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Arma Gold on Steam , How to instal mod ?

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Hello , i have recently buy Arma gold on steam and Arma 3 Alpha , how do you instal mod on it ? any good tuto out ?

I know how to do it with the dvd version but is it the same for steam? can i use the Arma launcher ?

Help me please .

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Nevermind i 've found the solution ! It work for Arma gold edition and Arma 2 , should be the same for Arma 3 , read this :

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copy the name of the folder you copied into the arma 2 directory (in this case "MODNAME" without the quotes),

and right click on the arma2.exe and create a shortcut. Right click on the shortcut, open its properties.

At the end of the target line, paste -mod=MODNAME like this:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" -mod=MODNAME

and if you want to add multiple mods, seperate them with ;, so:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" -mod=MODNAME;MODNAME2


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right click on arma 2 in steam (the UI of steam, that is), and select properties. Click "launch options". add the line:


and that's all.

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other commands you can use, apart from -mod, are -window (for windowed mode), and -nosplash (for no BIS screen etc. when the game opens up. Straight to the menu).

so it would look like this:

-mod=MODNAME;MODNAME2 -nosplash -window


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