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I have a little bit of experience with Arma 2 game, and I recently bough Arma 3. Since I do not have a lot of time and organisation, I enjoy single player missions. In Arma2 I got used to weapons and terrain (mainly Chernarus). However, after checking Arma 3, I noticed that the terrain is quite different (seems like South America or middle East) and I am pretty much unfamiliar with the weapons I saw so far.


1. Is it possible to have Chernarus or similar terrain in Arma 3?

2. Is it possible to bring back the weapons I got used to (mainly soviet weaponry, such as AK74, Igla, Strela, T-72 etc.)?

3. Where I can find good single player missions and how to put them in Arma 3?

4. If I understand correctly, Arma 3 is actually put in future, compared to Arma 2, where the main focus was on Cold War period?



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1. Download CUP terrains 

2. Download RHS Russian forces

3. There's various missions on these forums (search)

4. A4 timeline is 2035 but can be whatever you make your mission

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12 minutes ago, blackarrow90 said:

1. I found the following link http://cup-arma3.org/download but it needs CUP (for everything else but terrains) at http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=450814997 How to install this?

2. The same question, it redirects me to http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103



Just click the subscribe button and enable it in the ArmA 3 launcher.

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Welcome to Bis forums and to Arma3!


Like arma2 its a similar experience, however its way more upgraded with many more options and features, for all your questions you can do anything you want.

Use Armaholic for your manual downloads-----> http://www.armaholic.com/index.php

Use steam if you want to do things automatically------> http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/workshop/

1 hour ago, blackarrow90 said:

1. Is it possible to have Chernarus or similar terrain in Arma 3?




1 hour ago, blackarrow90 said:

2. Is it possible to bring back the weapons I got used to (mainly soviet weaponry, such as AK74, Igla, Strela, T-72 etc.)?

RHS mod http://steamcommunity.com/id/rhsmods/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410

their website http://www.rhsmods.org/

I also recommend CUP weapons which ports all A2/OA weapons into arma3 --->  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497660133

Armaholic it would be ----> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489

1 hour ago, blackarrow90 said:

3. Where I can find good single player missions and how to put them in Arma 3?


review the mission you want, make sure you have the required mods if any, then press subscribe

for Armaholic-----> http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma3_files_scenarios_spmissions

same as steam workshop except the missions on armaholic will come in a form of a zip, some missions may have the option where they are on steam workshop and you can subscribe to them.


Installation of sp missions from a zip will go here ----> Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Missions

for Steam workshop missions, you need to start the game and then choose the mission from the Singleplayer / scenarios.

Hope that helps.

1 hour ago, blackarrow90 said:

I noticed that the terrain is quite different (seems like South America or middle East) and I am pretty much unfamiliar with the weapons I saw so far.

The two Terrains that you see with arma3 is Altis, and Stratis, they are both terrains based in the Mediterranean Greece, for Tanoa if you bought the APEX expansion to Arma3, Tanoa is based off of the Fiji islands.

Just keep in mind that just because the base game is more futuristic, dont mean that your limited to that, anything that you want to do or play can be done be it mods, scripts, coding, missions, ect,.


Lastly I would suggest reviewing the wiki, guides, and tutorials that are on the menu of the game, if you decide to get into the editor the editor also has its own tutorial.


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