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Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

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9Liners & Notepad
by: Chief Wiggum

What is it?
9Liners & Notepad is a client-side mod, that allows you to open a couple of documents, like a notepad or CAS-9Liner directly ingame.
You can simply open these documets by pressing the assigned shortcut and you'll be able to write on them,save them or clear them.
Once you save a page, it will be binded to your profile, which means, that even if you leave the mission and join a different one, your note will still be on the page where you wrote it down.

9Liners & Notepad brings the following documents to your game:
-a CAS 9Liner sheet:
-a Medivac 9Liner sheet:
-a Notepad:
-a Gunship Call-For-Fire 5Liner sheet:
-a CAS Check-In Breefing sheet:
-an Adjust-Fire-Mission sheet:
-a Fire-For-Effect-Mission sheet
-a Marking-Mission sheet:
-a Target-Location-Methods Help sheet (no interaction):

How does it work?

Useage as player:

First off, you have to press ESC and navigate to: Options\Controls\Configure Addons\9Liners&Notepad
Here you have to assign a hotkey for each document. Also make sure to assign the 'Disable Controls' hotkey. You'll need it later.

Once you've assigned your hotkeys, you're able to open the documents by pressing the hotkeys.
Each document works the following way:

Pressing the left arrow opens the previous page
Pressing the right arrow opens the next page
Pressing 'SAVE' saves the current page.
Pressing 'CLEAR PAGE' clears the current page
Pressing 'CLEAR ALL' clears all pages
Note: There isn't any kind of "Do you really want to..." selection if you press "CLEAR PAGE/ALL". So think before you press it!
Do a single click next to the document will enable controls
You'll be able to control you character/vehicle, use TFAR and everything else while the document is shown.
In order to release the controls of your character/vehicle and edit the document, simply press your 'Disable Controls' Hotkey that you've assigned earlier.
Do a double click next to the document will close it.
You can also close it by pressing ESC.
Each document will open at the page, where you've closed it.

Useage as mission-builder:
This mod uses the 'profileNamespace' command to save the pages text.
Each page has its own variable in the profileNamespace.

If you want so set each users text on page 1 of their notepads to "I MADE THIS MISSION!", simply add this to your init.sqf:

profileNamespace setVariable ["cw_noteblock_pageText_1", "I MADE THIS MISSION!"];

If you want only one user to have this text on page1, you have to run this code in a local script.
You can also use an other page for this! (Notepad contains 50 pages)

Hope you like it,

-19.04.2015 - V0.3.1:
-fixed: CBA Keybinding
-01.03.2015 - V0.3:
-added: Target-Location-Methods-Help sheet
-added: Fire-For-Effect sheet
-added: Adjust-Fire-Mission sheet
-added: Marking-Mission sheet
-changed: Removed all items. So it's a client side mod now!
-changed: some textbox stuff
-changed: Medivac 9Liner doesn't saves after clearing page anymore
-changed: New ReadMe in the forum post!

-15.02.2015 - V0.2:
-added: Gunship Call-For-Fire
-added: CAS Check-In Breefing
-fixed: CAS 9Liner can now be moved around
-fixed: CAS 9Liner doesn't auto saves after clearing page anymore
-changed: Notepad buttons where divided
-added: View Document while moving Function

9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (Dropbox) (requiers CBA)
9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (Armaholic) (requiers CBA)
9Liners & Notepad (V0.3.1): DOWNLOAD (WithSix) (requiers CBA)

I'm not liable for any damages/crashes...etc. at your system or yourself!
This work is licensed under the Arma Public License

Edited by chief_wiggum
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Nice work! Reminds me of Crackman's notepad mod for ArmA 2.

I take it that in the current state there is no way to 'share' or copy these notepads (in MP game) is there?

Kind regards,


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There isn't a 'share' function. But you could simply copy the text of the notepad by holding as LMT and then CTRL+C (just as you would do in any other text document) and send it to your friends via steam or teamspeak.


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This looks very handy and something I had in mind for adding to ALiVE C2ISTAR at some point, but you got there first! Have you any plans to add more? Things like an Ammo/Casualty card would be useful.

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Lol beat me to it... :)

I just did my "arty training" and realised how crap I am at remembering protocols etc. Suggested this very mod on Wednesday night.

I can see it's share a like - how comfortable are you if we continue our work - potentially converting to a British version?

Friznit, if he's ok with that did you want to collaborate on a BAF version ?

Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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awesome mod! would you be able to make a range card like this as well? maybe even with a drawing function?

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Congrats on release!

Although I'm more of a RL paper writter when i do stuff in sims, this is definetely handy, especially while airborne.

