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Vehicles of the British Royal Marines Commandos and other UK Armed Forces.
By 3 Commando Brigade (http://www.3commandobrigade.com)


Bulldog - Armoured Personnel Carrier
Coyote - Tactical Support Vehicle
Husky - Tactical Support Vehicle
Jackal 2 - Light Patrol / Fire-Support Vehicle
Land Rovers - Soft Vehicle (including Panama ROV)
HX (MAN) Truck - Logistics Support Vehicle
Panther CLV - Command and Liaison Vehicle
Warrior - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Offshore Raiding Craft - Rigid Hull Inflatable Assault Boat
Apache - Helicopter
Merlin - Helicopter
Wildcat - Helicopter
Reaper - Drone

For full details of this and all our mods, plus our contributors, please visit our website at https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/3cb-baf-vehicles/









  • Added pylons to Wildcat, Apache and Reaper
  • Integrated pylon weapon selection into the servicing/logistics menu
  • Added ability to specify preset pylons to be added/removed via a missionNamespace variable (UK3CB_BAF_Vehicles_Servicing_PylonPresets)
  • Added ability to restrict the pylon rearm between unrestricted (default and existing behaviour), presets only, and current armament only
  • Added ability to specify a whitelist/blacklist of pylon armaments per-point
  • Added CRV7 General Purpose Flechette(GPF) ammo
  • Improved weapon positioning on all pylons
  • Improved handling of Warrior
  • Improved exit locations from rear of Warrior
  • Improved flight dynamics of Reaper
  • Added "convertible" option to MAN truck
  • Added servicing menu to Panama
  • Fixed driver error on Snatch
  • Improved rear top cover on Snatch
  • Added cargo version of the Chinook
  • Improved engine and tyre noise on Husky






Current version 10.2, released 5 Jan 2022


Download from:

Steam Workshop

License and Disclaimer
For details please visit our website at https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/license-and-disclaimer

  • Like 7
  • Thanks 1

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Congrats on the release! Loving the new skins. Fantastic screenshots ;)

Again, big thanks to those involved.

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New mod 1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@3 Commando Brigade;

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Version 2.0 released.


For the second release within this modset we are proud to present the Jackal 2.


This uses the ArmA 2 BAF model which was ported to ArmA 3 by Aplion and released as @hafm_uk.

We have taken this model, which Aplion released open source since he finished working on it, and have fixed all the bugs (zero rpt errors), plus added a number of improvements:

- fixed bone skeleton errors

- fixed speed wobble

- fixed gunners field-of-view

- added sling-loading capability

- added FFV (firing from vehicle)

- added integration of long-range radio (TFAR) in vehicle


Download from the links on the first post of this thread.


Jackal 2 is a high mobility weapons platform, with a unique air-bag suspension system allowing rapid movement across varying terrain.

It is designed to protect personnel against roadside explosions and mine attacks (the chassis is heavier than its predecessor to give additional protection). Jackal 2 is armed with a General Purpose Machine Gun for crew protection and can carry either a Heavy Machine Gun or a Grenade Machine Gun as the main weapons system in the fire support role.

The gun ring has been moved forward to give a 360 degree sweep of fire, as opposed to the previous rear-fire only position on the original Jackal.


4 variants comprising 2 in desert camo, 2 in woodland, armed with L2A1 HMG or GMG.

Driver, Commander, Gunner + 2 passenger seats both with FFV.

Sling loadable by Chinook or Huron.






* Other mods depicted:

Royal Marines Commando uniforms: @3CB_BAF_Units by 3 Commando Brigade

RAF Chinook: @chinookpack by Deltagamer


Units are available in the Editor under

Units > Blufor > BAF > Cars

Units > Empty > Cars


UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_D                 Jackal 2 L2A1 Desert
UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D                  Jackal 2 GMG Desert
UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_W                 Jackal 2 L2A1 Woodland
UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_GMG_W                  Jackal 2 GMG Woodland


Slight clipping of player body through Jackal sides while in Firing-From-Vehicle mode.


Original ArmA 2 Model (BAF): Bohemia Interactive Studios

Converted to ArmA 3: Aplion (released open-source)

3CB Mod Team: Andy, Evrik, Goodson, Lifetap, Apollo

Edited by UK_Apollo

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I really hope you guys are planning on adding a Chinook and some Rovers to this. Should see if the various UK mods can all get put together into one big one. I'm currently building a UK mod pack for my group and I'll be sure to use these Jackals now that I've found them!

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Great release. Do you plan on making the default units within the vehicles BAF units? Unless you already have and the vanilla units manning the jackals is only on my end then my bad.

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  Nickobus said:
Great release. Do you plan on making the default units within the vehicles BAF units? Unless you already have and the vanilla units manning the jackals is only on my end then my bad.

We've decided not to make our BAF units a dependancy of this vehicle mod, as that would restrict others who don't want to use our MTP uniforms.

You can still script the BAF units in, as I did with the screenshots.

My guess is that most mission designers will put down empty Jackals, and use our 3CB_BAF_Units for the players.

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Great work guys! one thing I noticed was the Jackal gimpy has the same sound as the .50 Cal? On the topic of sounds, maybe you could ask LordJarhead if you can use his sounds for the vehicles and the guns?

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Version 2.1 released.


