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I write a simple vehicle service  code:


if (isServer) then { 
 null = [thislist select 0] spawn { 
  params ["_veh"]; 
   private _turrets = count (allTurrets _veh); 
   private _gethit = getAllHitPointsDamage _veh; 
   private _fuel = ((fuel _veh) < 1); 
   private _damage = _gethit select 2; 
   private _damaged = ((count (_damage select {_x > 0})) > 0);  
   private _proceded = false; 
   sleep 2; 
   if (_damaged) then { 
    (vehicle _veh) setDamage 0; 
    _proceded = true; 
   if (_fuel) then { 
    null = [_veh, 1] remoteExecCall ["setFuel", _veh, false]; 
    _proceded = true; 
   if !(_turrets isEqualTo 0) then { 
    null = [_veh, 1] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleAmmoDef", _veh, false]; // not working
    _proceded = true; 
   if (_proceded) then { 
    [getPos _veh, "vehrepaired", "Vehicle",crew _veh] call fnc_sendNotif; 

I do not knew really why,  i think that there is going about turret locality.

How to write this properly?

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veh setFuel 1;
veh setDamage 0;
veh setVehicleAmmo 1;

would work just as well. Setting damage to 0 if it's already 0 isn't a problem.

This looks like a university approach to problems, aka why make it simple when it can be made complicated. :)

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Not so easy, the trigger contain this code exist only server side

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Maybe something like..

	if !( turretLocal _x ) then {
		_null = [_veh, 1] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleAmmoDef", turretOwner _x, false];
		_veh setVehicleAmmoDef 1;
}forEach allTurrets _veh;

Most likely dont even need the IF statement as remoteExec should be smart enough to only apply it locally without any network traffic seeing as this is on the server.

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On 12/18/2016 at 1:45 AM, davidoss said:

Thanks works great


Hi, this looks just like something I could use. Can you please post the final form and an example of how to use it?

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Can you tell me how to run this though?

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