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Defining object as a ACE refuel tank

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Hi there


I'm currently considering making the barrel cargo net (CargoNet_01_barrels_F) a functionnal refuel tank with ACE 3 framework. Problem, the documentation concerning the way to make a refueling device is non-existant. There is only guidelines concerning the way to make an object refuelable. Refuel Framework


I've tried to browse through the code on the Github repo, in this file : cfgVehicle.hpp


It seems to contain what I need, especially concerning refuel actions. But in this there is plenty of things that I don't know, despite manipulating configs for more than a year now. Such as all theses QPATHOF, GVAR, QVAR, CSTRING things. I think that if I only copy-past theses things into my box' code, it will not be able to work.


Do anyone know about it ? Or has ever manipulated it ?



EDIT : Actually it seems to be not possible by simple config entries, it has to be done via lots of copy-pasting and changing tons of things here and there. But rewrite of all this and proper documentation of the framework seems to be on rails in the Ace team : Github link. The dev in charge of this seems to be @jonpas. Thanks to him if he can do things cleaner than what we have know !

Edited by Cheitan
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One day I'll do that, but very busy with other stuff at the moment.

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No problem, I'm browsing through that at the moment because we are adding several objects in our team's mod and among other things there is the cargo net I've talked about. It's not something really imperative. Do you know how is it doable with the current system ?

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