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Equipment of the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces.
By 3 Commando Brigade




The modern Royal Marines Commando or British Army soldier carries a lot of kit in addition to his weapon. This mod aims to recreate some of that equipment.

In current MTP camo, we provide updated combat uniforms, Mk4 vests, Bergens™ backpacks, Mk7 helmets, berets and tactical glasses. A huge variety of options enables each player to give their character a unique look on the battlefield, whether it be as an Officer, Forward Air Controller, Medic, Sapper, Signaller, Engineer, Point Man, Grenadier, Marksman, Machine Gunner or just plain Rifleman!

We've now expanded the range of combat uniform camouflage patterns to include DPM Woodland, DDPM (desert), DPM Temperate and Arctic.  Along with these come accompanying sets of new Mk 2 vests, webbing, Mk 6 helmets and backpacks.

We haven't forgotten support forces either, with new uniforms, vests and helmets for RAF / RN pilots and tank crews.


For full details, including user and admin guides, please visit our website at https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/3cb-baf-equipment/



  • Improved radios on Mk3 Ospreys
  • Adjusted MTP backpack and vest capacities
  • Added rebreathers
  • Added Duke of Lancaster's Regiment beret
  • Added ACE G-force coefficient to pilots





Current version: 2.8, released 6 Jan 2022


Download from:

Steam Workshop

License and Disclaimer
For details please visit our website at https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/license-and-disclaimer

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Congrats on the release guys. Very nice to see your hard work paying off and coming together to make an awesome mod. Keep it up

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Superb work guys, I know you've all worked really hard on this. Congrats on the release ;)

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Looking forward to getting this in game... Well done all....

Post your screenies guys

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Very good job. Looks so beautiful in game (backpacks, static weapons functionality...).

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New mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Lifetap , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Yes, thanks for your hard work guys! I'm gonna try it out. :)

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Really nice work guys.

Really like the amount of effort put in to allow lots of options rather than having to have a load of identikit troops

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  Sabre_3Para_GU said:
Really nice work guys.

Really like the amount of effort put in to allow lots of options rather than having to have a load of identikit troops

This is the biggest draw for me. Hoping my community will put this kit to use soon, great job lads.

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. Soon we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

** Note: since this is a project on which more people are working we will contact you in the future to discuss how you want this to be setup on Armaholic.

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except for the uniforms, this pack is higher quality than RHS. nicely done, im loving these units

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Great work 3CB, really looking forward to seeing the whole BAF faction.

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Hi 3CB great mod, I am getting a problem in the editor where I cant put down any units only static weapons (Units > Blufor > BAF-3CB (MTP Navy) > Static).

I have tested this mod with just CBA and I still get the problem. ( https://imgur.com/T6mNSB6 )

I also get an error when placing down static weapons ( https://imgur.com/vSfbP1q )

Does anyone else have this problem?


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Standby for the PW6 update post in a few seconds. I look forward to using these!

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Hey gents, I just ran a test with only 3CB weapons and gear and I noticed the optics for the weaponry didn't work. They were just invisible.

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  Khaosmatical said:
Hey gents, I just ran a test with only 3CB weapons and gear and I noticed the optics for the weaponry didn't work. They were just invisible.

The 3CB BAF Weapons requires @ASDG_JR ASDG Joint Rails and @ASDG_JM ASDG Joint Muzzles. :) That should probably sort you out.

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got a little problem with this addon


when you zoom in to magnified scope, for some how something is block the vision, i think vest is the problem.

seems like it's Kiory's problem since his weapon scope zoom trouble with other vest.

Edited by kgino1045

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