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Movement speed tweaking

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So, the animations are broken. At least, for me. New speed settings aside, right walk strafing is super sped up. Crouch angled movement (W+A, W+D) is too fast. Anyone else got these problems? Now, I'm also running AiA, so I'm not sure if that's the problem. That said, I think that the normal walk pace should be slower than the tactical pace. At the current moment, it's nearly the same. Sprint should also be a little faster starting out. Speed should increase quickly, then plateau at a certain speed, then decrease to the current speed, and then drop to a slow run. Now, the animation should remain the current sprint animation, just slower, instead of changing to the low ready jog animation. Why? Because you are trying to sprint. That's a nitpicky thing but, yeah...

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Hear me out here before you instantly disregard this as crazy as its,in a way,realistic.So as Zimms points out the faster speed of running would only be short lived due to even more fatigue setting in over time.What about having the ability to slow the player down even more by stopping the running animation like when you tire out from sprinting.At this point the weapon lowers and you enter the jog animation.When you are in jog animation and you raise the weapon you enter into tactical pace only which is basically jogging speed but with the weapon shouldered.So when super fatigued you will be running around at A2 speeds but with ability to do this with weapon up.

Maybe instead you could drop from run straight into tactical pace which would look realistic also.This would need the run speed reverted to the alpha .54 level though.

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Is it possible to get fatigue so much as to be able to only walk/combat pace like before? Because right now it seems like a soldier can jog indefinitely no matter the load, fatigue and traveling distance.

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Is it possible to get fatigue so much as to be able to only walk/combat pace like before? Because right now it seems like a soldier can jog indefinitely no matter the load, fatigue and traveling distance.
Might well (hopefully) be intentional.

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the. current dev speeds feel natural. Nicely done, Makes the game more immersive.

three areas i think could be improved are :

a slightly faster sprint that lasts maybe 100m.

way to prevent player pivoting so quickly and unnaturally on their guts when prone or on their butt when sitting. it's like a human turret right now. sitting is worst, prone simply needs slowing down a little and a limited to how far around you can pivot on your nuts/guts .

fatigue effects

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Might well (hopefully) be intentional.

If it is intentional that would mean that M107 + Javelin combo is possible yet again.

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The latest movement speeds are awful. I don't mind the jog pace, but that sprint pace has got to go. Needs to be twice what it is right now. It's visually difficult to differentiate jog and sprint the way it is at the moment.

As has been stated, a significantly faster sprint (and proper animation) with shortened sprint durations would be the absolute ideal. Looking forward to improvements soon.

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As has been stated, a significantly faster sprint (and proper animation) with shortened sprint durations would be the absolute ideal.

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The new animations could be a bit faster but overall looks good. The only problem seems to be the "tactical step - standing", I mean walking with weapon at the ready. It used to be faster and could be used as in old shooters game, "what you see is what you shoot".... now this seems to be too slow for that feeling. We already have "w+s" for really slow tactical step. Also the "tactical step - crouch" seems to be faster - not sure if intended.

Edited by afp

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I really liked the combat jog's speed now. Felt bit more realistic and easier to move inside.

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For anyone interested in the "straight-line forward" (hold W) numbers:

Standing, long gun, raised:

  • Sprint: 20.0072
  • Jog: 15.006
  • Combat pace: 11.0093
  • Walk: 5.00704

Standing, long gun, lowered:

  • Sprint: 20.0072 (no change)
  • Jog: 14.6368
  • Combat pace: 12.4471
  • Walk: 4.76758

Standing, sidearm, raised:

  • Sprint: 21.0013
  • Jog: 15.5017
  • Combat pace: 11.5026
  • Walk: 5.50777

Standing, sidearm, lowered:

  • Sprint: 21.0013
  • Jog: 15.5017
  • Combat pace: 10.0493
  • Walk: 6.28081

Crouching, long gun, raised:

  • Sprint: 18.508
  • Jog: 13.4741
  • Combat pace: 9.00575
  • Walk: 4.50707

Crouching, long gun, lowered:

  • Sprint: 21.0013
  • Jog: 12.9239
  • Combat pace: 9.8693
  • Walk: 4.58775

Crouching, sidearm, raised:

  • Sprint: 19.0094
  • Jog: 14.0088
  • Combat pace: 10.5046
  • Walk: 5.00104

Crouching, sidearm, lowered:

  • Sprint: 21.0013
  • Jog: 17.1708
  • Combat pace: 9.14919
  • Walk: 4.112

Crawling, long gun:

  • Sprint: 5.25841
  • Default: 3.00757
  • Slow: 2.46033

Crawling, sidearm:

  • Sprint: 6.25563
  • Default: 3.49432

There appears to be no slower variant of crawling with a sidearm wielded.

The movement speed values with the NLAW equipped appear at first glance to all be slower than their corresponding long gun or sidearm counterparts, and as the NLAW cannot be equipped for prone (pressing the prone key switches to the long gun if available) there are no crawling values for the NLAW.

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Target speeds (forward, sideways is 80%, backwards is 70% in most of cases):

Standing, launcher, raised:

Sprint: 16

Jog: 13.5

Combat pace (missing anim): 8

Walk: 4

Crouching, launcher, raised:

Sprint: 15

Jog: 11

Combat pace (missing anim): 5

Walk: 3

The fatigue issue are rather prone to overall design decisions. Prone sitting animation will gets its own rotation anim (so no longer butt/feet slide on the ground... erhm, well at least not in the same animation state:P) and perhaps even some motion animations.

