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[WIP] Orcas Island - Terrain

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Mapname: Orcas Island

Status: ( 20.05.2017 )

Version: 0.1.4 / pre Alpha


Mapsize: 600km²
Largest Island: 148km²

Current Object Count: ~ 70.000

Gridsize: 4096
Cellsize: 6

Mapsize: ~ 600km²

Satelite Image: 24576x24576 Pixel


Hi Community. After 2 years from my last release, and stopping some other works, i am happy to show you my current new project. I work from my home office, and can spend between 4 - 6 hours per day, for developing this terrain.

If u want to support me, or if you have any questions about terrain creation, visit me on discord, facebook, youtube or patreon.









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Yeah, looks really nice. A top-down view (map screenshot) with textures would be really nice though.

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Wow looks really good! Reminds me a little of chernarus with the trees and the terrain style 

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Looks very promising! I too would like to see a topdown view of the map if it's possible.

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Yea it´s real world data from orcas island washington. top down view will come later, because there will be some islands cut off in chase of performance and work time

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Looks great. I'm super excited for this map, having visited Orcas several times. I live right across the water near Bellingham.

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@Stella92 Its a huge bay. @suds420 oh this is cool, so, you will find also Shaw Island, Blakely Island and Cypress Island and some smaller Islands. San Juan and Lopez Island will cute uff because hitting map borders.

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Looks nice so far. Are there any military installations? If not, you you be willing to put one or two fictional ones in? Whether this is a DayZ intended map or a standard map for military ops, giving it exciting high-grade loot or stratefic significance, something to fight for, makes the map a lot more playable and fun. Is this notAmerica but inspired by the area, or is it supposed to be US soil? If its US, I'd recommend talking to gotdead and seeing about using some of his US-style houses as on his Santa Catalina Island. I'm already imagining scenarios. Lots and lots of potential here for a great map, keep it up.

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There will of curse much fictional placement, also with millitary places. I just finished update and fixed gotdead us buildings asset from back in 2015 to use it with current apex / jets dlc.

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