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[USA] [Coop] Vulture.Mercenaries Recruiting

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Vulture.Mercenaries (Or [V.M]) is a new neutral PMC unit created after a lead investor has gifted a base, weapons, ammo, a truck, fuel, and an assortment of missions. Unfortunately, we still need these missions done soon, so we are currently recruiting mercs to carry out our contracts. 


Contract 001:

Contract 001 is the first mission given to us by our leading investor. Recently, one of the investor's journalist colleagues has been taken hostage by enemy OpFor, who has demanded the hostage's family ransom money. Trouble is, the family has no money. It is up to us to save the hostage, and bring him back to Motherbase.


What you can expect:

Custom made Zeus missions or scenarios created with the purpose of completing objectives. As soon as we have enough people to fill a small squad, we'll start our first Zeus mission.



1. You must have a mic

2. Do not hog Radio or mic

3. Do not talk over each other

4. You must be at least 16+

5. You can be immature and funny, but at least be serious should the occasion call for it

6. Please have decent frames and ping

7. No team-killing


Interested? Message AdvertisingMercenary on Steam and I'll get back to you.


Teamspeak: ts84.gameservers.com:9128

Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VultureMercenaries

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