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45th VDV russian Elite Airborne Recruiting now! |Modded| English Only

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the 45th VDV is a Batallion  divided into a number of companies which holds  An Elite infantry With Reconnaissance, Frontline infantry, Airborne Infantry, Special forces e.g "Spetsnaz" also this clan has Aviation of  combat support<--- (CAS) and also avaition of transport support such as unloading troops, dropping cargo, or collecting it with escort of the aviation of combat support squadron, There is alot of choice in our batallion such as Support for example sending supplys out or refueling or repairing damaged tanks with the escort of the Mechanized infantry that is equped with armored personal carriers APCS or infantry fighting vehicles IFVS for transport and combat, 

this clan also concludes an Field artilery Unit that allows Unique players to be trained on how to use the artilery computer and designate shooting posistions by pinpointing co ords on enemy posistions  and firing on it


to get started please add Hein vonderwild which is Me on steam look for a picture of a photoshopped character with a holiday mexican type hat on ect

we have ourselfs a teamspeak 3 server but it is private,  this however is not my teamspeak 3 server it is my freinds teamspeak 3 server, so in order to communicate with one and annother please add me and i shall invite you to the teamspeak 3 thank you :)




-be under the age of 15 and above

-be honest that you are not a script kiddy or a hacker 

-be respectfull to higher ranks and clan members in the group

-must have the pateints to install mods 


PS: If you cannot find me on steam  here is the link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047882234/, Please also make sure if you are wishing to be recruited please put {NR} next to your name stands for New Recruit ect, so i know by then u wish to be recruited by us, if you cannot add me on steam nor find me add me on here or send me your steam username messages  in the reply box in this topic thank you 

our Photos and our motivational video 


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