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Colt C7 NLD project - Too inexperienced with O2, need help

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Hello reader,


As the title says we're currently working on a Colt C7 NLD model for our dutch unit (Dutch lions community).

Currently we're 2 man working on it in various steps because thats the only way we knew how to create the model. 

I'll briefly explain our steps and also the problems we're having.


Sources we have:

-Real life accurate photo's

-Real life measurements

-CATIA knowledge

-3dsmax knowledge

-poor Oxygen2 knowledge

-some configuring knowledge


Things done:

-Made the model in a program called CATIA, this was easier to do because he has working experience in CATIA.

-converted the model from CATIA to 3dsmax wich allowed conversion over to Oxygen 2

-Converted the model from 3dsmax to Oxygen2

-We've used the content from BI wich is called MyFirstM16 i beleive to kind of copy paste our model so it has all the right LOD's (adapted for our model) and it has the right memory points.

-Handmade textures from real life photo's


Problems we're having:

-Textures seem to change color ingame. Fixed

-Dificult to create a hiddenselections (all the faces are junked up toughetter as a result to the conversions perhaps?). UV mapping is fixed.

-No clue how to assign rails and make optics go invisible when you put a scope on the gun.   Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things

-Muzzle flash is constant Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things

-Rear iron sight won't hide when optic is mounted Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things

-Need a .rvmat, and textures for materials. Working on it. 25% done

-No clue how to make the gripbipod work (not nesseccary but would be cool)

-Model.cfg is lacking the nesseccary things to make the UGL work. Can't find good sources for the animation types and sources. Help?


Things we need:


-Animations for UGL




-Some help with the above ;)


If there is anyone with the time and knowledge to help us out would be great.


Kind regards,


Crabz - Dutch Lions Community



Few images to visualize the work:

Refference real life photo's - http://i.imgur.com/4lrtM7m.jpg

Models in difrent programs - http://i.imgur.com/vEcpoYA.jpg

C7NLD in the hands of a unit - http://i.imgur.com/yZKzDql.jpg





Changelog: +Changed ?problem



+Texture colors fixed with appropriate color scheme.

+UV mapping fixed but still no hiddenselections assigned.

+Added a proxy for the TOP mounted scope that suprisingly worked.

+Added animations

+Added sounds

+Made a config

?Muzzle flash is constant

?Rear iron sight won't hide when optic is mounted

?Need a .rvmat, and textures for materials



+added new model.cfg to fix Muzzle flash and rear sight hiding

+added custom .rvmat with SMDI and NOHQ

+added custom AG36 (M320) model to the C7 to get C7NLD_UGL

+Leon is working on C7 style thermal molded magazines

?Need more animationsources in model.cfg to make UGL work

?Need propper animations for UGL



+Added C7 magazines

+Added better textures




+Fixed the UGL animations.

+Fixed magazine reload animations.

+Added 40mm shell case and shell that fall out and get inserted.

+Added nogrip variant that allows for a grippod to be placed functioning as a bipod.

+Used the Grippod P1nga made for SMA.

+Changed back to plain textures as the photorealistic don't look that good yet.

+Added sights to AG36 40mm grenade launcher

?Still need model and configs to creat our own grippod.

?Sights of AG36 do not work yet.






+Fixed sight of the AG36 grenade launcher.

+The weapon is fully functional but still need to workout some dependency's

+Added C8 shorter variant, (Default, UGL and nogrip)




+Fixed ShadowVolume

+Added custom sounds and soundtail

+Added black variants and hiddenSelection "camo"


Colt C7/C8 NLD is now fully functional and will be released soon

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+added new model.cfg to fix Muzzle flash and rear sight hiding
+added custom .rvmat with SMDI and NOHQ
+added custom AG36 (M320) model to the C7 to get C7NLD_UGL
+Leon is working on C7 style thermal molded magazines
?Need more animationsources in model.cfg to make UGL work
?Need propper animations for UGL

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+Added C7 magazines
+Added better textures

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+Fixed the UGL animations.

+Fixed magazine reload animations.

+Added 40mm shell case and shell that fall out and get inserted.

+Added nogrip variant that allows for a grippod to be placed functioning as a bipod.

+Used the Grippod P1nga made for SMA.

+Changed back to plain textures as the photorealistic don't look that good yet.

+Added sights to AG36 40mm grenade launcher

?Still need model and configs to creat our own grippod.

?Sights of AG36 do not work yet.

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Dear Crabnipples,


I am Wesley from the 11th amb and i can help you with the real colt c7 sound.

If you need me though you can contact me via wesley@11thamb.com or contact Bob.


Kind regards,



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+Fixed ShadowVolume[/size]

+Added custom sounds and soundtail[/size]

+Added black variants and hiddenSelection "camo"[/size]


Colt C7/C8 NLD is now fully functional and will be released soon

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