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Project OPFOR brings you new factions and armies, which were/are involved in recent military events in past few yearrs. For now to use this mod you only need three mods made by Red Hammer Studio - Armed Forces of Russian Federation, United States Armed Forces and GREF . 




Never heard about our mod? Mind reading this summary. It adds over 30 new factions to the Arma 3 from all around the world. A vast range of forces such as Middle Eastern Militia, Novorussian Armed Forces, Ukrainian Armed Forces, Islamic State,  Irish Republican Army and many more will totally revamp your Arma 3 experience.  You dont need to bother about quality of weapons used by our units - in this case we are totally dependent on RHS. In summ our mod adds nearly 500 new uniforms, headgears and vests to keep our factions as realistic as possible. 


Mega - https://mega.nz/#!GwImlYRQ!I4zAYgarZjtPtB_mHOegURVHQxlGymp6ydX28zkNx80

Steam Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735566597





(for complete check SW or README.txt)


- Added Hellenic Armed Forces
- Added North Korea Army
- Added Syrian Arab Army
- Added Turkish Armed Forces
- Added M93 uniform for several factions (about 50 variants)
- Added some PMC uniforms textures (including DADPAT mod)
- Added PASGT helmet in various camouflages
- Added SSh-68 helmet in various camouflages
- Added M1 Helmet in various colors
- Added new content to randomization scripts
- Added Offroad (SPG-9) for several factions
- Added 2S1 for Iraqi Armed Forces, Iranian Armed Forces, Novorussian Armed Forces and Ukrainian Armed Forces
- Added GREF weapons to several factions
- Added IzH18 for Middle Eastern Militia
- Added Kar98 for Middle Eastern Militia
- Added L1A1 for Iranian Armed Forces
- Added MG 42 for African Militia, Boko Haram, Iraqi Armed Forces, Iranian Armed Forces, Islamic State, Novorussian Armed Forces
- Added Mosin Nagant for Afghan Militia, African Militia, Islamic State
- Added Sa vz.58 for Afghan National Police, African Militia, Islamic State, UVF, IRA, Peshmerga, Iraqi Armed Forces
- Added Sa vz.61 for Middle Eastern Militia, African Militia
- Added Project OPFOR icon to uniforms in Virtual Arsenal
- Changed renamed Ukrainian 6B27M to Kaska M-2
- Changed Lee Enfield hidden from arsenal and units
- Improved totally revamped Private Military Company faction
- Improved Datsun Physx (thanks to reyhard)
- Improved many older textures
- Fixed Land Rover dust effect
- Fixed backpacks classes to better fit some units
- Fixed many things we cant recall at this moment
- Removed A3 BDU in favour of M93 uniforms
- Removed 6B27M in various camouflages
- Removed ISTS and Boko Haram tags from uniforms


Known Bugs:

- Generating ST on the fly is very slow .rpt error
- Missing some takistani clothes (help needed)
- Missing some dedicated textures for vehicles
- Black spots on Chedaki 03 uniform back
- Some 3den preview images are missing (IRA and UVF)



- Red Hammer Studio for their awesome mods
- Reyhard for a lot of help, T-72 CDF textures and permission to include his T-34 and T-55 
- zGuba for introducing me to the arma configs and answering many of my questions 
- Stagler for his chechen units textures from Arma 2
- LFT? for textures for turkish faction
- trenchgun for his "DADPAT" Private Military Company retextures 
- Nadezhda_grapes for his "Plaid" and "Floral Plaid" patterns
- rawpixel.com for his "Floral" and "Palm" patterns
- >D4S< Shepherd of Fire for extending some editor groups
- Ma77h3hac83r for new logo and banner
- Mikero for his awesome tools
- Basher for helping with stringables
- brainslush for helping me fixing a lot of stuff
- (SWE) Jonathan for making ChDKZ and SLA screenshots
- Aplion for letting me use his physX configuration for landrover (not in use btw)
- Krukov and his IEU for bughunting and feedback in the past
- Grim Panda and his Force Protection Combat Team for testing in the past
- Sharpmaster1379 for being our military advisor in the past
- Whole community for help, feedback and ideas 
- Bohemia for best game in the universe

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Steam Workshop link added !

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- added: T-34 and T-55 for some factions


so awesome! :yay:  :wub:

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Can I suggest something?


For some factions would be good to add also T-72B tanks with ERA (T-72B obr.1985 and perhaps for some more advanced ones also T-72B obr.1989).


For example Iraqi Army (they use them in real life), RACS, Ukraine etc.

In general I propose this:

Iraqi Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.
RACS - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

CDF - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Ukrainian Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Afghan Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

ChDKZ - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Africans - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.


And yeah I think rest can stay as it is.


Also change to a moe realistic ammo loadouts would be good, I noticed you gave these T-72B's 3BM32 APFSDS rounds, these are DU rounds inteded for war time only by Soviet/Russian Army, never exported.


If anything I suggest depending on how advaced some armies are, use 3BM15, 3BM22 and 3BM42.


Hope this will help to improve your project. :)

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BTW,if we gonna talk about tanks.

Export versions of T72 is:

T-72M = T-72A

T-72M1 = T-72A with extra armor screens.

T-72M1M = T-72M1,but with better electronic.Also equipped with Reflex Missiles and ERA.

T-72S = T-72B obr.1987,but it have diffirent ERA loadout than soviet.


Gonna find some photos,when reach home.

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A high quality "all in one" Opfor pack is always welcome. Especially one that covers Opfors for every theater of war.

Good luck with this.

On a side note, with the release of Tanoa and BI adding Chinese and French language, a Chinese faction or North Korean faction would also be a nice addition to this pack in the future.

Look forward to testing this mod out.

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  On 8/1/2016 at 1:42 PM, Pan Samogon said:

BTW,if we gonna talk about tanks.

Export versions of T72 is:

T-72M = T-72A

T-72M1 = T-72A with extra armor screens.

T-72M1M = T-72M1,but with better electronic.Also equipped with Reflex Missiles and ERA.

T-72S = T-72B obr.1987,but it have diffirent ERA loadout than soviet.


Gonna find some photos,when reach home.


Ehm, not exactly.


Export versions of T-72 is:

T-72M = T-72

T-72M1 = T-72A.

T-72M1M = T-72M1 with new FCS, Relikt ERA, sometimes also Arena APS.

T-72S = Export variant of T-72B obr.1985 or T-72B1 depending on configuration.

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That would be nice if you could give me full list of t-72's for all factions, Damian. Also I (with reyhard help) already divided tank ammunition for our factions into three tiers.

TIER 1 (Countries) - rhs_mag_3bm32_7 rhs_mag_3bk18m_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 2 (Guerillas) - rhs_mag_3bm29_7 rhs_mag_3bk18_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 3 (3rd World) - rhs_mag_3bm26_7 rhs_mag_3bk14_6 rhs_mag_3of11_6

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Good addon, gald to see that LOPFOR is back as POPFOR. We had so much scenarios possibilities with LOPFOR.

I hope you will delete duplicates from RHS GREF, and that you'll drop those awefull russian helmet and use RHS one instead  ^_^

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Yup - delete factions that are already in GREF and require it instead.

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  On 8/1/2016 at 2:13 PM, keeway said:

That would be nice if you could give me full list of t-72's for all factions, Damian. Also I (with reyhard help) already divided tank ammunition for our factions into three tiers.

TIER 1 (Countries) - rhs_mag_3bm32_7 rhs_mag_3bk18m_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 2 (Guerillas) - rhs_mag_3bm29_7 rhs_mag_3bk18_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 3 (3rd World) - rhs_mag_3bm26_7 rhs_mag_3bk14_6 rhs_mag_3of11_6


Sure thing.


Iraqi Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

RACS - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

CDF - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Ukrainian Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Afghan Army - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

ChDKZ - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Africans - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

Takistan - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

SLA - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

Ultranationalists - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985.

United Armed Forces of Novorossyia - T-72B obr.1984 and T-72B obr.1985, and T-72B obr.1989.

Of course if you will delete duplicates from RHS GREF, then disregard the ones listed here.

So yeah, should be fine.


As for ammo. I would change it that way.

TIER 1 (Countries) - rhs_mag_3bm42_7 rhs_mag_3bk18m_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 2 (Guerillas) - rhs_mag_3bm29_7 rhs_mag_3bk18_6 rhs_mag_3of26_5

TIER 3 (3rd World) - rhs_mag_3bm26_7 rhs_mag_3bk14_6 rhs_mag_3of11_6

So only 3BM32 is replaced by 3BM42, simply because 3BM32 was never exported, and it should be fine.

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Keeway, how's the ALiVE compatibility nowadays? There was a lot of discussion with it essentially not working even recently on the (now defunct) Leight's OPFOR page.

I know you stated you were dedicated to resolving the problems. What's the status with this release? Did you guys fix the issues?

EDIT: Steam Workshop link is dead.

EDI2 2: Check that. I think it's Workshop having issues in general.

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  On 8/1/2016 at 1:53 PM, Damian90 said:

Ehm, not exactly.


Export versions of T-72 is:

T-72M = T-72

T-72M1 = T-72A.

T-72M1M = T-72M1 with new FCS, Relikt ERA, sometimes also Arena APS.

T-72S = Export variant of T-72B obr.1985 or T-72B1 depending on configuration.



T-72 is T-72.Export Designation was the same,but there was some minor diffirences.



T-72M was downgraded T-72A.But still,despite lack of armor on turret and NBC protection system they still had 2A46 turret,not 2A26M2 and Night Vision Device.Yeap,they was close to standart T-72,but they didn't.



T-72M1.The main diffirence - 16mm steel plate,filled with sand.



T-72M1M.Know qoute small about it.Kinda T-72A with ERA.Probably look like T-72AV,but not sure.


T-72S-well,looks like this.And yeap,I was mistaken here.ERA loadout earlier than 89 and also weakened.



BTW,don't forget,there wasn't only soviet versions.Lots of tanks been modified.Such as T-72M2 Moderna,equipped with 30mm 2A42 cannon on top.


or PT-91 Twardy,based on T-72M.


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Can I use 1 or 2 PBO instead 4 ? Fox example only po_factions_eu

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@GREF For now my plan is to make compatibility pbo that will overwrite Project OPFOR classnames with GREF ones. So, that means we will not delete CDF, ChDKZ or any other faction from our pack (for now at least).

And if we are into helmets I bet SSH68 was the problematic one, I forgot to announce that in changelog but it is already replaced by this from RHS.

Damian, thanks for that awesome list. I will surely make a good use of it ;)

If we are into Alive compatibility, I think we made it but feel free to test it and report if you find any problems with it.

@sammael You can always try but I dont guarantee you wont have problems with it, keep in mind you will still need po_main and po_vehicles. I bet eliminating pbo po_factions_me and _afr is safe for you.

@foxhound thanks for new mirror, but keep in mind that it is version 0.1

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Very nice! It seems to they seem to work fine with Alive.


I'd love to see some FIA equivalent faction with some armor and AK's.


Thanks for this guys!

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Awesome, I'll definitely test it Keeway.

You're commitment to fixing this mod, making amends with the community here, and putting in so much hard work over the last 6-12 months should really commended.

Thanks Keeway and Leight and congrats on the official re-release.

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very good work!

the SLA forces don't use the m1953 helmet instead sh68?

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Just wondering, how will Project OPFOR interact with GREF, as I do indeed like using it, but the duplicate factions are somewhat discouraging, and my preference would be that I would use the GREF factions as opposed to the P-OPFOR factions, but still keep those of the additional factions (i.e. Sahrani, Takistan, etc.)

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Congrats on the release with new name!

But! The new file structure became very uncomfortable! Previously I could not add some faction pbo's as their counterparts appeared in the RHS. Now everything is more complicated...

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Looks very promissing. I realy dig the four pbo's which allows us to only use the stuff we want. My unit is waiting for a long time for a HQ OPFOR mod, and it looks like we have two strong releases with GREF and this one here. 


Good luck and thanks much for your hard work and release!

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