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iV - Ghost

Check for alive objects in trigger area

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There is a unknown amount of objects (Land_dp_transformer_F) inArea thisTrigger.

How can I count if all alive of this are smaller then 1 (< 1)?

This should be the Trigger condition.

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i think you need code like this, not sure haven't used triggers much my self:


{alive _x} count thislist < 1


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OK. And where is the object defined?

Should I write it like this:


{alive "Land_dp_transformer_F"} count thislist < 1;

And what is with the Trigger area ?



This is my scripted Trigger to check if a minefield is disabled:

_triggerSucceeded = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [7860.5, 10205.042, 0], true];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, false, 10];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "", false];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerTimeout [8, 8, 8, false];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerType "NONE";
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerStatements [

    "{mineActive _x && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allMines == 0",
    "['Airport_T6', 'Succeeded', false] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_taskSetState', 0, true];
    ['TaskSucceeded', ['', localize 'STR_iV_TaskSucceeded_Landmines']] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_showNotification', 0, true];
    deleteMarker 'M1';
    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (getpos thisTrigger nearSupplies 30 select {_x isKindOf 'groundweaponholder'});


In the conditions is what I'm looking for.

But I need it for the generators (Land_dp_transformer_F) and with !alive instead of mineActive and allMines.

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You didn't choose the easiest building!

The Land_dp_transformer_F is a "terrain" object without any workable class. It simply disappear when destroyed.

Its brother Land_spp_transformer_F, generally not too far,  can be destroyed and you can script with "Land_spp_transformer_F" class.

Don't ask me why so difference in BI classification. Probably because "solar power" was an update.


So, anyway, the way to check if your Land_dp_transformer_F is "destroyed" seems to add a trigger, very small area (2m) on the Land_dp_transformer_F position (use editor).

Then, let it none none and add the condition:

count (nearestTerrainObjects [getpos thistrigger,[],triggerArea thistrigger select 0]) == 0


The trigger is activated when the Land_dp_transformer_F is destroyed.

You need to do that for each transformer. Then add an ultimate trigger to check if all triggers are activated.

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land_dp is on Tanoa, and is a terrain object, whereas on Altis, the identical, but slighly different coloured land_spp object is not a terrain object and can be manipulated.

I plan to remove all the land_dp ones in mission init and replace them with the spp type because I want to be able to destroy them in a mission.

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3 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

 land_spp object is not a terrain object and can be manipulated.


What the vanilla map could be, Land_dp_transformer_F and Land_spp_transformer_F are terrain objects.

Same for the Land_DPP_01_transformer_F on Tanoa (different color).

But you're right. You can add editable Land_spp_transformer_F object. The "power plant" transformers (Land_dp_transformer_F or Land_DPP_01_transformer_F) seem to be forgotten. I wrote about that above.

The weird thing is you can "destroy" both of them (on Altis, not on Tanoa, see note below). The spp has a ruin model, so it's more "sexy" than the "dp" one which simply disappear.


On the other hand, if you want to replace any terrain object Land_dp.... by an edited Land_spp_transformer_F, you have to hide them !
Not so simple with no class.

In a trigger area (example here for TANOA map, see note):

{ _dp = _x;
  _dir = getdir _dp;
  _pos = getpos _dp;
  _dp hideObjectGlobal true;
  _spp = "Land_spp_transformer_F" createVehicle _pos;
  _spp setdir _dir
} forEach  ((nearestTerrainObjects [getpos thistrigger,[],triggerArea thistrigger select 0]) select {["dpp_01_trans",getModelInfo _x select 0] call bis_fnc_inString})



ATLIS STRATIS : dp_transformer_f.p3d  // take damage, disappear when destroyed  // can be hidden

TANOA : dpp_01_transformer_f.p3d // can't be damaged (simple object i guess)  // can be hidden

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OK. Til now I check if the generators are destroyed by:


_triggerSucceeded = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [5977, 3443, 0], true];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false, 0];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "", false];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerTimeout [8, 8, 8, false];
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerType "NONE";
_triggerSucceeded setTriggerStatements [
    "!alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86542) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86543) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86956) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86955) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86958) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86957) && 
     !alive ([5977, 3443] nearestObject 86954)",
    "['Chapoi_T2', 'Succeeded', false] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_taskSetState', 0, true];
    ['TaskSucceeded', ['', localize 'STR_iV_TaskSucceeded_PowerGenerators']] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_showNotification', 0, true];
    call iV_fnc_taskSucceededNumbers;",

 Works fine on Malden. But I think the code in the condition could be smaller if I can check for these objects in the trigger area.

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You're using objectid? Be aware that objectids are not guaranteed to stay the same.

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On 07/12/2017 at 10:38 AM, iV - Ghost said:

OK. Til now I check if the generators are destroyed by:


 Works fine on Malden. But I think the code in the condition could be smaller if I can check for these objects in the trigger area.

Just try it with an edited trigger, placed on your bunch of objects and use this condition:

count ((nearestTerrainObjects [getpos thistrigger,[],triggerArea thistrigger select 0]) select {_x inArea thisTriggger && alive _x}) == 0


NB: triggerArea ThisTrigger select 0 works for a square or a radius. Mind for the biggest side for rectangle.

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Because BI often add map content, changing many of the ids. Ghost Hotel is a case in point. It was added to it's island some time after we first got the island

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OK. This is not good. I hope this is an "inglorious" part of the past.

I think id's should be persistent and unique for working with.

A lot of my tasks are based on the id of an object what is still present in the map.

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In my area of operations there are often a lot of other terrain objects which are not part of the mission.

How can I select only the object I want if I use this code:


count ((nearestTerrainObjects [getpos thistrigger,[],triggerArea thistrigger select 0]) select {_x inArea thisTriggger && alive _x}) == 0 


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Read the nearestTerrainObjects syntax. I let the [ ] empty because, in your case, all dp-transformer classes don't work. You need some workable class(es) and it's a BI lottery.

You need to adjust your trigger(s) to catch what you really want to delete (hide) and nothing more.

You can filter the dp_transformers as I wrote above (with select):

((nearestTerrainObjects [getpos thistrigger,[],triggerArea thistrigger select 0]) select {["dpp_01_trans",getModelInfo _x select 0] call bis_fnc_inString})


The alternate solution is to determine objects' ids.

In 3den, run on console: do3DENAction "ToggleMapIDs";

then work with nearestObject:

([0,0,0] nearestObject 278985) hideObjectGlobal true


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The dpp transformers are type "HOUSE" in the nearestTerrainObjects command, by the way.

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7 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

The dpp transformers are type "HOUSE" in the nearestTerrainObjects command, by the way.

sure, that can reduce the filtering.

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The id's from Malden objects has changed in the past.

Have to change/adjust my whole task system.



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