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AI troops not moving their feet .... which server setting do I change ?

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Hey folks,


Running my dedi server here (combination of VTS + ALiVE) and I've noticed that when AI are spawned they do not animate their legs when moving.  Any idea which server setting I can change that will make them actually move their legs ?

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have you checked this isnt a clientside/ serverside  performance issue, server cps and client fps are?

Units haven't got anthing disabled like simulation or dynamic simulation, set up for a lesser  viewdistance than the player has etc.

They aren't set up for any caching system either vanilla or addon variants

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I'm running ALiVE but not seen this before ... FPS and CPS are all great.  I think it is perhaps when they are spawned in that something isn't quite correct with the troops.  Don't normally have problems with other misisons on the dedi.  Will also ask in the ALiVE thread to see if they know.  Cheers terox

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