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Roadside IED Script

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Those Markers are for debugging and are only shown to the host.

On Dedicated Servers they will not be visible.

Simply comment out or delete the following:

call compile format ['                                             // DEBUG! comment out for full Mission
bombmarker_%1 = createmarker ["bombmarker_%1", _iedpos];
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_warning";
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerTextLocal "bomb";', iedcounter];
_counter = _counter + 1;
iedcounter = iedcounter + 1; 

guess i should have thought of that beforehand.

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Those Markers are for debugging and are only shown to the host.

On Dedicated Servers they will not be visible.

Simply comment out or delete the following:

call compile format ['                                             // DEBUG! comment out for full Mission
bombmarker_%1 = createmarker ["bombmarker_%1", _iedpos];
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_warning";
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
"bombmarker_%1" setMarkerTextLocal "bomb";', iedcounter];
_counter = _counter + 1;
iedcounter = iedcounter + 1; 

guess i should have thought of that beforehand.

thank you for quick, proper answer :)

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Dont Delete this line though

iedcounter = iedcounter + 1; 

God, i have to clean this Code up.

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I dont understand how to use your script can you explain me more ?

I do a Marker Center in my map editor after I do a trigger with in on act null = ["Center", 7, 3, 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

I do write init in my init sqf mission

When i launch preview it doesnt work !

Do you have a video tutorial ?

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If you have the newest Version then call it like this

null = ["markername", 7, 3,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

However, it might also be the range of 3 meters. If the script cant find any postions in this fairly small radius then it's not able to place IEDs. For Debug purposes set it higher to like 500-1000.

null = ["markername", 7, 1000,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

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Having a problem with the disarm part of the script.. I have a toolkit and clean up set to 1 , when i approach the potential IED slow and mousewheel over the item I don't get an action to disarm. I figured it wasnt an IED so i ran to the other side and BOOM lol.. any ideas?

Edited by 1stLtHunter

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I'm Not at home atm but If you could Post your scripts/how you call it and which Version you're using then i might be able to help you, wont be around from monday to friday.

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Im using the latest download from the link (4 days) and calling the script inside my Init.sqf with


null = ["ied1", 7, 500,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

null = ["ied2", 7, 500,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

null = ["ied3", 7, 500,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

null = ["ied4", 7, 500,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

null = ["ied5", 7, 500,"West", 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

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Guy if you can do a video tutorial its better because we are 8 players for try your script but no one can use it . . .

I create a marker center

I copy IED in my mission

When i launch the script in my mission with null = . . . . .

Error line 31 in IED.sqf

I try many other solution and we can try your script

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Guy if you can do a video tutorial its better because we are 8 players for try your script but no one can use it . . .

I create a marker center

I copy IED in my mission

When i launch the script in my mission with null = . . . . .

Error line 31 in IED.sqf

I try many other solution and we can try your script


1. Create folder IED in your mission folder .

2. Copy two files into IED folder you created: disarm.sqf, ied.sqf

3. in the main folder of your mission u should have init.sqf

4. copy all content from init.sqf file that comes with script into your original init.sqf file

5. in init.sqf file add: null = ["center", 12, 5000, WEST , 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf"; (center is a marker named: center in mission editor so u have to create one)

6. you should have 12 bombs across the map

* To Creator of the script:

Is there any chance to add some enemies after IED is detonated (like ambush script) ? or separate ambush script ? , regards, pawel

Edited by PawelKPL

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1. Create folder IED in your mission folder .

2. Copy two files into IED folder you created: disarm.sqf, ied.sqf

3. in the main folder of your mission u should have init.sqf

4. copy all content from init.sqf file that comes with script into your original init.sqf file

5. in init.sqf file add: null = ["center", 12, 5000, WEST , 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf"; (center is a marker named: center in mission editor so u have to create one)

6. you should have 12 bombs across the map

* To Creator of the script:

Is there any chance to add some enemies after IED is detonated (like ambush script) ? or separate ambush script ? , regards, pawel

Hey, back^^

Of course, you can call pretty much every script you want in the Trigger.