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Hey is it possible to have these on enemy as a piece of intel with notes already written in them?

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Hey Guys,

first off: Thanks for the great feedback! ;) I really appreciate that!

And remember: this is version v0.1, so there's still a lot to do.



I don't know exactly what you mean with 'Ammo/Casualty card'. Could you explain that a little bit more? (best thing would be a picture)

Regarding 'continue my work' watch below.


If your brain doesn't takes fire if you take a look at my code.. Feel free to continue my work. It would be nice if you inform me when you release it.

Maybe you could send it to me and i would include it, so the others don't have to download 1000 of mods. ;)


You mean a range card like this?

That should be possible except of the sketch.

A drawing function won't be that easy to script.. if it's even possible.


That's a future plan.

But i won't include it until the 'copy page' function is done.


Natürlich!/Sure! ;D

I'll include that for you. :)


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Thanks Chief - I'm imagining a British Version I suppose - perhaps it could be two objects choose US style or UK style ?

Friznit want to have a chat over what you wanted to include ? My first idea was the Artillery Protocols but keen to hear with your "actual!" experience what we should be including - perhaps we can re-create a mini TAM ? (within legal reason of course)

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Thanks Chief - I'm imagining a British Version I suppose - perhaps it could be two objects choose US style or UK style ?

Friznit want to have a chat over what you wanted to include ? My first idea was the Artillery Protocols but keen to hear with your "actual!" experience what we should be including - perhaps we can re-create a mini TAM ? (within legal reason of course)

Rather than committing to something as in depth as TAMS, you may be better off doing something along the lines of the Operational Aide Memoires which cover Target Grid, CCA, ECAS, 9 Liner, MISTAT, Contact report.

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You mean a range card like this?

That should be possible except of the sketch.

A drawing function won't be that easy to script.. if it's even possible.

Yes exactly something like this. And I already thought that a drawing function would be almost impossible, but hope dies last :D. Maybe some icons the player can place on the drawing bit representing houses and some lines for roads or such would be possible? Just an Idea. Also some addditional pages in the notebook with blank tables would be nice to have. Sorry if I seem pushy, it's just that I've always wanted something like that and my attempts to create it failed miserably.

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The next things for me to include are: the Special Operations Forces Gunship Call-For-Fire Brief and CAS Check-In and a logistics liner.

I quess i'm not going to do any other cas 9liner versions in near future, so feel free to create a BAF version. (Btw: whats the difference between the BAF ones and the US ones?)

And i have to confess, that i don't have any idea what a TAM is. Enlightenment would be great. ;)

EDIT: The Gunship Call-For-Fire 5Liner is already done: ;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnhtikqcgfys1lz/2015-02-14_00002.jpg?dl=0


Edited by AWC_Chief_Wiggum

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9 Liner is a NATO standard format.

TAMS are Tactical Aide Memoires. They're a step-by-step guide covering a wide variety of subjects such as giving orders, Pl Comd/Pl Sgt/Section Commander in the attack, in reserve, in defence, etc used by the UK Armed Forces.

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Thanks Redders!

But i think that's a project for someone who is more into that TAM stuff than me.

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The next things for me to include are: the Special Operations Forces Gunship Call-For-Fire Brief and CAS Check-In and a logistics liner.

I quess i'm not going to do any other cas 9liner versions in near future, so feel free to create a BAF version. (Btw: whats the difference between the BAF ones and the US ones?)

And i have to confess, that i don't have any idea what a TAM is. Enlightenment would be great. ;)

EDIT: The Gunship Call-For-Fire 5Liner is already done: ;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnhtikqcgfys1lz/2015-02-14_00002.jpg?dl=0


Looks good, thanks!

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No problem Chief. TAMS isn't something that's really needed in game unless people want to spend 2 1/2 hours at the start of a co-op mission talking about exactly what they're going to do.

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Hi Redders - quite agree sections 1-3 of TAMS plus all the extras would be WAY too much (!!) - I'm thinking of exactly what you suggested really just taking the forms they use + Then adding perhaps for unit use our own pages for 3CB radio protocols, Unit structures etc. For example; we're just going live with a new "company" structure that's as confusing as hell to those not designing it, so this gadget would be a perfect Aide memoir mid Op... Who the hell is "2-3-Charlie today?" etc etc


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From design perspective maybe dividing clear page and page all should be separated from save right.

Close could be on the bottom for example.Colors could be even more indicative too - Red erase all,

green for save, yellow for clear page for example.If you are thinking that colors are minor thing

take a look at Riot presentation, third last part (pillar) in this video http://gdcvault.com/play/1017940/The-Science-Behind-Shaping-Player

Very interesting!Cheers!

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