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dedicated server only shows info in Launcher with 14 mods load 15 it doesnt

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Hello, everyone. I have finally resolved the issue with the mods on my server not showing up in the ARMA 3 launcher. However, a new problem has arisen. I currently have this as my command line. and when i say only 14 i mean 14 mods actvitated by -mod=... -servermod= is not the issue here.


-ip=xx.xx.xx.xx -port=xxxx -profiles=Profile -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -filePatching -servermod=@cba;@Smoke;@AIMODS;@AliveS;@zeuTK;@AdvRopes;@Ares;@Laxeman;@Blood -mod=@CUPT;@RHSAF;@RHSUS;@RHSGF;@RHSSF;@Nimitz;@FA18;@SU35;@ace3;@acex;@mcc;@ALiVE;@Gore


file patching is active because i use @tpwcas_a3, which requires a userconfig file.


with that cammand line, i can see all the info in the arma 3 launcher. CBA doesnt show up as a required mod but the mods that will load will require it. all the mods show up in their respective places (req'd or suggested) 


but if i add One Single Mod to the -mod= line the arma 3 launcher no longer shows the server info properly. 


so i have combined the CUP terrains into one folder and the launcher only sees CORE and MAPS.. CWA is just a suggested mod even though it should be a required mod. once i hit 15 mods  i have problems. I have moved CBA to get MCC running and i want to add a few more. Ares mod and SpyderAddons. but i cannot. im stuck with only 14 mods allowed... 


i have abbreviated all the names to reduce the character count.

I have combined mods into single folders and only one mod shows up in the info on the launcher. IE CUP terrains... Core, maps shows up but CWA does not. If i combine the Nimitz and the f18 and su35 into one folder , and only the Nimitz is shown as a required mod... 


I have tried so many things just to get this solved... I have tried the -par= parameter... that doesn't work... I cannot use a .bat file because this is a dedicated server hosted by a farm in texas... .bat is not an option. I have also tried to use multiple "-mod=" lines... that doesnt work. im stuck please help a tired idiot(me)


Any Dev's out there that can shed any light on this..?? Please






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This 100% a broken mod, the only thing what you can do is load each mod one by one until you find the broken one that causes this.

With this problem the arma3 developers won't help you they do only support vanilla arma3 and no additional mods made by community.

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yea thats the thing though the mods are not broken. i can run all the mods one at a time and they work fine.. i can run up to 14 required mods on my server using the  "-mod" parameter. However, once i add the 15 mod to the mod list. the information in the arma 3 launcher doesnt show up ... Furthermore, i run my server using the -checksignature paramter during all my tests... All the mods checked out One by one. all their keys are good and ran one by one the info shows up properly in the default arma 3 launcher. so i repete its not a mod problem/ broken mod...


and to your second comment. why the hell would BIS implement a feature that allows people to see what mods are on someones server.. and then NOT support it when there is a bug.... seems kind of asinine. That being said im over it. no one has responded at all. so this is a mute point. 


as i said i know its not a broken mod because i have already gone threw and tested the mods one by one on my server as well as using "checksignatures" ... shit took DAYS..... so im past that. i was trying to figure out why i can not get the server information to be properly displayed in the ARMA 3 Launcher when i have 15 mods loaded... the server will say No DLS required No mods loaded... but when i removed the ONE mod "that is not broken btw" suddenly the ARMA 3 launcher would display the mod info... it would show that ALL the DLC is required to get on my server and it shows All of the required and suggested mods for my server.... but again i can add that 15'th mod and all goes to shit... 


and again i want to recap... I have tested these mods individually on the server they all work on the server. they are all up to date... with recently pack'd keys and .bisigns. All these mods work fine one by one... but once i add them all together and i get to 15 mods, as stated several times the DEFAULT ARMA3 launcher that comes with the game cannot display the server information properly. just doesnt do it.. remove that mod "what ever mod it is" and with 14 mods everything is shown as it should... 


So with that said. its a problem with the launcher.  I tried to get help. but hey no biggy . 

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sorry was morning hours :glare:

did not read your post with full working brain...


was in the intention you wrote "the server does not show up in the browser"

and usual this is a sign of a broken mod


sorry for inconveniences

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  On 3/29/2017 at 5:27 AM, maquez said:

sorry was morning hours :glare:

did not read your post with full working brain...


was in the intention you wrote "the server does not show up in the browser"

and usual this is a sign of a broken mod


sorry for inconveniences

no inconveniences at all you are all good! I did so many tests started from the top, restarted from the bottom. came in from the side. i have no solution so i gave up and just removed mods from my server. again maybe someone will have the same problem and point out my mistake, by telling how they solved the issue.

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  On 3/31/2017 at 11:01 AM, BIS_Wizard said:

Hello @lordprimate,

the issue is that Steam won't allow us to transfer more data from the server (if we would attempt to send more, it would never passed through the network to the client anyway). But if that happens, Arma 3 Launcher should show a banner in the server detail window, that the data are incomplete:


Like the displayed size limit for the workshop.

This is so dumb. Any workaround planned ?

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  On 1/30/2019 at 9:41 PM, WastedMike_ said:

Was a fix for this issue ever figured out?

No. There is no "fix" but there are a few workarounds.


Rename all modfolders on the server to be like @1 @2 @3 and so on, basically make them as short as possible, which is the ugly workaround.


Better workaround is, make a EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  dummy workshop item that you upload yourself, then add all your mods as dependencies to it. (DON'T REUPLOAD ANY MOD INSIDE THAT DUMMY ITEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Then on serverside load all your mods as -servermod, and only load your empty dummy mod as -mod, make sure that you actually download it from the workshop because it needs to have a meta.cpp in the serverside folder.

Then the server will tell everyone that they need to subscribe to your dummy mod to be able to play on the server, as soon as they try to subscribe to it it will tell them that they need to download the dependencies too. They will load the dependencies too and you're golden. There is not a limit on how many dependencies you can have afaik so after you did that you don't need to worry about anything.

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