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Does anyone have a script or an immersive way to skip time? I would like for everyone to be able to change the time, either by adding an action to deployed sleeping bag (like zues has with spawn points), or a simple, if you sit down you get an addaction to skip the time 2 hours forward.  It would be amazing if there was a fallout kind of way to skip time, with a slider and everything. 

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9 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:


Alrighty, well so how do we go about adding that onto all deployed sleeping bags? Or just on players who sit down? I'm not going to give every player access to the debug menu :P.

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For starters you cannot have all players or several players changing time, it could only be 1 player or automatic script. You cannot use setAccTime in multiplayer either, so this leaves you with 3 other commands that need to be executed on the server only. So

player addAction ["AccelerateTime", {[120] remoteExec ["setTimeMultiplier", 2]}];
player addAction ["ResetTime", {[1] remoteExec ["setTimeMultiplier", 2]}];

add this to the time keeper

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Just now, hank kelley said:

Alrighty, well so how do we go about adding that onto all deployed sleeping bags?


Try this for brown sleeping bags

player addAction ["Sleep", {skipTime 5}, nil, 0, true, true, "", "typeOf cursorObject isEqualTo 'Respawn_Sleeping_bag_brown_F'"];


Just now, hank kelley said:

Or just on players who sit down?


This is for rifleman sitting down

player addAction ["Sit and wait", {skipTime 5}, nil, 0, true, true, "", "animationState player isEqualTo 'amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon'"];

Just an example, see KK's post about MP compatibility

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guys I need help with ingame time.


My story: i have mission, where I need launch nuke at 12:00. Mission is started at 10:00. When I use BI countdown timer, countdown isnt accurate (because acctime, save/load, etc. - difference should be +- 30 minutes ingame time, so in result it is one hour "window" when nuke can launched).


My idea is use ingame time. I try many things with this, but I´m not able to do it functional. I have complete whole mission with almost 2 hours gameplay but this problem with countdown makes me crazy :-/ Other two friends try to fix it, but they also dont know.


Can anyone help me with this?


Idea: Script checking ingame time (no how long I am playing, but time on ingame clocks). When will be 12:00 script start my script "launch.sqf".



What I try to use. But isn´t accurate.

_launch = time + 7200;
waitUntil {time >= _launch};


Has someone any idea? Thank you

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6 minutes ago, Vanhouten_cz said:

guys I need help with ingame time.


My story: i have mission, where I need launch nuke at 12:00. Mission is started at 10:00. When I use BI countdown timer, countdown isnt accurate (because acctime, save/load, etc. - difference should be +- 30 minutes ingame time, so in result it is one hour "window" when nuke can launched).


My idea is use ingame time. I try many things with this, but I´m not able to do it functional. I have complete whole mission with almost 2 hours gameplay but this problem with countdown makes me crazy :-/ Other two friends try to fix it, but they also dont know.


Can anyone help me with this?


Idea: Script checking ingame time (no how long I am playing, but time on ingame clocks). When will be 12:00 script start my script "launch.sqf".



What I try to use. But isn´t accurate.

_launch = time + 7200;
waitUntil {time >= _launch};


Has someone any idea? Thank you

Simply use daytime:

_launch = 14;
waitUntil {dayTime > _launch};


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