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Since the release of the NATO close air support plane, we were missing the power of the real A-10, the role model of the A-164. With bringing the A-164 into the game, Bohemia introduced a gun which was neither able to destroy a simple APC nor really effective against infantry. So we, passionate pilots, decided to see what we can do, and this mod is the result.


What does it do?

The core focus of the mod is to increase the damage to achieve a more realistic result. We also completely overhauled all sounds and particle effects, just take a look at our announcement trailer.



There are no dependencies with other mods.



The mod is compatible with multiple other A-10 mods. Among them are:

  • ACE
  • RHS
  • Peral
  • STI
  • EricJ
  • Fullerpj
  • CUP
  • Firewill







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Edited by Zabuza
Version update: 5.1
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Not a day in my Arma experience goes by where this mod does not echo across the hills.

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30mm cant destroy tanks at all even the T62 is immune from all sides but the very bottom. which is not a possible shoot to make anyway...  

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  On 6/17/2017 at 6:30 AM, veles-zv said:

30mm cant destroy tanks at all even the T62 is immune from all sides but the very bottom. which is not a possible shoot to make anyway...  


Unfortunately ArmA does not differentiate between 'damageAgainstTank', 'damageAgainstAPC', 'damageAgainstTruck', 'damageAgainstVehicle'. There's only one 'damage' parameter to adjust.

While the default damage matches the real damage against heavy tanks more than our mod it utterly fails at the damage against infantery or light armored vehicles.


As you will probably see the A-10 more common in most communities and missions fighting against light armored targets or infantery we optimized for this scenario.

What we exactly did was changing

'hit=180, indirectHit=4, indirectHitRange=3.5' to

'hit=300, indirectHit=100,indirectHitRange=3.5'.


So while I'm with you at the heavy tanks - it is simply not possible to achieve the correct result for both scenarios. Maybe somewhere in the future when they overhaul the damage model, then we will of course also try to model the damage against those tanks better.


If you like you can also experience with the damage values and tell us a better configuration if you found one. Would be awesome :)

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  On 6/17/2017 at 2:07 PM, Zabuza said:


Unfortunately ArmA does not differentiate between 'damageAgainstTank', 'damageAgainstAPC', 'damageAgainstTruck', 'damageAgainstVehicle'. There's only one 'damage' parameter to adjust.

While the default damage matches the real damage against heavy tanks more than our mod it utterly fails at the damage against infantery or light armored vehicles.


As you will probably see the A-10 more common in most communities and missions fighting against light armored targets or infantery we optimized for this scenario.

What we exactly did was changing

'hit=180, indirectHit=4, indirectHitRange=3.5' to

'hit=300, indirectHit=100,indirectHitRange=3.5'.


So while I'm with you at the heavy tanks - it is simply not possible to achieve the correct result for both scenarios. Maybe somewhere in the future when they overhaul the damage model, then we will of course also try to model the damage against those tanks better.


If you like you can also experience with the damage values and tell us a better configuration if you found one. Would be awesome :)

the a10 in arma only uses HE? if so cant you use a combination load of he and ap? that way you can penetrate APC but not tanks using AP ammo? in arma 2 the cobra had a combination load for ammo i think. if not maybe someone could create a script to fire 1 AP round after ever 4/5 HE rounds. 

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I think ACE has some stuff that comes close to this with their submunition system. However I have no clue how that works in detail.

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Check out our Workshop site for the links:

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  On 6/17/2017 at 8:37 PM, Zabuza said:

I think ACE has some stuff that comes close to this with their submunition system. However I have no clue how that works in detail.


^ A-10's GAU-8 is now using mixed AP:HE rounds in 4:1 ratio"


RHS added it in their recent update on their gun.  I looked at the config and it was a much more elegant solution than I thought.  Pretty easy to implement in the future if you want.

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Yaeh but it looks :icon_dj: and also we dont have any threats in the scenarios shown

at least in my video so the pilot can fly as low as he likes or the jtac says

but also in my video we have an a10a where you do not have another way to identify your targtet but with your eyes


aswell when you got an jtac that isn't that good you just irritate him when doing things like they should be done and not like movies do it

and for this kind of attacks you must be one with the plane or just have an working CCIP system or CCRP

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  On 6/18/2017 at 4:33 PM, ss9 said:

You guys realize there's usually a way to strafe the target without flying low and slow over it and taking fire?


That "idiot" surely is not me, I am flying the A-10 by T.O. 1A-10A-1, AFI 11-2A/OA-10, AFI 11-214 and JP 3-09.3 (btw. nice resources).

I used ArmA KI for the video and usually it is not willing to fly as one would actually fly an A-10 (I started using unit capturing for the last scenes only). Also it looks more nice to watch this way imo.

However I think especially for ArmA it is okay. It's not a flight sim and most reasons why you do things this and this way in real life can not be applied to ArmA.

Formation flying is a good example. It simply has no real advantage in ArmA whereas in real life it is important and therefore you take the increased risk of collision.


  On 6/19/2017 at 3:54 AM, Capt Soto said:

RHS added it in their recent update on their gun.  I looked at the config and it was a much more elegant solution than I thought.  Pretty easy to implement in the future if you want.