A simple example would be:

if (_force >= 0 && _force < 33) then {

call compile format ['
t_%1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _iedpos]; 
t_%1 setTriggerArea [8,8,0,true]; 
t_%1 setTriggerActivation [_side,"PRESENT",false]; 
t_%1 setTriggerStatements ["this && {speed _x >= 4.8} foreach thislist && {((position  _x) select 2) < 3} foreach thislist && (alive ied_%1)","""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;[u][color="#FF0000"][%2] execVM ""ambush.sqf"";[/color][/u] deletevehicle ied_%1",""];
', iedcounter, _iedpos];

if (_force >= 33 && _force < 70) then {

call compile format ['
t_%1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _iedpos]; 
t_%1 setTriggerArea [8,8,0,true]; 
t_%1 setTriggerActivation [_side,"PRESENT",false]; 
t_%1 setTriggerStatements ["this && {speed _x >= 4.8} foreach thislist && {((position  _x) select 2) < 3} foreach thislist && (alive ied_%1)","""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;[color="#FF0000"][u][%2] execVM ""ambush.sqf"";[/u][/color] deletevehicle ied_%1",""];
', iedcounter, _iedpos];


if (_force >= 70 && _force <= 100) then {

call compile format ['
t_%1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _iedpos]; 
t_%1 setTriggerArea [8,8,0,true]; 
t_%1 setTriggerActivation [_side,"PRESENT",false]; 
t_%1 setTriggerStatements ["this && {speed _x >= 4.8} foreach thislist && {((position  _x) select 2) < 3} foreach thislist && (alive ied_%1)","""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;""M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG"" createVehicle %2;[color="#FF0000"][u][%2] execVM ""ambush.sqf"";[/u][/color] deletevehicle ied_%1",""];
', iedcounter, _iedpos];



if (!isServer) exitwith {};

_chance = random 100;

if (_chance > 75) then {

_center = _this select 0;
_dir = random 360;
_range = 360;
_range2 = 200;
_spawn = [(_center select 0) + (sin _dir) * _range, (_center select 1) + (cos _dir) * _range, 0];
_spawn2 = [(_center select 0) + (sin _dir) * _range2, (_center select 1) + (cos _dir) * _range2, 0];
_grp = [_spawn, East, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
sleep 0.1;
_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_center, 5];
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_wp setWaypointFormation "DIAMOND";
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";


if (_chance < 75) exitwith {};


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nice script ! but i can't disarm the IED no addAction spawn =/

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make sure you dont forget to define the functions in the init.sqf and make sure you have the Disarm.sqf and ied.sqf in the \IED\... folder

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I have this.

All work fully

just this Disarm

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nice script ! but i can't disarm the IED no addAction spawn =/

Same problem for me, triple checked init.sqf.

After second joining got error in line:

_unit addAction ["Disarm", "IED\Disarm.sqf", ( _b), 0, false, true, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"];

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I added this script and it created the IED's which were random but they never detonated. Did the release of 0.70.106872 break this script?

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I am in the same situation as ^^


With some beta testing of my own I can say that the condition to set off the IED's aren't being met.

Edited by Johnson11B2P

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I have just tested it with the latest version (check first post, Dropbox).

could you post your init.sqf aswell as the script in which you call the Ieds?

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* IED parameters
null = ["ied", 4,600,WEST, 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";
null = ["ied2", 4,800,WEST, 1] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

iedcounter = 0;
Disarm = {
_unit = _this select 0;
_b = _this select 1;
_unit addAction ["Disarm", "IED\Disarm.sqf", ( _b), 0, false, true, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"];
removeAct = 
_unit = _this select 0;
_unit removeaction 0;

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Haha :D

Your only Problem is that the side has to be a side (not string :D).

It is "West" instead of just West.

and maybe put the script calls below the functions, just to make sure.

Edited by mantls

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Haha :D

Your only Problem is that the side has to be a string.

It is "West" instead of just West.

and maybe put the script calls below the functions, just to make sure.

That solved my issue!

I followed the format literally in the init.sqf which is:

//null = ["markername", amount, distance,side, cleanup(0 or 1)] execVM "IED\ied.sqf";

Thank you for the resolve :D

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Your only Problem is that the side has to be a string.

But.. but.. a side is a Side, it's not a String. Why confuse people? :)

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But.. but.. a side is a Side, it's not a String. Why confuse people? :)

everyhing in Quotes is a string to me... :D not really.

But yeah you're right. ^^

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