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Iron Front in Arm3 LITE - preview versions

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Already familiar with Iron Front LITE, jump directly to what's new below.
Want to contribute, go straight to how to participate.


This project has the agreement of all involved parties:





Logo by Lennard




Trailer by EvroMalarkey





Trailer by Metalvenom




Promo by J g0re




MP mode "Blitzkrieg" - Official teaser by Kenwort



"Omaha" D-Day - Short Film by IIN8II


# What is Iron Front


It is a tactical shooter video game set in World War II Eastern Front built
by AWAR - a group of former OFP and Arma modders. It was released mid 2012 as a
standalone game using the Real Virtuality 3 engine also powering Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead.



The highlights:


  • Five outstanding terrains of various sizes
  • A large variety of very high quality and historically accurate units, weapons and vehicles
  • A German and Russian singleplayer campaign across eight missions in an authentic setting
  • Advanced gameplay features like the high level tank simulation, gun towing and artillery system
    or the realistic mine system
  • Great gameplay with its low tech world war 2 setting



Detailed content overview:


  • 5 factions
    • Germans: Wehrmacht, Panzerwaffe, Luftwaffe, Sturmtroopers, Tank Sturmtroopers
    • Soviets: Red Army (RKKA), Tank troops of USSR, USSR Airforce
    • Polish troops: Home Army
    • Americans: US Army, US Tank Troops, US Airforce
  • 32 weapons
    • 9 rilfes
    • 10 machineguns
    • 2 sniper rifles
    • 3 rocket launchers
    • 8 pistols
  • 53 vehicles
    • 3 cars
    • 21 trucks
    • 3 wheeled APCs
    • 10 tanks
    • 5 planes
    • 1 boat
    • 10 static weapons
  • 5 terrains
    • Ivachev (128 x 128)
    • Panovo (512 x 512)
    • France (1024 x 1024)
    • Baranow (1024 x 1024)
    • Staszow (2048 x 2048)


Recommended videos to give you some more insights about Iron Front:

Our check out our Iron Front: Liberation 1944 - Youtube video channel.



# What is Iron Front in Arma


Our development team has ported the assets to Arma 3 to be used in the latest RV engine.
This most recent version supports many of the new technologies and features of Arma 3
and is continued to be made more complete.


Thanks to:

  • tierprot all infantry units support the A3 clothing system.
  • Shvetz weapons support the new A3 muzzle flashes, weapon effects and other new features.
  • Fabio Chavez terrains shine in the new A3 lighting.
  • tierprot all cars and most trucks support PhysX tech.
  • Shvetz all tanks support PhysX tech.
  • Lennard weapon resting and bipods deployment, Winter and Desert reskins, improved existing textures, as well as several new models.
  • Megagoth1702 new sounds with latest Engine tech.
  • Red Phoenix PhysX assistance, contributions and sharing templates.
  • El Tyranos upgraded tanks, planes, infantry hitboxes and many other various assets to A3 standard.
  • El Tyranos additional variants based on existing models.
  • El Tyranos contributions from Lennard, reyhard and Joarius integrated.
  • El Tyranos ACE compatibility.
  • J g0re promotion creation and twitter presence.
  • Dmorok testing as QA lead, our YouTube channel with many small info videos and doing steam community management.
  • Reyhard bolting system and civilians.
  • Joarius civilian and various reskins.
  • Adanteh rifle grenade system.
  • mikero and his tools suite - without him this whole project would not have been possible!



In addition this version allows you to:


  • Mod Iron Front itself
  • Extend it with your own mods
  • Combine it with community made mods
  • Play in the most recent Real Virtuality engine
  • In an alive and vivid gaming and modding community


# Media


Images by Fabio Chavez and Lennard.



# What is the LITE version



  • Free version with lower quality textures and sounds.
  • SP missions and campaigns are not available.



# Why is it called Preview version



This version is WIP until we deliver the FULL version.



# More

Known issues: Check out our issue tracker.

