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1) The minimap HUD element has been changed to a non-RMB resize element for whatever reason.


2) Vehicle explosions never looked that good to begin with but now it's totally bollocks. When missile hits after the patch nothing happens except some soot appears on the vehicle and a few seconds later it starts burning, skipping the explosion entirely. What happened in the update?

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I've noticed changes with smoke too (on 64 bit, is it the same on 32 bit) where a column of smoke will change when you LOOK at it !!!

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On 3/19/2017 at 3:18 AM, jc_ said:

1) The minimap HUD element has been changed to a non-RMB resize element for whatever reason.


2) Vehicle explosions never looked that good to begin with but now it's totally bollocks. When missile hits after the patch nothing happens except some soot appears on the vehicle and a few seconds later it starts burning, skipping the explosion entirely. What happened in the update?

It's possible most vehicles no longer explode, being a game design. Think a out it. If you fire 500 rounds into an SUV, it's not going to explode. It'll simply catch fire. This is realistic, and is how it worked in Arma 2, as opposed to the Hollywood style boom boom bang. As for the other issues, I don't know. 

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On 2017-03-21 at 0:58 PM, darksidesixofficial said:

It's possible most vehicles no longer explode ...

I totally agree about hollywood explosions.


However, even tho bullets doesnt explode per see and missiles do, something being hit with either is going to be spraying debris, sparks and smoke around in one form or another, not just sit there idle appearing totally unaffected by the projectiles. Currently NOTHING happens except some soot even if a MISSILE hits. I mean, not even the missile explodes ...

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I agree, BIS should also do a Particle Effects DLC (humor). There's a handful of effects that needs complete reworks. Grenades, 20mm+ impacts, missile hitting light and heavy vehicle impacts. Usually these are all a puff of smoke of different size. It's not terrible, but it's not good enough in my opinion. Now I'm not talking about adding more particle counts, but rather just the way it looks. For example, HE impacts should look kinda like small flash bangs with sparks going off, and some puffs of smoke rather than just a ball of smoke. Missiles hitting vehicles should produce metal fragments that are more noticable, before the actual destruction of the car. Also smoke from explosions in general need a sort of speed boost upon impact, but slows down as its dispersed, to look more believable.

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While it would be great to have those kind of effects in base game, doesn't Blastcore work as a stand-in, assuming you have a properly updated/fixed version of BC?


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I've actually noticed that some vehicles finally blow up if you use enough RO grenades...


Before things like Zamac trucks and helicopters wouldn't blow up without at least an explosive charge...


Saves a few missiles anwyway.

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