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Eren Ates

(BattleEye Admin Kick (ASP : connection problem #1)

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I have the following problem.When I try to connect to an Arma 3 server I get this message. You kicked from Server (BattleEye Admin Kick (ASP : connection problem #1) Why what does this message mean and how can I fix it? Thanks, have a nice Day!

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"I have the following problem.When I try to connect to an Arma 3 server I get this message. You kicked from Server (BattleEye Admin Kick (ASP : connection problem #1) Why what does this message mean and how can I fix it? Thanks, have a nice Day!"

- white text on white ground man^^


The server is using a special tool to keep people who are using vpn or try to join from a specific country out. Less Hackers that way.


Easiest fix is to try a different server or ask the server admins to whitelist you. (Or turn off vpn ;))

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