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Abandoned Vehicle to respawn in time not meters

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Hey guys I am using the script below "fn_vmonitor.sqf" for my vehicle respawn and I want to change the abandoned vehicle to spawn if abandoned back to its original position in time rather than meters.


The reason why I am wanting to do such is that the least meters I can get is 10 and that is not enough as our base is a little big and usually things are not being respawned if they are not in their original position due

to it being not over 10 meters. So how can I change it to respawn abandoned vehicles in 1 or such, please? Thank you.


@filename: fn_vMonitor.sqf
Credit: Tophe for earlier monitor script

Last modified:

	23/10/2014 ArmA 1.32

	Vehicle monitor. This code must be spawned, not called. Ex. 


if (!isServer) exitWith { /* GO AWAY PLAYER */ };

//======================================== CONFIG

private ["_v","_t","_d","_s","_i","_sd","_sp","_ti","_u"];

#define DIST_FROM_SPAWN 150

_v = _this select 0;												// vehicle
_d = _this select 1;												// spawn delay
_s = _this select 2;												// setup
_i = _this select 3;												// init

_t = typeOf _v;														// type
_sd = getDir _v;													// spawn direction
_sp = getPosATL _v;													// spawn position

sleep (5 + (random 5));

[_v] call _i;

//======================================== MONITOR LOOP

while {true} do {
	//======================================== IF DESTROYED
	if (!alive _v) then {
		if (({((_sp distance _x) < 1.5)} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) then {
			_ti = time + _d;
			waitUntil {sleep 5; (_ti < time)};
			if (!isNull _v) then {deleteVehicle _v;}; sleep 0.1;
			_v = createVehicle [_t,[(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))],[],0,"NONE"]; sleep 0.1;
			waitUntil {!isNull _v}; sleep 0.1;
			_v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1;
			_v setPos [(_sp select 0),(_sp select 1),((_sp select 2)+0.1)]; sleep 0.1;
			[_v] call _i;
			["RespawnVehicle",["Vehicle","base",getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "picture")]] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"];
	sleep (5 + (random 5));
	//======================================== IF ABANDONED
	if ((_v distance _sp) > DIST_FROM_SPAWN) then {
		if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;};
		if (({(_v distance _x) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance} count _u) < 1) then {
			if ((count (crew _v)) == 0) then {
				_v lock 2;
				_v allowDamage FALSE;
				_v setPos [(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))];
				_v enableSimulationGlobal FALSE;
				_v hideObjectGlobal TRUE;
				waitUntil {
					sleep (5 + (random 5)); 
					(({(_sp distance _x) < 0.10} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1)
				_v enableSimulationGlobal TRUE;
				_v hideObjectGlobal FALSE;
				_v allowDamage TRUE;
				_v lock 0;
				_v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1;
				_v setPos _sp; sleep 0.1;
				_v setDamage 0; sleep 0.1;
				_v setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 0.1;
				if ((fuel _v) < 0.95) then {[[_v,1],"setFuel",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;};
				if (isEngineOn _v) then {_v engineOn FALSE;}; sleep 0.1;
				if (isCollisionLightOn _v) then {_v setCollisionLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1;
				if (isLightOn _v) then {_v setPilotLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1;
	sleep (20 + (random 20));


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You might want to have a look at the built-in Arma 3 editor module Vehicle Respawn ?

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* it is not working code but only the concept

while {true} do {
	sleep 1;
		private _time = _vehicle getVariable "AbandonedAt";
			if (isNil "_time")
				then {_vehicle setVariable ["AbandonedAt", time]}
				else {
					if (time - _time > ABANDONED_VHICLE_RESPAWN_DELAY) then {
						_vehicle setVariable ["AbandonedAt", nil];
						// --------------------------
						// put your respawn code here
						// --------------------------
		} else {
			if (not isNil "_time") then {
				_vehicle setVariable ["AbandonedAt", nil]}
	} forEach allMyVehicles;


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On 3/3/2017 at 5:30 PM, Nikander said:

You might want to have a look at the built-in Arma 3 editor module Vehicle Respawn ?


I have mate, but its very buggy, it tends to blow vehicles up on the spawn point even though its set to just delete, respawn at 3 minutes, and nothing else... but it bugs out sometimes.

@serena - it has been tested? this is for a live server so :) 

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