Benno101 82 Posted August 13, 2017 Extended Fortifications Mod Sustainable security solutions for your safety. More than 1 year after announcing and hundreds of working hours, im happy to release the third public version 0.7 of the Extended Fortifications Mod. It contains a variety of 94 modular base elements aiming at the extension of vanilla fortifications by adding the possibility of creating contorted military outposts on small areas, mountain bases, checkpoints aswell as the refining of big sized, military bases. As Im going to be absent for 6 month from September on, please submit suggestions or bugs before that time. Benno FEATURES- 94 single models - Up to 6 range LODs - "Simple object" option in Editor - Editor preview pictures - Server key (.bikey) included - Zeus integration PLANNED FEATURES - Ace integration - More assets KNOWN ISSUES - CHANGELOG Version 0.7 (02.09.2017)ADDED Note: Updated license! EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_beam_wood_h_4m EFM_beam_wood_h_4m_railing EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_opfor EFM_stair_wood_1m EFM_stair_wood_1_7m EFM_stair_wood_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_1_7m EFM_ladder_metal_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_3_7mFixed fixed performance issues for revetment_wall_types missing zeus objects deleted unsupported UV Sets _______________________ Version 0.6 (24.08.2017)ADDED Zeus integration EFM_wood_wall_2m_beam EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_supportFIXED Added "simple object" possibility in EdenEditor Server key now working properly EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed alpha texture EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD ____________________Version 0.5 (03.08.2017)ADDED EFM_beam_wood_angular_bearer_01 EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_1m EFM_beam_wood_h_1m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_2m EFM_beam_wood_h_2m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_3m EFM_beam_wood_h_3m_railing EFM_beam_wood_v_0_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_2_75m EFM_beam_wood_v_2m EFM_concrete_barrier_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_big_pillar_new EFM_concrete_wall_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_new EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_pillar_new EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_opfor EFM_coverage_concrete_2_7m EFM_coverage_concrete_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A EFM_coverage_plywood_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_soil EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_soil EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_soil EFM_rack_wood_big_new EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_stair_wood_3_5m EFM_support_hole_dirt EFM_support_hole_soil EFM_mobile_barrier_A EFM_mobile_barrier_B EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small_orange EFM_pole_B_01_yellow EFM_pole_B_02_black EFM_pole_B_03_black_white EFM_slide_gate_small EFM_tetrapod_line EFM_tetrapod_line_wet EFM_tetrapod_pile_big EFM_tetrapod_pile_big_wet EFM_tetrapod_single EFM_tetrapod_single_wet CONTENT DOWNLOAD Steam Workshop Armaholic Included Files EFM_basic_textures.pbo EFM_modular_base.pbo EFM_road_barrier_items.pbo EFM_road_barrier_static.pbo LICENSEBy downloading and using my work, you hereby agree to the following license agreement.Creative Commons Attribution by nc-nd-4.0 International Public License -Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives For more info, see to this license, I prohibit the use of this software or parts of it in any "pay-to-play" monetization scheme and / or server. This addon is provided for Bohemia Interactives Arma 3 series only. Please report any infringement of the license above directly. CREDITS Special thanks to Jay, Jokoho, Da12thMonkey and X3KJ aswell as the whole ArmaWorld and Discord Community for helping me out with bugs and scripting. DISCLAIMER One or more textures used on the models included have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit more information. _________________________________ THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES. 23 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted August 13, 2017 Very nice, congrats on the release Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crielaard 435 Posted August 13, 2017 Its the small and simple mods like this which make arma great. Especially when they are small in data size like thisone. great job. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 13, 2017 Very nice modifications there ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rich_R 1087 Posted August 13, 2017 This is a much needed addition to the game and looks great. Congrats on your hard work and thank you for bringing this to community. You asked for feed back, here are few things to take into consideration. Make the ground elements (Dirt, plywood etc) cut grass when they're placed. Some objects do this in game, when placed, they remove ground vegetation. This will save mission makers have to use additional assets of grass cutters when using your much needed mod Offer some elements in bigger swatches. Dirt, plywood and even the camo net could be offered in 5m square and maybe 10 m square? These are the options in some ground pieces in the CUP pack and shouldn't necessarily replace what you've already done, but add to it and allow mission makers the ability to do more with less :) A version of the plywood that looks dirty (as if it had been walked on) You can currently walk through the dirt filled boxes Offer the stairs in a smaller size I do a lot of base building for my missions and had wondered if I could ever make something that looks a lot like what you've done, so kudos. Great effort and great job. To coin a phrase, 'You had me with the stairs!' 