Recommended content, class lists and more: Visit our wiki.

Servers: Search via battlemetrics.

Joining the team: Learn more here.



# How to participate


  • Try it, play it, enjoy it
  • Tell your friends if you like it
  • Share your screenshots and videos
  • Tell streamers to try it or stream playing it yourself
  • Give feedback/report issues
  • Join our discord server for assistance, discussions or just to have a chat
  • Create new missions or new content yourself!


Join our discord server and we will have a chat!

  • Like 34
  • Thanks 3

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 Nice one .kju


 Recently had the hunkering for old Iron Front which I had deleted some year ago and went to re-download -4 hours and some 6 4gb files later -it refused to let me run it due to some insane Silverlight key issue -uninstalled..


 God sometimes I just love Steam

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Excellent news indeed.  It has been so long since I used my bought copy of IFA !  Will have to dig up how to run it again in A3.

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Are the addon mods, that add extra vehicles and uniforms, also low quality textures because they inherit IF classes/base models, or are they high quality A3 ones? Reason I ask if we've started to get our unit members running the full version but it's a long process and to get more adoption I'm thinking we run with Lite but only use units and vehicles from the addon mods if they are A3 quality.

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It depends on those 3rd party addons/mods. You either have to ask the author, or give

it a try, or use the moveObject tool from mikero on those pbos to check if the models

or rvmat reference LIB\ from IronFront.

I would assume it is rather unlikely that they use much if at all from IronFront.

You should give the new LITE version a try with the higher texture quality.

Our testers were quite positively surprised.

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Great stuff made my day - thanks

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Congratulations team, here's to a solid, thriving WW2 scene in A3.


Especially good to have you back making large and ambitious things happen kju.

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Thanks a lot for supporting Iron Front in Arma 3, kju. It´s very welcome from you to make this work available in this way.


It looks like you have plans about a "non-lite" version also, that could be in the works. rest assured that it is going to have a lot of interest . Iron front remains one of the best works about WWII in the Arma engine up to now.

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Congrats too to devs of this mod!


I found some troubles:


Some vehicles do not move in the editor (3den), I tested only the russian counterpart (cars) and only some of them.


I think in the final version that's will be fixed.

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  On 5/17/2016 at 5:18 PM, djotacon said:



Some vehicles do not move in the editor (3den), I tested only the russian counterpart (cars) and only some of them.


Can you specify which ones?


Also guys, grab this - 

This is from WOG games. Pretty much based on original IF

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@ djotacon

Please provide more details.

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A few bugs....

The p47 us plane does not accelerate so can't take off. Is that what you mean by stuck in ground?

The US mtrack and Willy jeep float in mid air (not sure if that's to do with physx bug you mentioned).

M1 garand empty clip "ding" sounds twice in multi-player.

No Sherman main gun sound.

Other than that I love this mod :)

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I try to reproduce the problem but now works fine???



Another bug


This plane clasname: LIB_P47 in the position [6890.9,7506.77,0] of the map Poland Baranow 1944 cannot make a proper take off, is stick to the terrain.


I make more test and the entire map Poland Baranow 1944 reduce the speed of the starting vehicles to 10 or 11 ??? is a mud based terrain? obviously the planes barely can take off.


More test using: lib_us6_tent in Poland Baranow 1944 position [6299.16,7137.13,-0.000104904] the truck reduce his speed to 0.

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 After the first try, I find this edition really promising. Specially after learning that we will be allowed to raise the texture quality in the near futur... ;)


  And speaking about textures, probably you´re already aware, but, in my installation all the panzer troops uniforms are mismatched ; the figures show unalligned another german feldgrau uniform and misplaced all over their body.


 Besides this , I´ve tested the Geist A3 texture pack and I found that it nealry works, only with some alerts about some other .pbos claimed and misssing. 


   I don´t know if this is the proper place to request it, but upon your offer above, I propose here to adapt both the IFA3Warmod from Gunther, and this texture pack to this version. Since I´m using the IFA3 from Gunther version to run them, I have not yet conducted  a further test but i´m ready to write more specific issues based on this version if you find it helpful.


