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PLEASE I am searching how to respawn with a choice of classes, for example when the player die he can choose one of the multiple classes (Sniper, Rifleman ..)

But the problem is that I can't make a choice I have just the sniper... Sorry for my English I am french :/

I hope that my screens are going to better explain my problem ^^




My screens








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The best way I have learned to set up respawn loadouts is via your Description.ext




Here is the example from that wiki page

class CfgRespawnInventory
	class WEST1
		displayName = "Light"; // Name visible in the menu
		icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\sergeant_gs.paa"; // Icon displayed next to the name

		// Loadout definition, uses same entries as CfgVehicles classes
		weapons[] = {
		magazines[] = {
		items[] = {
		linkedItems[] = {
		uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt";
		backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo";
	class WEST2
		// Alternative configuration pointing to a CfgVehicles class. Loadout will be copied from it.
		vehicle = "B_soldier_AR_F"


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I tried both of these for custom units added in by mods, but I can't seem to get items to add to the backpack and vest. In "West1" I guess theres some code I need arsenal won't export with ctrl shift C, but in "West2" where I aim at the vehicle I'm not sure why that doesn't work.

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