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What up guys, it's ya boy Night515 back at it again with another garbage mod adding the M8 5.56 mm, an assault rifle chambered in 5.56x45 mm, coming in several different variants including a standard carbine, a variant with an underslung grenade launcher, a compact carbine, a automatic rifle, and a designated marksman rifle. I wrote this at 6 AM please help my sleep schedule is destroyed.





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Couldn't sleep, so I get up to see what's new on the BI Forums.


Lo and behold, a glorious set of underrated guns!

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Aside from the obvious problem of the hand animation not being positioned correctly (I'm guessing you're using the SPAR's rtm?), there's a few other issues I noticed:


  • Missing (or incorrectly pathed?) texture in rpt:
20:47:37 Warning Message: Cannot load texture a3\weapons_f_xm\rifles\m8\data\m8_grey_ti_ca.paa.
  • Non-DMR/SAW variants do not have a properly positioned bipod pivot, which means you'll sink into the ground if you try to deploy them while lying on flat ground.
  • DMR/SAW variants do not have sounds when folding/unfolding their integrated bipods.
  • The GL variant's leaf sight is way too shiny. Specularity needs to be toned down a bit because in its current state it's next to impossible to aim properly if you're shooting in any area that's being illuminated with sunlight. Or alternatively, incorporate the red dot quadrant sight used by the Mk16/Mk17 instead of the old school leaf sight.
  • M8 UGL's reloading animation seems...lacking at the moment (still a WIP I assume?). The grenade round just magically appears out of thin air instead of the old case being ejected and a new one being inserted.
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Please have realistic ballistic values...PLEEZ!

Edited by Younes Bkr

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Very neat. Like the new sounds and animations. (Weapon animations, that is, I'm sure when you've got the hand animations done I'll love them too)


Some thoughts:

  • I don't think the charging handle should move when the gun's fired - I was never able to find out 100% about this, but it seems likely, since it's basically just a G36 in a fancier (and somehow more plastic?) shell.
  • There's some slight nomenclature issues - the Carbine is actually the "Compact", and what you've got as the standard XM8 is the Carbine - there was also a full length rifle variant (bottom in picture - it says it's the sharpshooter variant in the URL, but it isn't), that was basically the DMR without the extended bipod foregrip and improved sights. (And possibly a version of the compact with the standard stock - this might just have been thrown together by to show off the modularity of the weapon, though - I know PASKAL uses a version of the carbine with the compact stock, as well, again, not sure if these are "for sale" models, or field modifications.
  • (Rant incoming) I'm not personally a fan of the RIS sight attachment PMC had. The model BIS made is very obviously complete fantasy (you can even see it doesn't actually screw into any hole in the carry handle) - from what I understand, one of the main reasons the XM8 was canned was that the army wanted to stick the RIS system, instead of the proprietary sight mount on the XM8, so It seems a bit disingenuous to the legacy of the XM8 to make it just another RIS rifle, instead of using the sights designed for it (but that's just my opinion, I'm sure some walt or mall ninja's going to have a go at me for daring to suggest the almighty tactical weaver rail shouldn't be on something...). I guess if you've got the resources, it'd be neat to have a RIS-sy version like those PASKAL use (2nd and 4th from front in picture), but, again, personal preference.
  • The side rails were intended to be removed when there wasn't anything attached to them, I don't know if you've got this planned, but it'd be a nice little touch (or maybe not? having them would make it clear to the player that they can mount flashlights etc. and realistically they probably would have used permanently fitted rails, since detachable to going to get misaligned very quickly - something of an issue with laser pointers, especially those in the non-visible spectrum, but those things are jagged and made of very hard materials and are not comfortable to hold!)
  • I'd have stuck with the XM8 designation, I can't really justify this, "M8" just sounds wrong to me.
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Thanks for the feedback!


  On 7/9/2017 at 11:04 AM, drebin052 said:

Aside from the obvious problem of the hand animation not being positioned correctly (I'm guessing you're using the SPAR's rtm?), there's a few other issues I noticed:


  • Missing (or incorrectly pathed?) texture in rpt:
20:47:37 Warning Message: Cannot load texture a3\weapons_f_xm\rifles\m8\data\m8_grey_ti_ca.paa.
  • Non-DMR/SAW variants do not have a properly positioned bipod pivot, which means you'll sink into the ground if you try to deploy them while lying on flat ground.
  • DMR/SAW variants do not have sounds when folding/unfolding their integrated bipods.
  • The GL variant's leaf sight is way too shiny. Specularity needs to be toned down a bit because in its current state it's next to impossible to aim properly if you're shooting in any area that's being illuminated with sunlight. Or alternatively, incorporate the red dot quadrant sight used by the Mk16/Mk17 instead of the old school leaf sight.
  • M8 UGL's reloading animation seems...lacking at the moment (still a WIP I assume?). The grenade round just magically appears out of thin air instead of the old case being ejected and a new one being inserted.