 Thanks another time for this initiative, .kju!!!

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first of all, i'd just like to say how much I adore this mod and the standalone game it comes from, and I can't believe how much work and dedication the team put forth to create such an epic finish. secondly, does anyone have the insight or knowledge on whether adding bayonets to the rifle textures (kar98, mosin nagant) is at all possible? would the textures themselves have to be edited, or is there some way to add a bayonet, even if just an aesthetic non-functioning one, using a more simpler method? any insight or advice on this matter would be immensely appreciated!

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Updated the main post. Changes:


  • Added class list
  • Added link to mission/game mode porting thread
  • Added link to FT-2: Fight For The Territory - Iron Front Edition mission/game mode/server




Thanks. The US assets are still largely WIP (aside from infantry).

In the future please report issues here (it is still to be properly configured too).




Can you please submit simple test missions for these. Cannot reproduce them here.  :ph34r:

In the future please report issues here (it is still to be properly configured too).




HiddenSelectionTextures are a bit messed up. Will be fixed.


Can you please upload the rpt log file from your tests with Geist A3.


The IFA3Warmod from Gunther should generally work with this new LITE version.

If you have issues, please report them to use (with rpt log file).


In the future please report issues here (it is still to be properly configured too).




You are welcome  :)




AWAR did an outstanding job with all the assets and terrains - still lots great in A3 even with the reduced textures. :)





 * Added m44 bayonet as muzzle attachment.


Lennard added this in the 1.14 patch. Its an attachment (magazine class: LIB_ACC_M44_Bayo) and an editor object/generated by script (cfgVehicles: Item_LIB_ACC_M44_Bayo).

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 Hi .kju. Thanks a lot for your support another time.


 The only failure with GEIST_A3 is the appearance of a warning window at the start; it states that :


  "Addon ´GEIST_GER_BAG´ requires addon ´AIA_Characters_IF¨ ".


 Then, normal load continues; I´ve been hastily testing both the editor and the arsenal, and no additional failures seem to appear apart of the already known and reported in your post. The  editor show no retail units for choice for F1 single units and the Arsenal  in clothing and equipment , only the IF WWII items are shown ( Including hi_res Geist  ones, that work right :D ) ; but I guess that this is intentional.


 And I can´t find any log file reporting errors neither in the game directory or in the user directory; 

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  On 5/19/2016 at 12:01 PM, .kju said:



AWAR did an outstanding job with all the assets and terrains - still lots great in A3 even with the reduced textures. :)



Lennard added this in the 1.14 patch. Its an attachment (magazine class: LIB_ACC_M44_Bayo) and an editor object/generated by script (cfgVehicles: Item_LIB_ACC_M44_Bayo).



oh wow, thank you so much for pointing that out, never noticed it. however, do you know if there'd be some kind of way to add something similar like that to say, the Kar98? something like this: 





as I said before, any and all insight/help would be immensely appreciated. I'd even donate to anyone who could take the time out of their day to whip up a quick bayonet texture for the k98. doesn't even have to be fully textured. just any quick, dull bayonet model added onto it as an attachment would be amazing. or if it'd be easier, even somehow making the M44 Bayonet attachment that's already in the game, able to be used with the k98

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Hello, Can someone help a new guy. I've got arma 3 but i really struggle with the mods and really want to run this. I've downloaded iron front lite from steam workshop thinking this will be made easy for a hopeless guy like me but i can't see any servers. Do i still need to run play with six and all the mods?

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  On 5/23/2016 at 4:34 AM, D_FENS said:

Hello, Can someone help a new guy. I've got arma 3 but i really struggle with the mods and really want to run this. I've downloaded iron front lite from steam workshop thinking this will be made easy for a hopeless guy like me but i can't see any servers. Do i still need to run play with six and all the mods?


You should be able to see all servers regardless of what mods you or the server has.

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