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I don't like the idea of running faster with a sidearm. I mean, chances are you've still got your rifle on your back or just hanging in front of you, which arguably is gonna affect your mobility more than if you hold it in your hands. This ain't CS.

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I don't like the idea of running faster with a sidearm. I mean, chances are you've still got your rifle on your back or just hanging in front of you, which arguably is gonna affect your mobility more than if you hold it in your hands. This ain't CS.

Bro, you need to have an incentive to use a pistol. Right now it feels like you're screwed up the ass every single time you take a pistol.

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Bro, you need to have an incentive to use a pistol. Right now it feels like you're screwed up the ass every single time you take a pistol.

Pistol is a backup weapon, and functions quite well as one.

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Running with a pistol should be faster than running with a two handed weapon.

The inertia from having both arms able to move independant and freely, you are able to gain more speed with less energy. When you are both hands are holding something your arm movement is greatly limited requiring more energy to move the same distance at the same speed. It's less about the overall weight of carried items, but how much restriction there is with the weapon or object being carried.

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Running with a pistol should be faster than running with a two handed weapon.

The inertia from having both arms able to move independant and freely, you are able to gain more speed with less energy. When you are both hands are holding something your arm movement is greatly limited requiring more energy to move the same distance at the same speed. It's less about the overall weight of carried items, but how much restriction there is with the weapon or object being carried.

Should maybe be linked to running the animation used for the weapon, pistols and smaller smgs mostly use one handed running and bigger smgs upwards two handed animations.

Slower again for launchers.

Actuall carry weight should factor into it though, even empty handed with 50kg on your back will slow you down a lot.

BIS need to get some poor sod on a track and try all the animations out on a set course then try varying weights also.

I was going to suggest Ivan and placing a beer at the end as an incentive, but on hindsight this would achieve unaturaly fast times.

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Why exactly is "relaxed" movement slower than combat movement (for running/jogging)? When you run in both "modes", the difference is only the way the soldier holds the weapon. And surely a soldier can run faster without his weapon on the body, but when he carries it, like in "relaxed" "jogging". Will the soldier at least build up less fatique?


-Adjust left is still a bit strange. Your soldier carries his weapon on the left side, but switches it to the right side, whenever you move. Very "unimmersive".

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The weight carried by the soldier is affects what?

The overall speed, the stamina pool (or how fast you burn it) or both?

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To me it looks like it affects nothing at the moment. Current fatigue system seems to be no different from ArmA2. You sprint for a bit then it's jogging speed until you are "rested"

Of course I am interested in knowing what it truly affects or will affect. Carried weight seems to have no effect on movement speeds.

Also Smookie mentioned he's planning to test limited turning speed when sprinting - hopefully it will come sooner than soon :>

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Bro, you need to have an incentive to use a pistol. Right now it feels like you're screwed up the ass every single time you take a pistol.

The incentive is only to defend yourself :j:

I'm glad this is high priority, the movement just is not immersive yet. And I don't think it's all to do with just speeds.

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Feeling pretty happy with the movement speeds here. I wager that the difference between run and sprint is more subtle if you play from 3rd person. As someone who plays exclusively in 1st person I just want to say that the current speeds feel good to me personally.

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I quite liked the initial release speeds. But maybe they (optics view) where a bit too fast, I could have lived with it though, it felt nice. I wouldn't make them any slower than they are now. I think comparing speed and movements to Arma2 is not a good idea. This (Arma3) is a new take on how we move around and interact with the world. An attempt to retain realism while removing "clunkyness". As I said, I think they did a good job with the way it was in the initial release. It only needs very slight refining. Most of the things that I felt needed changing where related to animations transitions and animations in general.

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So, the animations are broken. At least, for me. New speed settings aside, right walk strafing is super sped up. Crouch angled movement (W+A, W+D) is too fast. Anyone else got these problems?

i can confirm some of this. for me being crouched and sprinting to the right is much faster than doing the same to the left side.

overall side way sprinting speeds, especially in crouch stance, are too fast. i couldn't test it properly in MP yet but at least before the last dev build update it looked just ridiculous especially when watching other players do it. it almost looked like they are sliding on ice.

the normal running around looks more natural to me now but running crouch with a pistol still looks very weird. the back has to be much more rounded. it's impossible to run the way it looks now in real life. the whole upper body is way to straight and low.

i don't know how i feel about sprinting. i think making it faster and shorter would be ok.

i'm just really concerned with things looking natural. i couldn't care less about the ability to run around like a maniac. all i want is it to look convincing when i play with my friends. i know arma 2 looked weird and clunky in a lot of cases but people never were sliding or moving like in a sped up movie. the focus should be on aesthetics more. all side way movements have to be slowed down. most movement is done following mouse movement anyways so that's where the speed needs to be at, at least when it comes to fast movement. combat pace is fine with fast side way movement since it's more of a controlled movement which allows that.

so in short: all side way sprint anims needs serious tweaking to make them look natural and less "slidey". crouch run with a pistol needs a rounded and less lower back.

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