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Terrain Builder Bulldozer brush problem!

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Hello, I have a problem with the bulldozers in terrain Bulider.
I'm trying to create a map in the size of 41x41 Km.

With my settings, I have unfortunately the problem is the brush in Bulldozer extremely large and I have difficulties to work so the terrain of the streets.

At at a photo as the size for me is the brush and how it is when I tutorial.

And then a photo as the settings for me are.

I hope you can help me

My settings



As the brush is with me


As the brush with others



sorry for my bad English



Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Bulldozer im Terrain Bulider.
Ich versuche eine Karte zu erstellen in der Größe 41x41 Km.

Bei meinen Einstellungen habe ich leider das Problem das der Pinsel im Bulldozer extrem groß ist und ich so Schwierigkeiten habe das Terrain zu bearbeiten für die Straßen. An bei ist ein Foto wie die Größe bei mir ist vom Pinsel und wie ich es bei Tutorial ist. Und dann ein Foto wie die Einstellungen bei mir sind.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen

Meine Einstellungen


Wie der Pinsel bei mir ist


Wie der Pinsel bei anderen ist



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It's a very big terrain, with a large "heightmap cell size"... The Heightmap tools can only be as precise as the heightmap resolution you've chosen, so what you're seeing is 20 meter spacing...


Looking at your settings pic , the Satellite/mask imagery setting is horrifically low - that's going to look pretty terrible in-game, and the mask tiles & texture layer sizees are pretty low too....


Your main issue - the heightmap ground resolution, CAN be changed a little, to give you finer detail there...


In your mapframe properties "Sampler Tab" - top left, try...


 Grid size 4096x4096

Cell size 10m


You'll notice that gives you a terrain of the exact same physical size in meters - 40960x40960 meters - but instead of 20 meter "cells" you have 10 meter - MUCH better.

Sadly, with a terrain of this size, that's about as low as you can go... TB DOES offer a 8192x8192 grid size, but it's.... problematic and best avoided...


Moving down on that same properties page, your satellite/mask imagery is currently 2048x2048 pixels - that means that each pixel of that satellite image is being stretched to cover a 20x20m ground area... that's going to look horrible....


You need that to be 20480x20480 @ 2 meters per pixel as an absolute minimum, and even then it'll look quite "blocky"... Ideally you want 1 meter per pixel for Sat & Mask imagery, but since your map is 40960x40960 meters, that would mean a 40960x40960 pixel image - which is kinda beyond both Photoshop and the required formats (png, bmp, etc) capability.

To do 1m/pixel properly you'd need to use 4 x 20480x20480 images, and arrange them in a 2x2 grid in TB... ,Definitely possible, but tricky to do...


and finally, below those settings, the "Satellite/Surface Mask tiles setting - you have 256x256 currently - you'll need 512x512 in there once you start increasing the res in the other areas, and the bottom setting, "Texture Layer size" should be about 40m x 40m...


A map this size is a Monumental Undertaking, even if you're aiming for a largely "flyboys" level of detail, and its a very big and unwieldy size for a "first terrain"... are you absolutely sure you want to wade into something this big right away?  It's often a good idea to do a little map first, go through all the stages, make all the mistakes, ask all the questions, start to grasp the concepts and get a little, but fully working, completed result under your belt... That's going to give you some valuable experience and, more importantly, confidence. Since it's a little terrain, all those stages don't take so long, and it gets all the beginners level problems like yours out of the way, so that when you tackle that Big Project, your only issue is that its a Big Project, you're not struggling with beginners issues AND a gigantomap at the same time....


Whatever you decide, the settings I posted above should get your Big Project slightly more reasonably configured, and the ground editing will show 4 cells in a 2x2 grid where you only had one before - that'll allow some higher-res ground editing at least....


Good Luck





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Australia is 40km x 40km and the only advice I can offer is dont do it LOL, Bushlurker is on the money mate go smaller 

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Australia is 40km x 40km and the only advice I can offer is dont do it LOL, Bushlurker is on the money mate go smaller 


I 2nd this! lol, 40km is huge once you start buildings on it, I spent about 3 weeks just drawing polygons around trees every day. I just started a rebuild of the buildings and it feels likes it going to take forever. Go smaller for the sake of your own sanity.

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