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thanks man !!
exactly, i wish to create a "spawner-bubble" around player for random map population, should be simpler than caching AI !
this is full script, and my final aim is to be able to select the amount of vehicles to spawn, choose them randomly from a types list, and spawn them....if one gets too far or gets disabled, another one should spawn !
thanks for your help !

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Example mission :


fn_boatSpawner.sqf :

if ((isDedicated) || (!hasInterface)) exitWith {};

	["_minBoats", 1],
	["_maxBoats", 2],
	["_spawnDelay", 300] // Delay before spawning again...

sleep _spawnDelay;

_totalBoats = missionNamespace setVariable ["totalBoats", 0];

// [] call Haz_fnc_createBoat; // Default parameters will be used.
// Example: ["I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F", independent, 2000, 4000] call Haz_fnc_createBoat;
["I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F", independent, 750, 1000, 1000] call Haz_fnc_createBoat;

fn_createBoat.sqf :

if ((isDedicated) || (!hasInterface)) exitWith {};

	["_type", "O_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F"], // If you supply an array of classnames, a random one will be selected!
	["_side", opfor],
	["_minDistance", 1500],
	["_maxDistance", 3000],
	["_deleteDistance", 1500]

private _boatType = "";

if ((typeName _type isEqualTo "ARRAY")) then
	_boatType = selectRandom _type;
} else
	_boatType = _type;

private _targets = [];

	if ((isNil {_x getVariable "targetAvailable"})) then
		_targets pushBack _x;
} forEach allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F");

private _distance = _minDistance + (ceil (random _maxDistance));
private _target = selectRandom _targets;
private _spawn = [((getPosASL _target select 0) + (sin (random 360)) * _distance), ((getPosASL _target select 1) + (cos (random 360)) * _distance), 0];

private _boat = createVehicle [_boatType, _spawn, [], 0, "FLY"];
_boat setPosASL _spawn;
vehicle player setPosASL [((getPosASL _boat select 0) + 10), (getPosASL _boat select 1), 0];

private _center = createCenter _side;
private _group = createGroup _side;
private _crew = [_boat, _group] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew;

// TODO: Create waypoints and task for the boat...

private _nearbyPlayers = [];

while {(alive _boat)} do
		if ((_boat distance2D _x >= _deleteDistance)) then
			_nearbyPlayers pushBack _x;
	} forEach allUnits;
	if ((count _nearbyPlayers > 0)) then
			deleteVehicle _x;
		} forEach [_boat] + (crew _boat);
		[1, 3, 15] call Haz_fnc_boatSpawner;
	sleep 1;

Still needs a bit of cleaning up to do but it's late right now so save that for another day!

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i've tested a bit....and sadly there are many things i cant understand...
first strange thing is that when a boat spawn, player get teleported to the spawned boat.
second thing is that it can get teleported on ground too.
i really appreciate and wish to thank you for your efforts, but i think i'll try to fix my script for now!

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ok, this seems to work in MP too!


if (isServer) then {
  [] spawn {
    while {true} do {   
      _maxDist = 2000;
      _minDist = 300;
      _Dside = WEST;
      _Dtype = "I_boat_armed_01_minigun_F";

      _allPlayerPos = {getpos _x} foreach allplayers;
//      _Darea = [getPos player, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 0, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 0 = land only  1=waterORland 2=water only 
      _Darea = [_allPlayerPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 2, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 2 = on water
      _grpDveh = [_Darea,_Dside,[_Dtype]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
//      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 9000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 3000] execVM "DDscripts\DwaterPatrol.sqf";
      _Dveh = vehicle leader _grpDveh;
      _crewDveh = crew _Dveh; 
      waitUntil{sleep 10;{_plyr = _x;_near = false;{if (_plyr distance2D _x > _maxDist) exitWith {_near = true};true} count _crewDveh;_near} count allPlayers > 0 || !canMove _Dveh};
      {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh;
      deletevehicle _Dveh;
      uiSleep 5;      



...it does what it should (spawn and de-spawn a unit)...now i wish to make it so it can menage many units at same time...and i really need you help on this guys!
thanks !

