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AI Pilots Less Capable Than UAVs?

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I searched for this, so I apologize if I've missed a similar thread.


One thing that vexes me about this game is how little control you have over AI pilots while in-game.  I realize you can script some of this behavior in the editor, but as far as i can tell (correct me if I'm wrong), it's virtually impossible to hop into a plane or chopper and serve as a gunner while the AI flies.  Unless I'm missing something, basically all you can really do to control the pilot is tell him where to move and when to stop.


Is there a more robust control suite somewhere that I'm not aware of?

It would seem that it would be pretty simple to give you at least as munch control over AI pilots as you have over UAVs.  Why can't I just ctrl-click on the map and tell the AI pilot to loiter 1500 meters away at 500ft altitude?  Or can I in fact do that and I'm just ignorant?  Wouldn't that be an easy addition, considering that functionality already exists for UAVs?  What am I missing?




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