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mondkalb 1087 Posted August 13, 2017 Congratulations for pulling through with this project! Glad to see feedback being incorporated before the release, too. You declared this as version 0.5, may I ask what extra work you have planned to reach 1.0? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benno101 82 Posted August 13, 2017 @Rich_R Thanks for the feedback, ill try to fix / add the most during the next 2 weeks, will be off next week though... @mondkalb Well id really like to add ACE support for allowing some Squad like real time building mechanics. Also having loads of more ideas for other useful objects aswell as unfinished models. Poorly currently aint got the time to do so...Will still try to kick through a lot before September. :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ahmedslimkw 223 Posted August 13, 2017 Stellar mod Benno! I love the fortifications in which you can create real interesting bases :D (managed to create a guerilla base, cause fortifying ruined houses is boring :P) Keep up the splendid work! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colince411 38 Posted August 13, 2017 Very Nice! Please continue work, we will always follow fortification mods! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrSanchez 243 Posted August 13, 2017 Me gusta. I love stuff to fortify (enemy) positions with. This will be a good addition :) Kind regards, Sanchez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wansec_6 200 Posted August 14, 2017 G'day Benno101, I have been experimenting with your fortification components and they are really good. I have one question/suggestion. Could you make concrete wall selections that don't have the angled base on them. This would allow them to be stacked on top of the angled base units to construct multi-storey structures and defences, field expedient barracks etc. Perhaps even some doorway/passage concrete structures as well? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 14, 2017 Thanks for sending us the release :) An Armaholic mirror is now available:Extended Fortifications Mod v0.5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted August 14, 2017 this is really nice, keep it up. this is a have to have mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benno101 82 Posted August 21, 2017 Summing up the feedback ill be working on the following items for the next update. Feel free to add suggestions for more objects. - Stair (Height variants) - Rev. Wall (Geometry LOD fix) - Rev. Wall (Camo variants) - Ladder - Wall Panel - Wood Coverage (Footprint variants) - Concrete Wall (Top segment) - Concrete Wall (Doorway) - Camo Coverage (Size variants) Unknown release, hopefully the next one... - Ace Integration - Sliding Gate - Metal Gate - Bar Gate Also feel free to post pictures of your custom bases. :) 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benno101 82 Posted August 24, 2017 Updated to Version 0.6 (Hotfix) (24.08.2017) ADDED Zeus integration 8x EFM_wood_wall types "Simple object" possibility in EdenEditor Fixed EFM_revetment_wall types fixed Alpha texture + Geo / PhysX / Fire LOD Server key issues Thanks @Joko for tracking and solving the server key + zeus problems! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 26, 2017 The Armaholic mirror has been updated:Extended Fortifications Mod v0.6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sargken 286 Posted August 26, 2017 Good work, this has been somthing that has been missing in the arma series. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoalaGM 0 Posted August 31, 2017 I'm so sorry, this is my first server. Do I have to edit the map so I can place an NPC? Or does it already spawns by itself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victruso 179 Posted August 31, 2017 On 8/31/2017 at 1:14 AM, KoalaGM said: I'm so sorry, this is my first server. Do I have to edit the map so I can place an NPC? Or does it already spawns by itself? I think you're in the wrong topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoalaGM 0 Posted August 31, 2017 On 8/31/2017 at 2:16 AM, Victruso said: I think you're in the wrong topic. Wait, isn't this base system? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victruso 179 Posted August 31, 2017 On 8/31/2017 at 2:31 AM, KoalaGM said: Wait, isn't this base system? No, not like something where you pull up a menu and it places stuff down. These are assets that can be placed down and used in the Editor when making scenarios, or used in the map editor when making a map. If someone wants to make a mod/script that's a base building system using these assets, then they can. But for all intents and purposes, they're structures that need to be placed down before the scenario is started or if the scenario has started already, they need to be called in by a script/function. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benno101 82 Posted August 31, 2017 @KoalaGM I think you were looking for this this one: @Victruso. a real time building mechanic by joko is already in the pipeline ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benno101 82 Posted September 1, 2017 Please note: Updated legal license above! Quote LICENSEBy downloading and using my work, you hereby agree to the following license agreement.Creative Commons Attribution by nc-nd-4.0 International Public License -Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives For more info, see to this license, I prohibit the use of this software or parts of it in any "pay-to-play" monetization scheme and / or server. This addon is provided for Bohemia Interactives Arma 3 series only. Please report any infringement of the license above directly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites