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Sending Supplies and Defending Alliances

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My alliance has found that while you can send support like Mortar Support, or Smart Bombs, we can't really find out how to send each other supplies, or figure out how to defend one another.  So what I'm really asking is:


1. How do you send/request supplies to/from your alliance?

2. How do you Denfend your alliance?


In the Alliance Centre Building, it says "operations capacity" which can be increased by upgrades, it also says "...stores defensive operations which you will receive from your alliance members."  But How?  How do they send them to me, or me to them.  How do I request Defense?

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Hi, the only help you can send to your allies are the operations like mortar strikes and smart bombs - depending on how many operation capacity slots you have, you can request appropriate number of operations using the alliance chat. These are then used automatically when your base is under attack.

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Thank you so very much for getting back to me on this, this cleared up my question and hope it answers others out there.

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In the Alliance Center I have the option to Request/Ask for Donations.. I have no clue what I can and can't put in this text field, or what it does.. 


I'm a leader of an Alliance, and my alliance center is lvl 3 


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In the Alliance Center I have the option to Request/Ask for Donations.. I have no clue what I can and can't put in this text field, or what it does.. 


I'm a leader of an Alliance, and my alliance center is lvl 3 

You can request operations from the Operation Planning building. If you are interested in a specific operation, e.g. artillery support, you can write it in the text field. These operations are then stored in the Alliance Center and used automatically against enemy troops when your based is attacked.

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