I'll take a look at the bipod pivot and sounds, they were working before but stopped it seems. I'll probably replace the leaf sight, I just wanted the weapon to be a little more unique. Also yes, animations are WIP.


  On 7/9/2017 at 1:45 PM, biggerdave said:

Very neat. Like the new sounds and animations. (Weapon animations, that is, I'm sure when you've got the hand animations done I'll love them too)


Some thoughts:

  • I don't think the charging handle should move when the gun's fired - I was never able to find out 100% about this, but it seems likely, since it's basically just a G36 in a fancier (and somehow more plastic?) shell.
  • There's some slight nomenclature issues - the Carbine is actually the "Compact", and what you've got as the standard XM8 is the Carbine - there was also a full length rifle variant (bottom in picture - it says it's the sharpshooter variant in the URL, but it isn't), that was basically the DMR without the extended bipod foregrip and improved sights. (And possibly a version of the compact with the standard stock - this might just have been thrown together by to show off the modularity of the weapon, though - I know PASKAL uses a version of the carbine with the compact stock, as well, again, not sure if these are "for sale" models, or field modifications.
  • (Rant incoming) I'm not personally a fan of the RIS sight attachment PMC had. The model BIS made is very obviously complete fantasy (you can even see it doesn't actually screw into any hole in the carry handle) - from what I understand, one of the main reasons the XM8 was canned was that the army wanted to stick the RIS system, instead of the proprietary sight mount on the XM8, so It seems a bit disingenuous to the legacy of the XM8 to make it just another RIS rifle, instead of using the sights designed for it (but that's just my opinion, I'm sure some walt or mall ninja's going to have a go at me for daring to suggest the almighty tactical weaver rail shouldn't be on something...). I guess if you've got the resources, it'd be neat to have a RIS-sy version like those PASKAL use (2nd and 4th from front in picture), but, again, personal preference.
  • The side rails were intended to be removed when there wasn't anything attached to them, I don't know if you've got this planned, but it'd be a nice little touch (or maybe not? having them would make it clear to the player that they can mount flashlights etc. and realistically they probably would have used permanently fitted rails, since detachable to going to get misaligned very quickly - something of an issue with laser pointers, especially those in the non-visible spectrum, but those things are jagged and made of very hard materials and are not comfortable to hold!)
  • I'd have stuck with the XM8 designation, I can't really justify this, "M8" just sounds wrong to me.

The charging handle does indeed move when you fire, source. Nomenclature isn't supposed to 100% accurate but I could tweak Carbine to Compact, M8 is just a reference to Arma 2.

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I am so glad this did not become the next US Service Rifle....

That being said, your models look good, and I know there are a number of fans that love the XM8, for reasons I can't fathom.

If you need ballistics let me know, I just got done helping NIArms with their upcoming release.

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  On 7/9/2017 at 8:26 PM, Night515 said:

The charging handle does indeed move when you fire, source.

...And the G36 does too. Derp. I must have been thinking of something else. (Lots of interesting stuff on that channel, always wondered what was actually under the sights, so I guess I was wrong about those too)

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Is it intentional that there's no difference in range/accuracy between the Carbine and Rifle?

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  On 7/10/2017 at 12:39 AM, Victruso said:

Is it intentional that there's no difference in range/accuracy between the Carbine and Rifle?

Nope, thanks for pointing that out.

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small unplanned update, im going on hiatus for a little

  • Tweaked: M8 Carbine renamed to M8 Compact
  • Tweaked: Texture specularity
  • Fixed: Charging handle didn't animate properly
  • Fixed: Deploying with non-bipod weapons would sink into the ground
  • Fixed: Bipod deploy sound
  • Fixed: Texture path
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  On 7/13/2017 at 3:29 PM, jackco said:

could I download some alternate link?

Don't have steam?


EDIT-Weapon stats are still stuck the same.

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