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[SP Campaign] M.E.R.C.S. - mercenary expendable ruthless covert selfish

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M.E.R.C.S. - Mercenary Expendable Ruthless Covert Selfish


Version: 1.11

M.E.R.C.S. is a story-driven singleplayer campaign for Arma 3, revolving around the exploits of a private military company on Altis. You assume the role of Raif Salih, a Sudanese refugee and ex-soldier, coerced into fighting alongside a mysterious, mercenary organisation. From a first person view, you will strive to escape a world of violence for private gain, where nothing but greed is sacred.

In achieving your mission objectives, you are afforded complete freedom – there are few boundaries and every decision you make entails a consequence. Through a dynamic economic system, you can purchase or sell equipment, hire new recruits, or accept contracts to gain rewards and further your own, unique narrative. On the way, you must engage and interact with an assortment of different characters, each desperate to exploit you for their own ends. Whether you embrace or betray these powers is up to you...

Raif's Story


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Global Background Story

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  • Story-Driven Single-Player Campaign
  • First / Third Person Cutscenes
  • Infantry / Light Vehicle / Aircraft Gameplay
  • Large Variety of Mission Types
  • Decisions have Vast Impact on Story / Current Mission
  • Small Side Stories within a Mission(-set)
  • Custom Conversation System
  • Custom Shop System
  • Custom Textures
  • Custom Hud Enhancements
  • 35 Missions In Total (Hubs / Connecting Missions Included)
  • Mod Support for Several Weapon Packs


How to Install
Non-Steam Addon Version: Copy the @MERCS folder to your Arma 3 dir ("...\steam\steamApps\common\Arma 3\") and launch it as addon with a launcher of your choice or start the game with the parameter "-mod=@MERCS".
Steam Addon Version: Subscribe to the steam workshop entry and launch it as addon with the BIS launcher.


1.11 - Hotfix - 04.05.2020

  • FIXED: Logical error on shop opening script.


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Known Issues

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Development Roadmap - Scopes & Features

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You can reach me on the BI-Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/756849-indeedpete/

Or on twitter: https://twitter.com/IndeedPete

Or feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndeedPete/

Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.
All authors of third party content gave me permissions to use their works in the MANW Contest.

Credits & Thanks

  • Bohemia Interactive Studios for this great game!
  • aeroson for his get/set loadout and repetitive clean up scripts!
  • cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts!
  • Kydoimos for cross-reading and improving some of the dialogues and texts!
  • mrflay for his explosion detector!
  • Shuko for his SHKPos script!
  • Surfer for his help regarding the awesome M.E.R.C.S. logo and way too many textures and images!
  • tpw for his ambient civilian script package!
  • And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions!


Dropbox v1.11
Steam Workshop v1.11


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Yay! Nice to see your campaign updated, IndeedPete! Already Voted and Supported!

cheers ;)

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I always like Mercenary war campaign, like the one of ArmA1 Queen's gambit. Thanks for sharing, gonna try it tonight.

In real life, US government turns more and more missions to private military company, that's good tendency.

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Good luck IndeedPete! Supporting.

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Thank you all so much guys! I hope you like it, more is underway!

  Lao Fei Mao said:
I always like Mercenary war campaign, like the one of ArmA1 Queen's gambit. Thanks for sharing, gonna try it tonight.

In real life, US government turns more and more missions to private military company, that's good tendency.

I actually think this tendency is nowhere near good. In real life, I'm not really a fan of the military nor PMC companies. I see the need some times but when I read about tortures, war crimes, drone war and all that horrible and often unnecessary shit I think a world without these "organisations" would be a better one. Or at least their use and boundaries should be better controlled. Anyway, this discussion should probably be done off topic.^^ Arma is just a game after all and I like it that way. So, Make Arma Not War! :)

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

Armaholic Mirror added! Awesome, thank you guys!

Armaholic v0.5 ALPHA

Edited by IndeedPete
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Thanks, but I'm also looking forward to your project. Especially the technical enhancements sound very interesting!

