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19 minutes ago, Abyss_Prostration said:

Rly that your proof? Уважаемая администрация, сразу хочу извиниться за русский язык ибо всё расписать на английском будет трудновато, обьясните пожалуйста молодым, чтобы они не выкладывали такие никчемные пруфы, сколько с ними играю и мне становится стыдно за них) 

И обьясните им пожалуйста, что не красиво наезжать на человека из-за куска диалога, пусть весь покажет...

И обьясните им пожалуйста, что такое рассинхроны, потому что у ваших серверов это далеко не внезапные ошибки появляющиеся из-за читеров, со всем уважением, конечно же.

Это относится и к ChettoGrill и к Pherol и к прочим людям, которым я кажусь читером, спасибо.

And can you answer me why sometimes when i try to connect to your servers i get inscription "Cant connect to servers Bohemia".

And how i said before, i can repeat "im cheater" million times but using such a that as a proof - stupid idea if u dont understand why - мне вас искренне жаль)



We have clear cut evidence by your own admission that you have used third-party software (in other words; cheating) to get to level 24.
People have also observed you flying around the map.

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26 minutes ago, Abyss_Prostration said:

Rly that your proof? Dear administration, I just want to apologize for the Russian language, because it will be difficult to paint everything in English, please explain to young people so that they do not post such worthless proofs as they play with them and I feel ashamed of them) 

And explain to them please, that it is not beautiful to run into a person because of a piece of dialogue, let everything show ...

Also explain to them please, that such рассинхроны because at your servers it is far not the sudden errors appearing because of cheaters, with all respect, certainly.

This applies to ChettoGrill and Pherol and to other people whom I seem to be cheating, thank you.

And can you answer me why sometimes when i try to connect to your servers i get inscription "Cant connect to servers Bohemia".

And how i said before, i can repeat "im cheater" million times but using such a that as a proof - stupid idea if u dont understand why - мне вас искренне жаль)




Don't worry, they are not to decide who's guilty and who's not.

Though I have to remind you to stick to English here ;)  Говорите, пожалуйста, по-английски



4 minutes ago, Pherol said:


We have clear cut evidence by your own admission that you have used third-party software (in other words; cheating) to get to level 24.
People have also observed you flying around the map.


Please provide proper evidence, in form of a Video or Screenshot.

Somebody writing "I am clearly cheating" or "this toggleAimbot();", "..." is no proof.

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15 minutes ago, Pherol said:




First of all I want to make clear that I am not a BI employee, Im spending my free time here writing this.



I am not sure about you, but for most ppl playing online games means not only to play the game, but to communicate with others, about the game, about tactics, about the games rules, and about ppl that break those rules.

We are all sitting in 1 boat, and I personally find this situation unpleasant as well.


RV Engine is not known for being exploit proof, and Battleye is not doing a good job either. That's why the Development team is working on a new system, wich will be introduced in the next update, to improve the Situation.

I can only remind you that this game is free to play, and Rome was not build in 1 Day and not in 1 Week.


Other games, e.g. CSGO have almost a decade of anticheat history, and are they doing any better? This game was released as a Free game not even a month ago, so stop overreacting.


And for the reports, i've see this guy called "Pherol" he was even admitting that he was cheating in chat, this should be enough evidence shouldn't it?


This is just me on having "the balls to tell me to provide "proper evidence"" or are you telling me this is not enough?

Jokes a side, I hope you can see now that a screenshot of this sort it not a proper proof. In my country you are innocent until proven guilty and I kinda like that concept.


Also there are no Level 25 Accounts handed out that are being used "for testing" as you call it. All current level 25 players had to go through the process of earning the xp.

All official test are being done on none-public servers that are not accessible by normal players.

So instead of ranting try to stick to facts, and not some wild assumptions.

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19 minutes ago, Yoshi_E said:




A few days after I started playing Argo, I heard the same promises. "Next update everything will be fixed". So far, nothing has happened.
Its not about how the RV-Engine is riddled with bullet-holes like a swiss cheese. Its not even about how battleeye is not working. Its about the people that are supposed to be working on this game not doing their damn job. Show some initiative, fix a few exploits in a hot-patch, show the community that you actually have the assets and opportunity to actually do something.

And in terms of my report of Abyss_Prostration. This is not the first time he has admitted using cheats. We are not talking about one case, with one screenshot. This guy is admitting to this crap constantly.
Bringing the whole "innocent until proven guilty" is just idiotic, considering you would be prosecuted in pretty much any country if you admitted to committing a crime, over and over.

And yes, there are level 25 accounts handed out, to the "Quality Assurance Team". That's the guys that made a shit-show a few days earlier, and you can read all about it on Page 5 in this thread (while we are talking about facts that is). Oh, and yeah, that was official servers (also a fact FYI).

Should we talk about how you guys banned GhettoGrill for simply reporting exploiters and potential cheaters by the way? Since Bohemia is such a fantastic company that promises to build Rome over a extended period of time...
Leave the actual cheaters and exploiters in the game, but ban the ones that want to make the game thrive and excel! Good job!