Good to know. Maybe a think for the next major version, thanks :)

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Or maybe some possibility for two ammo types one CM(Combat Mix) where one PGU-13 HEI shells follows five PGU-14 API shells used against all kind of targets like APCs and such stuff would be awsome if this could get an difrent impact effect 

and one HEI type for soft Targets which could stay the same like it is now and changeable throught the pylon settings or per script

+1 maybe TP munition just for fun looks a bit less fancy and is for practice only

only ideas i want to throw in so just tell if you think im thinking about rubbish

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  On 6/20/2017 at 4:17 PM, Ghostworrior said:

Or maybe some possibility for two ammo types one CM(Combat Mix) where one PGU-13 HEI shells follows five PGU-14 API shells used against all kind of targets like APCs and such stuff would be awsome if this could get an difrent impact effect 

and one HEI type for soft Targets which could stay the same like it is now and changeable throught the pylon settings or per script

+1 maybe TP munition just for fun looks a bit less fancy and is for practice only

only ideas i want to throw in so just tell if you think im thinking about rubbish


Ideas are always welcome, thank you! I am considering testing with AP/HE mixes like RHS has for the next version.

But it is likely that it will take a bit until I start improving the mod again.


Because of that I again invite you all to play with the mod by yourself. And if you found a nice setting or have cool modifications, just let me know or directly create a pull request at GitHub. It is very likely that I will accept your changes and you can get co-author.

It is all open-source:

MightyGau-8Avenger at GitHub

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Tried to mix it via submunition and two mags

class CfgMagazines
	class Default;
	class CA_Magazine;
	class VehicleMagazine;
	class 1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F;
	class MG8_1174Rnd_Gau8_30mm_HEI: 1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F
		ammo = "MG8_Gau8_30mm";
		count = 1174;
		initSpeed = 1030;
		nameSound = "cannon";
		tracersEvery = 0;
	class MG8_1174Rnd_Gau8_30mm_CM: 1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F
		ammo = "MG8_Gau8_30mm_CM";
		count = 1174;
		initSpeed = 1030;
		nameSound = "cannon";
		tracersEvery = 0;
class CfgAmmo
	class BulletCore;
	class BulletBase;
	class SubmunitionBullet;
	class Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F :BulletBase;
	class MG8_Gau8_30mm: Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F
		airFriction = -0.00036;
		caliber = 4.17;
		craterEffects = "HEShellCrater";
		explosionEffects = "MG8_ShellImpact";
		explosionSoundEffect = "DefaultExplosion";
		explosive = 0.35;
		hit = 300;
		indirectHit = 100;
		indirectHitRange = 3.5;
		multiSoundHit[] = {"soundHit1",0.5,"soundHit2",0.5};
		muzzleEffect = "MG8_fnc_effectFiredGau8";
		soundHit1[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact1",2.562278,1,1500};
		soundHit2[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact2",2.562278,1,1500};
		SoundSetExplosion[] = {"MG8_Gau8_Exp_SoundSet"};
		airLock = 1;
		irLock = 1;
		laserLock = 1;
		nvLock = 1;
	class MG8_Gau8_30mm_PGU14: SubmunitionBullet
		airFriction = -0.00036;
		caliber = 4.17;
		craterEffects = "HEShellCrater";
		explosionEffects = "MG8_ShellImpact";
		explosionSoundEffect = "DefaultExplosion";
		explosive = 0.35;
		hit = 300;
		indirectHit = 100;
		indirectHitRange = 3.5;
		multiSoundHit[] = {"soundHit1",0.5,"soundHit2",0.5};
		muzzleEffect = "MG8_fnc_effectFiredGau8";
		soundHit1[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact1",2.562278,1,1500};
		soundHit2[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact2",2.562278,1,1500};
		SoundSetExplosion[] = {"MG8_Gau8_Exp_SoundSet"};
		simulation = "shotBullet";
		submunitionAmmo = {""};
	class MG8_Gau8_30mm_PGU15: SubmunitionBullet
		airFriction = -0.00036;
		caliber = 4.17;
		craterEffects = "HEShellCrater";
		explosionEffects = "MG8_ShellImpact";
		explosionSoundEffect = "DefaultExplosion";
		explosive = 0.35;
		hit = 200;
		indirectHit = 50;
		indirectHitRange = 1.5;
		multiSoundHit[] = {"soundHit1",0.5,"soundHit2",0.5};
		muzzleEffect = "MG8_fnc_effectFiredGau8";
		soundHit1[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact1",2.562278,1,1500};
		soundHit2[] = {"\MG8_core\sounds\ammo\Gau8_ground_impact2",2.562278,1,1500};
		SoundSetExplosion[] = {"MG8_Gau8_Exp_SoundSet"};
		simulation = "shotBullet";
		submunitionAmmo = {""};
	class MG8_Gau8_30mm_CM: Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F
		simulation[] = "shotSubmunitions";
		submunitionAmmo[] = {"MG8_Gau8_30mm_PGU14",0.2,"MG8_Gau8_30mm_PGU15",0.8};


but arma just crashes



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Looks nice. Maybe it is this line:

class Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F :BulletBase;

I think you can drop the ":BulletBase", the import two lines before should be enough.

I think if you tell ArmA to extend a class than it also expects a body which is introduced by {. Thus the error message.


If it is not the problem you should try to remove some code to identify the exact source.

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I didn't touched this part at all maybe it's because it is an submunition

I'll look into it later today

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@Zabuza If I have time I can try to update the pull in ACE with the update. I'll see what I can do after the 4th. 

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  On 6/22/2017 at 4:50 AM, sargken said:

@Zabuza If I have time I can try to update the pull in ACE with the update. I'll see what I can do after the 4th. 


Awesome! Would be nice if someone finally finishes this project :D And it already was so close to the finish line!

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  On 6/22/2017 at 4:42 AM, Ghostworrior said:

I didn't touched this part at all maybe it's because it is an submunition


Yeah, I have no clue if that submunition stuff is a vanilla feature. Maybe it comes from RHS, I do not know.

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