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This is the latest update of my Naval mod (version 1.5)


On this update many issues have been fixed and the addition of two more ships raise the number to seven.


Most of the ships that have boats attached on them, now have the option for player to detach them and move as crew into them.


I'll not post any detailed changelog as I worked so many hours on this mod that I'm not sure of what I've changed after all.

One is sure, that all ships are working fine and still are deadly using their weapons even if the AI are controlling them.


This mod has been tested only in vanilla game, using CBA_A3 (which is required), so I'm not responsible for any conflicts that might occur using other mods.


The mod is coming as modfolder ready and all files are properly signed. Also a server key is included, plus a classnames.txt file for mission makers help.


Original Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/4aztxzghw6ayo9f/%40HAFM_NAVY_1_55.rar?dl=0

Steam Workshop Link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882

Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207

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Fantastic work. I'll be checking out them changes. :)

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You're amazing

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

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Hello Aplion good mod, but you could do something with the surface of the heliports attempt to land with helicopters vanilla or contributed by the community and always exploited use advanced flight mode, also to place helicopters through the editor and then to run the game These jump through the air as if colliding with the surface. thanks for your job.

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  On 8/26/2017 at 7:51 PM, Carnemolida said:

Hello Aplion good mod, but you could do something with the surface of the heliports attempt to land with helicopters vanilla or contributed by the community and always exploited use advanced flight mode, also to place helicopters through the editor and then to run the game These jump through the air as if colliding with the surface. thanks for your job.


Not supported by game engine ... I'm working on that but still have issues.

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It's great! So, I don't know if its possible, but seeing as you're like the premier shipbuilder here, I figured you might know. Would it be possible to modify the Jets Update arming system to work with naval VLS?

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Um, also, could you add some light anti-air guns to the HSY-56?

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Efcharisto Aplion! Love your work mate!

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MOD updated to version 1.55 (Original download link, Armaholic link and Steam has been updated also).




Fixed an issue with Zeus and now all ships are selectable. As every addon/mod, you need to right click on "Game Master" icon, go to "Attributes" and select to include all official AND unofficial addons.

Some texture enhancement made to most of the ships (mainly on BLUFOR side).


Download Links : see on release post

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Surely this is an amazing mod!

The thing is that I would really like to ask something. Isn't it possible to attach Arma 3 objects on a naval unit?

These objects, if placed correctly so as not to be seen, can be the ones where the players actually walk on or where the helicopter lands on. That way there will be no sinking in the naval units decks and the decks will be walkable.

An example, you can take an Arma 3 vehicle and use the attachto command to attach a cement block on the top of the vehicle. Then you can place players on top and start driving. Naturally it will be a hillarious view but won't the units remain on the top of the vehicle no matter where the vehicle goes?


This suggestion could be a goof since I have no addon knowledge, I primarily am into mission editing, but sometimes goofs end up being profitable :smile_o:


Edit: After making some tests my "solution" only makes the surface walkable when the vehicle is not moving.

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Thank you my friend, really, thank you very much for making this mod, I love these boats, Thank Thank Thank Thank Aplion

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  On 8/27/2017 at 12:04 AM, Polyus said:

It's great! So, I don't know if its possible, but seeing as you're like the premier shipbuilder here, I figured you might know. Would it be possible to modify the Jets Update arming system to work with naval VLS?

Responding to this: the Jets update's pylons changes were visually mainly about getting the different underwing (and internal) weapon proxies to change, though substituting a bit for addMagazine/addWeapon in init fields/scripts; not sure what value that brings for canister/cell-contained vertical-launch missiles unless you're thinking of an in-Editor 'loadout menu GUI' like the Jets update-introduced Object - Pylon settings portion of the Attributes window.

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Hello Applion, congrats for your models. Its the best ship mod out there. Can I make a request? Can you make a Roussen-class fast attack craft or a La Combattante ( II or III) class? I think they will be a great adittion to the game! They have tons of weapons for their small size!

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  On 12/1/2017 at 11:33 AM, John1221 said:

Hello Applion, congrats for your models. Its the best ship mod out there. Can I make a request? Can you make a Roussen-class fast attack craft or a La Combattante ( II or III) class? I think they will be a great adittion to the game! They have tons of weapons for their small size!


Hi John and thanks for your kind words. Currently all my modding work time is dedicated to my main mod of HAFM ... I'm keeping your request for the future but still I believe that this mod, in current state, it needs improvement than vessels addition. In any case, as I said, I'll keep in mind that as also Greek NAVY has this type of ship.

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  On 12/1/2017 at 11:39 AM, Αplion said:


Hi John and thanks for your kind words. Currently all my modding work time is dedicated to my main mod of HAFM ... I'm keeping your request for the future but still I believe that this mod, in current state, it needs improvement than vessels addition. In any case, as I said, I'll keep in mind that as also Greek NAVY has this type of ship.


