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stop playSound3D sound

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I have object, that is playing sound with 60 seconds repeat. Object is used in multiplayer mission (dedicated server) so I would like to use playSound3D because have global effectEffects of this scripting command are broadcasted over the network and happen on every computer in the network . I am open to solutions with say3D, say, ... if it is applicable in multiplayer (e.g. everybody can hear sound in multiplayer).


Problem: When object is destroyed, sound is still playing. This is kind of non-realistic. I want to stop sound immediately after object is destroyed.


Here is what I got so far:



params ["_object"];

_root = str missionConfigFile select [0, count str missionConfigFile - 15];
_object setVariable ["on", true, true];
_object addEventHandler [
        (_this select 0) setDammage 1;
        (_this select 0) setVariable ["on", false, true];
	//disable playSound3D here, when object is damaged
while { _object getVariable ["on", false] } do 
    playSound3D [_root + "sound.ogg", _object, false, getPos _object, 100, 1, 30];
    sleep 60;

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I don't think that's possible. For that reason I used say3d with remoteExec in the past and either destroyed the object or moved it to 0,0,0.

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