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Bruce Conway

O2 eported matrices always deform in game

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I've recently been having trouble exporting hand anims into arma. I've tried creating the hand anim in o2 alone but the result is the same, i've tried different skeletons and different platform to animate the on like blender and 3ds max. is this an issue with the latest update? this will be my first mod and it's quite disheartening hitting a hurdle like this.




I only just thought of this but when i exported the .rtm from O2 i removed all current keyframes then re imported the .rtm and everything its jumble up so maybe it has something to do with how o2 is exporting the .rtm

Edited by Bruce Conway

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I found a solution. I've used ArmaRig and exported it as .rtm straight from blender and its seems to be working.

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