I see :(. I am aware that both of these ships are in service with the Hellenic Navy. The super vita class( or roussen) is so beautiful! I would love to see it. Anyway, I hope in the future that you can dedicate some time to it :).

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Who would like to see these ships in action?


The mission where some of the players can be the ships' Captains is Debatable Bravery:


1.]WebSite sublink here.

2.]BI Forums sublink here.


And one where the addon is used for decoration purposes is Miraculous Delivery:


1.]WebSite sublink here.

2.]BI Forums sublink here.


pic1.jpg      Pretty cool!


Hope this addon will continue being upgraded because there are a lot of mission restrictions due to



2.]boats not being able to be deployed in all modules,

3.]respawn, rearm and refuel modules not working,

4.]the lack in landing on the ships ability,

5.]the maschine gun cutting through a ship's antenna,

6.]the lack in animations when the boats are deployed,

7.]the need to upgrade the ships' modules. a lot of corners and such make some ship parts seem lego like,

8.]a ship missing its windows.


But the Anzak FG is awesome :thumbs-up:




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I'll work updating my ships ... unfortunately on each game update something is ruined ... I can't do much on that ... but again .. I'll start improving my mod soon ...


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Hello, Applion and a happy new year!


 First of all congrats for your amazing work! I made a forum account just to congratulate you.  I am using this mod along with the HAFM base mod for a couple of months now and I am impressed by your work. I would like to make a request if its possible for an another vessel, the same that the other users have mentioned. The roussen class fast attack craft. I mostly use your smaller boats like the patrol boat, the gunboat and the CB90. I have tons of fun with them in Tanoa especially. That's why I am asking for the roussen class vessel. It is small but deadly. It has more weapons than a frigate haha. And it is used only from the Greek navy as I am aware. I know that you prefer to do Greek equipment so I really hope you can get some time and make this ship available for us.


  I strongly believe it would be a great addition for Arma 3 and the Tanoa map especially due to its armory and its a beautifull ship as well. It has an Otobreda 76 mm naval gun in the bow section allong with two other 30mm on the middle. It does also have anti-air and anti-missile protection with the RIM-116 RAM missile system. Futhermore, it carries eight Exocet anti-ship missiles. Its a beast! Below I have a picture showing its armament.


Thanks for your time and sorry for the long text. I hope you can take the request into consideration!



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Guys ... first of all Happy New Year to all ...


... now ... you must consider that my base mod is HAFM and not this part of Ships (HAFM_NAVY) ... I have priorities and a lot of work everyday working to improve and correct things on my base mod as well as to any other mod or addon I've made so far. The problem is that I'm working just alone and my time has to also include my family and personal life as well ... 


As I said I'll try to make that model requested, but please don't expect that to either be done on one day, or be my priority now.


Just for your info ... except improving my main mod ... I'm also working on making Submarines in game ... so, spare me some time ... modding isn't easy and takes a long time until new models to be ready in game ... especially when I'm just one person who has to make the 3d model, make the textures, import it in OB, make all parts and animations, make config and scripts ... etc etc etc ...


Thanks for understanding that.

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  On 1/8/2018 at 4:40 PM, Αplion said:

Guys ... first of all Happy New Year to all ...


... now ... you must consider that my base mod is HAFM and not this part of Ships (HAFM_NAVY) ... I have priorities and a lot of work everyday working to improve and correct things on my base mod as well as to any other mod or addon I've made so far. The problem is that I'm working just alone and my time has to also include my family and personal life as well ... 


As I said I'll try to make that model requested, but please don't expect that to either be done on one day, or be my priority now.


Just for your info ... except improving my main mod ... I'm also working on making Submarines in game ... so, spare me some time ... modding isn't easy and takes a long time until new models to be ready in game ... especially when I'm just one person who has to make the 3d model, make the textures, import it in OB, make all parts and animations, make config and scripts ... etc etc etc ...


Thanks for understanding that.


Thanks for the reply. I totally understand that! Best wishes and thanks for taking the ship into consideration. 


Take care!

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A very small teaser screenshot of what I'm working on ... Just the Commander - periscope view as is now ... 


The submarine is able to dive through a GUI with max 35 meters depth and fire torpedoes and harpoon missiles (harpoon only when is on surface for the moment).

Oxygen percentage is calculated continuously when underwater and needs to go on surface for replenishment before it ends.

It have 6 members crew (three of them are just on their positions but without any use for now) and 12 members as cargo.

Submarine Commander have (by useraction menu) the ability to use a minimap giving "move-on" order to driver by clicking on any position of it.


That's all for the moment ... still early WIP.



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