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Swedish Forces Pack: 0.7.4 (Updated 27th of May)

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Swedish Forces Pack
Includes features such as advance missiles.buddy reload, backblast, "random" numbers on helicopters.
More than 30 new completely new vehicles, including airplane, helicopter, drones, jeeps and boats. 

Many of them also features several "skins", woodland, desert, snow and UN.

Over 20 new weapons and to enjoy all this are over 15 missions for 2-40 players. Coop and PvP.

With soldiers from the UN operations in Congo during 1960's to present day, in woodland, desert and snow.

But wait there is more, if you download now we also send Swedish police uniforms and some criminals to play with.


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Newest version always on Steam, but our friends at Armaholic and Six normally update their servers as well.
Steam Workshop




SFP requires CBA to get all functions and while it will start without, we don't recommend playing SFP without CBA.


  • ACE3, we do our best to be 100% compatible, let us know if we dont.
  • MRT Accessory Functions, for the Aimpoint 3X scope
  • ACRE
  • TFAR, if using TFAR the Swedish soldiers will use a Ericsson Radio 180.








Edited by granQ
0.7.4 Minor fixes
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Happy to see you guys keep going even if I'm a "light" SFP user ;)


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FANTASTIC. oops sorry for caps but it really is great news. One of my fave mods.

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Good to see you still working away at this GQ! Hopefully will get to play with you one of these days :)

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I'm really happy to see this in Arma 3 as well, looks really good!

Great job, and good luck with the vechicles!

Thank you!

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Great news, i wish my Fellow country men would be just as fast as you to release some Danish stuff :D

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really liking this, all of it looks great. one thing that's sort of bothering me is that you can put 11, 200 round ammo boxes in your vest. i'v never seen or worn those vests before but it seems highly unlikely you could carry that much in the vest alone.

super excited for the vehicles!

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hey, good job on the mod, i'm really enjoying it!

one issue so far though, the UN troops when in 'danger' mode end up pointing their rifles up at the sky, even when firing. Doesn't happen to any of the other troop types (normal or future) in same circumstances, just the UN guys.

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Update, 0.1.2 release.

See first post for changelog and details.

artemas, haven't noticed but will check more later, seems odd.

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As a fellow sweeeed, thank you for this awesome addon.

Really loving it.

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The swed's at RG will be happy, thanks for the heard work .

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0.1.3 released, see first page for pictures and download links.

A special thanks and welcome to our new team members, Head (Code) and d0kefish (models), this release wouldn't had been possible without their help :)

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Do you have a classname for the accuracy international?

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The Bofors on the Norrköping is such a joy :)

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Excellent addon, however, could you please make the AK4's drum sight rotate on changing the zeroing, similiar to how you have it on the AK5? I would like to be able to use the open sight setting on it, which looks like its on the back end of the drum atm.

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Flipper, not so high prioritized right now but I will try to include it for future releases. My advice is to look in the config viewer that BIS have, makes it easy to see things (even those we don't want to show).. but I will try make a nice pdf or something similar.

Kaelies, added to the list. Very easy to fix, but also not so high priority..

What is high priority... this is :)

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