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Hm, exactly! I also use 16:9, hence I didn't notice. Arma should actually scale the dialog frame according to display size and shape. I'll look into it, maybe I can raise it a little bit without messing up the 16:9 version. Thanks for the heads-up, greatly appreciated! And I'm very sorry that it clouds your gameplay experience.

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

Oh, if you don't want to wait for a fix you can read all conversations later in the conversation log. (Open map screen.) Might be a bit confusing since it's automatically created but I can't offer anything better right now, sorry again.

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Hi all, sorry for my English is very bad. I have a problem with the campaigns. I can not see on the menu. are only an arrow name appears. I put the pbo file inside the folder campaign but not updated. Anyone have the same problem?


<a  href=thump_8901806presentacin1.jpg' alt='thum

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You seem to have some other camapaigns installed because I don't use those names. Your Campaigns folder should look like this:


And then it should look like this ingame:


Did you try to restart Arma 3 already? And do you use any mods?

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Very very nice camp!

Actually, it's a game within itself and has so much potential for growth.

Revolutionary may be a more appropriate word for this.

Not finished. I've got one more contract to do.

Just a few things:

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Anyways really really good stuff. I hope you add more missions to it and develop the story more!

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"Game within itself." - Awesome, thanks, that's a great motivation! I'll do my best to keep the quality - even if I won't make the contest on time.

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Thanks for responding IndeedPete. If I have several mods, but even playing vanilla arma 3 nor the titles of the campaigns are. No that may be.


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Hm, which Arma 3 version are you running? Maybe try to put the other campaigns somewhere else (temporary of course) and then retry? You're the first to report this issue so I think it's likely there's something wrong on your end. Keep us posted!

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@Fisico2014, are you trying to load MERCS with All in Arma? I´ve noticed that there´s A2 campaigns on your campaigns menu.... maybe that´s the issue, try to load it without AiA! (the least loaded mods, the better for this campaign...)

@Kommiekat: the whole abdudtion adds drama and more layers to the tale, just like IndeedPete, I don´t trust the "Rising of the PMCs" modern phenomenon and - just like any other leftover of Bush administration - it will bring sour consequences to the world, one way or another, so I really enjoy the crude depiction of mercs (PMCs are a euphemism to soldiers of fortune, no matter what someone may argue against it...) and all irony of this campaign, but lets not OT too much ;D

@IndeedPete: just finished the alpha, again, can´t get enough... anxious for the next update! =)

[EDIT] Null sweat, I´ll wait, the beta will have double or more missions and so - more dialogs and options - I know it is a heavy workload waiting for ya... take your time, and I´ll certainly enjoy it when the time comes ;)


Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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I think campaigns displayed are an apache ah-64d, and namalsk. I will try to upload without any mod

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

In arma3 vanilla is only the official campaign. No looks mercs, even when the folder.

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@Corporal: Glad to hear! I'm afraid you have to wait some time until more content arrives. Plan is to release the "big" BETA once the whole campaign is done. And there's a lot of work ahead. But I'll sort out crucial errors etc. in this release if you encounter some. But I'll realese some sneak peeks from time to time so you won't forget about he project. Maybe I'll even do a trailer once I figure out how to do trailers. Everyone has trailers, so I want one too!:D

@Fisico: Strange! Again, what Arma 3 are you running? It's definitely working with 1.18.

---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

Or maybe there's something wrong with the download? Some bits messed up? You should try to re-download it, maybe even from another mirror.

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Hm, in that case I'd recommend an update via Steam first, but also try to re-download the campaign.

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Fisico2014 - I got your solution... I´ve just noticed on your screenshot the folder is MISPELLED "Campaings" but it should read "Campaigns" believe or not, this could be the cause =)

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Always the obvious. oO Glad you sorted it out and hope you'll have fun playing it!

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You´re welcome, Fisico2014! Mine "old school nerd" glasses are of some use, afterall lol ;)

Hope you enjoy the alpha campaign as much as I did =D


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