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ok...i probably got blessed by a Tsunami of luck, because that seems to work!!


if (isServer) then {
  [] spawn {
//    while {true} do {   

   D_fnc_spw = 
    while {true} do {  
      _maxDist = 2000;
      _minDist = 300;
      _Dside = WEST;
      _Dtype = selectRandom ["I_boat_armed_01_minigun_F","I_SDV_01_F"];
      _allPlayerPos = {getpos _x} foreach allplayers;
//      _Darea = [_allPlayerPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 0, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 0 = land only  1=waterORland 2=water only 
      _Darea = [_allPlayerPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 2, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 2 = on water
      _grpDveh = [_Darea,_Dside,[_Dtype]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
//      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 9000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 3000] execVM "DDscripts\DwaterPatrol.sqf";         //init
      _Dveh = vehicle leader _grpDveh;
      _crewDveh = crew _Dveh; 
      waitUntil{sleep 10;{_plyr = _x;_near = false;{if (_plyr distance2D _x > _maxDist) exitWith {_near = true};true} count _crewDveh;_near} count allPlayers > 0 || !canMove _Dveh};
      {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh;
      deletevehicle _Dveh;
      uiSleep 5;      

private "_i";
	_i = 5;
	while {_i > 0} do {
		_i = _i - 1;
                _nul = [] spawn D_fnc_spw;

//_nul = [] spawn aa_fnc_spw;

//    };


right now it can spawn multiple instances of the same type.

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ehh...seemed too good to belive...
here is latest version:


if (isServer) then {
  [] spawn {
D_fnc_spwCC = {
    while {true} do {  
      _maxDist = 2000;
      _minDist = 400;
      _Dside = CIVILIAN;
      _Dtype = selectRandom ["C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Offroad_01_repair_F", "C_Quadbike_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F"];
      _allPlayerPos = {getpos _x} foreach allplayers;
      _Darea = [_allPlayerPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 0, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 0 = land only  1=waterORland 2=water only 
//      _Darea = [_allPlayerPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, 2, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 2 = on water
      _grpDveh = [_Darea,_Dside,[_Dtype]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 9000] execVM "DDscripts\DgroundPatrol.sqf";                                // for VEHICLE  patrol
//      [_grpDveh, _Darea, 3000] execVM "DDscripts\DwaterPatrol.sqf";                               // for water patrol
      _Dveh = vehicle leader _grpDveh;
      _crewDveh = crew _Dveh; 
//      HINT "SPAWNED";
      waitUntil{sleep 10;{_plyr = _x;_near = false;{if (_plyr distance2D _x > _maxDist) exitWith {_near = true};true} count _crewDveh;_near} count allPlayers > 0 || !canMove _Dveh};
      {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh;
      _Dveh setdamage 1;
//      deletevehicle _Dveh;
//      HINT "DELETED";
      uiSleep 5;      
        uiSleep 1;
	_i = 8;                                                                                   // DEFINE HOW MANY VEHICLES
	while {_i > 0} do {uiSleep 1;_i = _i - 1;_nul = [] spawn D_fnc_spwCC;};



..it work perfectly (spawns 8 units) in eden MP preview...but on dedicated it spawns just 2 units!
its total nosense...should work or not work....plz cast some light on this...thanks!

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may it be something related to my init.sqf ? maybe too many script to exec at start ?


execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf";
uiSleep 2;
[] execVM "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_init_sv.sqf";                                // add mag repack
uiSleep 2;
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\minedetector.sqf";                              // enable mine detector beeps;
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\Dbriefing.sqf";
uiSleep 1;
if (isServer) then                                                                // set random time, inside i put a line about ENIGMA civilian script 
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DvehSPAWNER.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\GMOreset.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\HQBtroops.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\HQRtroops.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\GMOhostages.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\Dclean.sqf";
      null = [] execVM "DDscripts\AUSMD_noMineMarker.sqf";                        // needed for infantry mines
      null = [player] execVM "DDscripts\Dserverfps.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientMINE.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientGveh.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientGinf.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientCARS.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientCIV.sqf";
null = [] execVM "DDscripts\DambientBOAT.sqf";

null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientMINE.sqf";
null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientGveh.sqf";
null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientGinf.sqf";
null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientCARS.sqf";
null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientCIV.sqf";
null = spawn "DDscripts\DambientBOAT.sqf";

      uiSleep 1;
	myNewTime = random 24;
	publicVariable "myNewTime";   
waitUntil{not isNil "myNewTime"};
skipTime myNewTime;

      null = [player] execVM "DDscripts\Dfps.sqf";



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That was for testing purposes. I forgot to remove that line.

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