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With the amount of reports of Abyss, and the number of people that feel he isnt 100% legit, should weight something on your outcome here, even if you cant detect what he is doing, he is doing something wrong, not being able to shoot him because he is laggin around even with low ping should ring alot of alarms ! 

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A Public Reminder

As Yoshi_E pointed out, the moderators are not paid, we have no control over how the game is created/programmed. We are trusted volunteers who help keep these forums a safe, manageable and educational place for all. In that respect, we will delete/hide posts that do not adhere to the letter and intent of the forum rules/guidelines.

If you choose to report a player that you suspect of cheating, be advised that you will be required to supply appropriate evidence of such. If you feel that you shouldn't have to provide evidence, then maybe you should reconsider filing a report.

Furthermore, I notice this thread beginning to enter a downward spiral, it will be closed if it continues. 

Keep posts civil, factual, clean and non-threatening. 

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Yep.. I was in that server also.. saw the entire chat. Abyssal was making excuses after the other.
Like him, there are some other.. even worse than Abyssal... all of them should be removed.

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These guys dont deserve their ranks:

(my friend has all on video while these retards tried to stop us for playing normally, then they left as we just continued killing them while they tried to boost.)


Ps. we joined while there was only two rounds left, and by looking these guys scores then no wonder they have leveled up quickly.



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21 minutes ago, Gspot said:

These guys dont deserve their ranks:

(my friend has all on video while these retards tried to stop us for playing normally, then they left as we just continued killing them while they tried to boost.)


Ps. we joined while there was only two rounds left, and by looking these guys scores then no wonder they have leveled up quickly.



Picture of "Them" or there scores ?


Edited by R0adki11
removed quoted images as per forum rules

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On 18-7-2017 at 1:44 PM, GhettoGrill said:

Seems strange to use those guys as testers, when you have some people playing your game 18+ hours a day ! :/ 

Amd their behavior is shocking seeing they represent your company :/ 

say what about my behavior ? 

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18 minutes ago, AMD SupaDutch1 said:

say what about my behavior ? 

Joking about cheats, and killing lvl 1 people on a public server, without being transparant about the reason, is strange in my eyes !

Or are you joking because of my missspelling ?

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i never said ur cheating... and lvl 1 team killing if they dont walk front of my bullet's problem solved... but you said my bevarior xD what is wrong i never flame to any 1 depends if they call me hacker or cheater or something like that i call them plzz learn to play the game.. xD

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3 hours ago, GhettoGrill said:

Picture of "Them" or there scores ?


Does it really matter?

But heres one teaser for you.No count overall points and think how he got all those points?

Yes, all these guys did they traded links until we came in game.(maydayhero + cactus & legendary  and if i remember right that yakke  too) 

This is enough for me cause i know admins dont do anything, as i said  my friend has whole round on video but who cares...this is too common now but if you ask for me i just reset these guys or ban them.For common example.


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Another one glitched in the tower, reported this guy 2-3 weeks ago too, both for glitching, and very toxic behavior ! 


In the words of the famous DJ Khaled "Another one"

cant emphasize this enough, but PLEAASE PLEASE PLEASE , make something happen, these people are glitching and mocking both your players, and the developers of this game !

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Abyss is still running around with his cheats.. and his glitches as well.

Then he says that it's lag, not cheats.

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2 minutes ago, Megatronpt said:

Abyss is still running around with his cheats.. and his glitches as well.

Then he says that it's lag, not cheats.


:eh: i leave the server when the people ive reported joins ! Not alot of servers left to play on :/ 

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Another player laggin, hitting him multiple times, in the head, blood splatter and head bobbing, and he runs on killing people ! 

his ping swings from 200-400, and its unplayable, please make latency max on servers or something !

EDIT: he said he was french, so his ping should not be allowed above 100 + or something 

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8 minutes ago, Sarottid said:

Hi I just recorded a gameplay of this guy glitching inside a tower where nobody is suposed to be... he's been glitching on several locations many games in a row... if the picture is not enough I can upload the video...




what tower is that ? 

and if you could share the video it would be good 

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Hi everyone, just a quick note, we already banned some of the players from this thread to which the report had sufficient proof. So report further. :)

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TY for the info Cookie.  That is encouraging.  

And I agree this list has digressed into a childish wrangling.  People, state your case and post what evidence you have then just let the devs/admins handle the rest.  Stop the pointless arguing.  Just stick to the facts people.  Fevered emotional outbursts and insults will not persuade the dev/admins of the validity of your point.  :dummy:

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2 hours ago, ITokyYourCookie said:

Hi everyone, just a quick note, we already banned some of the players from this thread to which the report had sufficient proof. So report further. :)

are screenshots Sufficient ? or are videos needed ? and is it the glitch abusers you are punishing ? :D

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Today there was an hacker on the Server  


Screenshot 1





He teleportet all Players to 1 place and shot some granates into the map.


it was 1 of These Players   ( not me: PODDI )


Screenshot 2





Maybe it will help the admins when they see the Names.




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5 hours ago, ITokyYourCookie said:

Hi everyone, just a quick note, we already banned some of the players from this thread to which the report had sufficient proof. So report further. :)


Awesome, thanks! :)

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