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good afternoon all guys, I ask a question to see if you can help me thanks,
Is there any scritps to place naval mines manually with the diver underwater?

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Aren't there any in the Eden editor? Are you looking for ones that automatically trigger or ones where you create the explosion yourself? Also, check the modules (F7 - I think, can't remember lol, don't use them myself :P) as well, there might be one there for what you need.

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You need to script something like:


this addAction ["put underwater charge", {
  params ["_unit","_target","_id"];
  _mine = "demoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle (_unit getpos [1,getdir _unit]);
  _unit addOwnedMine _mine;
  if (!isNull cursorTarget && {

    cursorTarget distanceSqr _unit < 25}) then {_mine attachTo [cursorTarget,[0,0,-1]]}



Works with demo or satchel... (just change that kind in the class). Mind the distance condition when you want to blow a ship or the mine will lay on bottom of the sea, but you can fish with that.

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"UnderwaterMine" is the moored mine, the one that is between the seabed and the bottom, anchored by a chain.

"UnderwaterMineAB" is the one on the bottom, it's quite small and hard to see.

"UnderwaterMinePDM" is the surface mine.

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My Mod Project FROGS also sticks C4 to boat hulls if you want a mod instead of a script.


I don't know why BIS won't give the water environment much love....

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