matched textures. Overall things are looking better. Vanilla and CUP configs are planned. I am thinking about adding a reload truck so the ammo is available for reloads. Otherwise it will be tricky trying to rearm in the middle of a mission! Test results for different artilleryCharge values for posterity... Reveal hidden contents TOS ====== artilleryCharge = 0.25; 0-4.5k artilleryCharge = 0.3; 0-6.5k artilleryCharge = 0.35; 1k-9k 4K51 ====== artilleryCharge = 1 12-73k artilleryCharge = 1.04 13.8-79k artilleryCharge = 1.05 14-81k artilleryCharge = 1.1 15-89k artilleryCharge = 3 115k - ?? 3K60 ====== artilleryCharge = 1.2; 3.7-106k artilleryCharge = 1.3; 4.3-124k artilleryCharge = 1.34; 4.6-132k (130k) artilleryCharge = 1.35; 4.6-134k artilleryCharge = 1.5; 5-165k 9K72 SCUD ========== artilleryCharge = 0.75; 7-40k artilleryCharge = 0.8; 8-45k artilleryCharge = 0.9; 10-58k artilleryCharge = 1.8; 42-238k artilleryCharge = 1.9; 47-256k artilleryCharge = 2; 52-294k artilleryCharge = 2.02; 53-300k artilleryCharge = 2.025; 53-302 artilleryCharge = 2.03; 54-303k artilleryCharge = 2.05; 55-309k 9K720 ======== artilleryCharge = 0.3; 1.25-6.6k artilleryCharge = 0.65; 5.5-31k artilleryCharge = 0.75; 7-40k artilleryCharge = 1.5; 30-165k artilleryCharge = 3; 117-?? 9M55 (9K58) ============= artilleryCharge = 0.95; 2-66k artilleryCharge = 0.97; 2.6-69k artilleryCharge = 0.98; 2.6-70k (68k) artilleryCharge = 0.99; 2.6-72k (70k) 2S19 ====== artilleryCharge = 0.6; 0-23k artilleryCharge = 0.65; 0-28k artilleryCharge = 0.8; 0-40k A-222 ====== artilleryCharge = 0.64; 5-27k 2S5 ===== artilleryCharge = 0.68; 0-30k artilleryCharge = 0.69; 0-31k artilleryCharge = 0.72; 0-33k artilleryCharge = 0.8; 0-40k 2S3 ===== artilleryCharge = 0.48; 0-15k artilleryCharge = 0.485; 0-15.75k artilleryCharge = 0.49; 0-16k artilleryCharge = 0.5; artilleryCharge = 0.51; 0-17.2 artilleryCharge = 0.52; 0-17.6k artilleryCharge = 0.5205; 0-17.7 artilleryCharge = 0.521; 0-17.7 artilleryCharge = 0.523; 0-18k artilleryCharge = 0.525; 0-18.2k artilleryCharge = 0.53; 0-18.7k artilleryCharge = 0.54; 0-19.4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ski2060 167 Posted January 18, 2018 Along with that Reload truck, can you make some Ammo crate configs for reloading from crates? For bunker settings with ammo crates piled up next to the weapons/SPGs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted January 18, 2018 Like a "reload ammo crate"? I imagine I could do that... good idea! I'm going to look at the gunner memory points on some of the vehicles and try to fix some broken animations - barrel recoil animation going the wrong way, things like that. I have a few vehicles that does damage to itself when you shoot the weapon. I think the weapon mem points are too close to the 3D model but I can't be certain on that yet. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drongo69 117 Posted January 21, 2018 Hi hcpookie. Do your arty units use unique values for their mags and ammo, or do they inherit straight from BIS values? I'd like to accommodate your artillery when I re-release my artillery addon. Not sure if the rocket stuff is doable, but the tube stuff should be easy enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted January 21, 2018 New desert tan and showing off the hinged fenders on a slope... On 1/21/2018 at 3:14 PM, Drongo69 said: Hi hcpookie. Do your arty units use unique values for their mags and ammo, or do they inherit straight from BIS values? I'd like to accommodate your artillery when I re-release my artillery addon. Not sure if the rocket stuff is doable, but the tube stuff should be easy enough. Well of course they have unique values as the default BIS values won't accommodate the distances... not sure exactly what you're asking 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted January 26, 2018 Good news! The remote SCUD launch script is working now. Via action or script, you can order a SCUD fire mission. And the SCUD can reach out between 1km and 300km making SCUD hunts possible. And General Guba will be a threat once again! :D I'll have to make a video. I still have to ensure all factions have good paint jobs before they can roll out. Some minor physx problems on some of the vehicle but nothing serious. Also, fuck physx! lol Also... hinged fenders on the 2S19 along w/ the muzzle brake's anti-corrosion paint. Oh and also articulated barrel brace in travel mode. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 23, 2018 The menagerie so far. I have about another afternoon's worth of tweaks to make before they are ready to play. Yes they are that close to release. Yes there are a few additional goodies in there. 7 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 24, 2018 ADMINS: Can this be moved to the COMPLETE forum? Released! Both Vanilla and CUP versions are published to Steam, ... and my onedrive link here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!156668&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted February 24, 2018 On 2/24/2018 at 9:53 PM, hcpookie said: ADMINS: Can this be moved to the COMPLETE forum? Done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 24, 2018 Thank you sir! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polyus 139 Posted February 25, 2018 don't take this the wrong way, but I could kiss you right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliabualrub 1142 Posted February 25, 2018 Very cool on this great effort I was waiting impatiently Share this post Link to post Share on other sites