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Bruce Conway

Hand Anim can only move left hand

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as the title suggest I can only move the position of the left hand along any part of the gun. The right hand, despite moving it, however keeps resetting to what I think would be an anchor point for an AK for example. I've tried exporting .rtm from blender and it works except for the right hand but if it do it in O2 the hands spaz out and have stretched out to the side of the character model but still in the same default AK position. Weirdly enough when i key frame the right hand to sit forward closer to the left hand the game resets the hand position back and also brings the left hand back the same amount of distance.


the tutorials i have been following are:


Photos of my issue:

Blender .rtm export: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_99uyUK5lf6VV9abzFENTF0d0E

O2 .rtm export: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_99uyUK5lf6TXNxN2NfcW5IMms

Blender: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_99uyUK5lf6dHJ5NktfSkRjRDg


I'm not sure what else to do 

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Is this still unsolved? If so share config file since the issues is most likely there. 

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A friend of mine who didn't want to use O2 had a similar issue while using blender to make the rtm.. (I was looking good if loaded into O2 but terrible in game)

I """""solved""""" it using only O2 and the first tutorial you linked

I know, i'm probably not helping much

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Been out of ArmA for about a year now, so forgive me for vagueness, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with inverse kinematics. Try setting it 0 for the right hand in your config.

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