For the third release in the 3CB BAF Vehicles mod we bring you the Merlin.


Our talented texture artist Arka [3CB] has been hard at work once again, this time re-texturing the ArmA 3 AAF Mohawk as accurately as possible in the colours and markings of a real-life weathered RAF Merlin HC3 currently serving with British Armed Forces:

Royal Airforce Merlin HC3, S/N ZJ124 (cn 50133)

- Registered Westlands, Yeovil: 2000

- Dubai, UAE: Nov 2005

- Camp Bastion, Afghanistan: Feb 2010


Download from the links on the first post.


The Merlin is an advanced, medium support helicopter for the RAF designed to operate away from base workshops and in difficult terrain.

It is an all-weather, day and night, multi-role helicopter used in both tactical and strategic operational roles.

It's diverse range of bulky cargo carried internally or under-slung can include artillery, Land Rovers or light-strike vehicles and more than five tonnes of freight.


Olive green

Accurate markings and decals

Some panels patched or repaired after damage

Oil and grease stains, plus other weathering

Rear ramp opens to allow firing from vehicle

Sling loads a Land Rover (but not the Jackal which is too heavy)





* Other mods depicted:

Royal Marines Commando uniforms: @3CB_BAF_Units by 3 Commando Brigade


Units are available in the Editor under

Units > Blufor > BAF > Air

Units > Empty > Air


UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_RAF_ZJ124                Merlin HC3 RAF Green 'H' Worn ZJ124


The AAF Mohawk is quite a close fit to the Merlin HC3. However it suffers in some regards from a lazy model design, in that certain parts of the air-frame are mirrored from the port to starboard sides, resulting in reversed decals if not careful with placement. We have made a few small compromises in order to get around this issue, such as leaving out the "Royal Air Force" writing on the tail boom and re-positioning of the aircraft serial numbers.


Texture Artist: Arka

Configuration: Apollo

Project Management: Apollo

Edited by UK_Apollo
Version 2.1 released

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  UK_Apollo said:
RAF Merlin HC3 currently serving with British Armed Forces

Any plans for a Royal Navy one now the RAF has transferred all the Merlins to the RN?


Pics of the current (temporary) Royal Navy livery:

http://i.imgur.com/7nXiD1a.jpg (112 kB)

http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/~/media/Royal%20Navy%20Responsive/Images/Units%20and%20Equipment/Aircraft/Helicopters/Merlin%20Mk%203/846%20NAS/Merlin-mk-3-Background1.jpg (563 kB)

AFAIK they're planning on painting them in the same Medium Sea Grey/Dark Sea Grey wraparound camouflage that the Army and Navy's Wildcats have, after they modify them for shipboard operations (folding rotors etc.) as Merlin HC.4/HC.4a. But that wont be for a few years yet. I made a texture of that myself a few months back, which you're welcome to use or modify if you want - I'm not likely to release it (my dirt/panel lines etc. are just a rushed job).

Edited by da12thMonkey

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Good point da12thMonkey.

When the grey RN version is seen around these shores I expect we'll release a version to match.

In the meantime, the green Merlin in RN service looks at first sight just like the RAF one, with the exception of the "Royal Air Force" or "Royal Navy" text on the tail boom (and of course change of unit insignia)?

Kind of luckily for us, we weren't able to include the tail boom writing on our mod because of the issue with the model from BIS which results in text mirroring on the reverse side and wouldn't have looked great, so we chose to leave it off.

So hopefully people will be happy to see it as either a RAF Merlin pre Oct 2014, or RN Merlin post Oct 2014.

Edited by UK_Apollo

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Aye, the RN scheme just appears to have replaced the RAF titles on the tail boom with 'Royal Navy', plus the RAF wordmark logo on the sides of the nose have also been replaced with RN titles. But as you say, they can't really be added in place, since the Mohawk has mirrored UVs that bugger up text.

They removed the 28/78 Sqn markings from them (846 and 845 NAS wont have squadron-specific markings if the old Sea Kings are any indication) and added the RN logo on the cockpit doors. I moved the RN markings further back on my own retexture (updated my previous post with a pic of that). The large black aircraft ID letters and serial numbers seem to have carried over from whatever they were in RAF service.

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Hi guys, I'd like to start by saying I love the mod, the jackals especially. Since BAF dropped for ArmA II I have prayed for Jackals that have FFV in the back seats and now, thanks to you intrepid and wonderful gentlemen, I have had my dream come true. The only problem I see with the Jackal's is that the front wheels or bumper seem to have problem with their collision boxes or something of the sort.

I first noticed it when trying to load them into the C17, and that their front tyres would clip through the cargo ramp and then collide with it at a point where they could not get up onto it. I have also noticed the same thing happening on the mid-ship ramp on the hanger deck of the ATLAS LHD, and finally a similar issue occurred on the Agia Marina driving track, where the Jackal repeatedly got stuck on the little rocks obstacle where as other vehicles would bump over them.

Its nothing too game breaking, but I thought I would let you guys know. Thanks for the awesome work, looking forward to seeing more!

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Hello wiggie, thanks for letting us know. We are currently tweaking a few things on the Jackal at the moment, so I'll see if I can replicate the issue.

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Wiggle, thanks for the information, the problem has been identified. The fix will be included in the next release.

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