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Amphibious bridge ferrying equip british M2

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Amphibious bridge ferrying equipment

british Army M2

this is an addon i all ways hoped would be built but it never appeared from the major players / addon makers.

i will try and do it justice but this is my first major build and im crap at textures.

i will try to get some functions put in to it but it will be a lot of soul searching and question asking.

on to the model


basic model is in an ok condition if i could stop tinkering with it

basic anims are coming on nicely

uv map as best i can






i am sorry i could not get the links to the larger pictures to work heres a link to my gallery

photo gallery

all the best

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that's nice man!! using this, players can build bases on a seperated island and still be able to get vehicles to the main island. (without flying them in)

thank you in advance:D

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Very impressive, especially if it's a first build!

I've no idea how it's meant to work but I'll be watching your progress with interest ...

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Really great, look forward to seeing more of your progress and good luck with it..:)

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small note this is not dead

will post some pictures later tonight

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on to the model


basic model is looking better

anims are looking good

uv map not bad I think

basic textures








whats left to do

the major thing is get some help with an attach to script

and a big thankyou to GNAT

for the help with the landcontact anims

Edited by bk1276
being forgetfull

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Hello Bk, this looks smashing! Will be quite a thing when it's done and available. A few questions spring to mind:

Will you add hiddenselections to make repaints relatively easy?

How is functionality? Are you 'anchoring' it when you want to set the bridge up?

What is the time required to complete the transition from moving to bridge? Are you planning on cutting short any excess amount of time, or do you go for as realistic an option as possible?

Keep up the good work! Please make sure to finish this soon so we can use it and cross rivers. :)

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Hello Bk, this looks smashing! Will be quite a thing when it's done and available. A few questions spring to mind:

Will you add hiddenselections to make repaints relatively easy?

How is functionality? Are you 'anchoring' it when you want to set the bridge up?

What is the time required to complete the transition from moving to bridge? Are you planning on cutting short any excess amount of time, or do you go for as realistic an option as possible?

Keep up the good work! Please make sure to finish this soon so we can use it and cross rivers. :)

1. hiddenselections yes I should get them done but not high on the list at this time .

2. anchoring . plan is get the ferry part working first release it then start on the bridgeing side (connecting , anchoring ,)

3. transition . at this time transition from road to setup is about forty seconds .

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thanks for the links Ranwer after I get this one finished I may try and get a M3 done

but I don't see that happening before A3 main release .

small update

got the vehicle to sit at the correct height in the water.

grovel time

now im asking for some help im trying to get some scripts to work like GNATs fsf attatch-to / dock .

I am total crap useless an idiot when it comes to scripts / codeing.

Ive bean trying for about a month now to get any script code option to work

abit about what im trying to do .

any western vehicle that aproches the m2 gets a option to load / board

onto the m2 then gets attatched to m2 via a attachto script .

gets to the say other side of river gets you can then detach it

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Here are a few scripts i managed to unpack from the FSF ship. Here are the Scripts:



//script by Gnat


// if you use it, credit me as appropraite


//if (!isServer) exitWith {};


_ship = _this select 0;

_heli = _this select 1;

_heli attachto [_ship];

driver _heli action ["engineOff", _heli];

while {(alive _heli) and (alive _ship) and !(isEngineOn _heli)} do {};

_heli vehiclechat format["Release in 18"];

sleep 1;

_heli vehiclechat format["in 17..."];

sleep 1;

_heli vehiclechat format["16..."];

sleep 16;

detach _heli;



//script by Gnat

//mp fix by armatech


// if you use it, credit me as appropraite


_ship = _this select 0;

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_xx = 10 preloadObject "RHIB";

_xx = 10 preloadObject "RHIB2Turret";

_xx = 10 preloadObject "Stinger_Pod";

//Get var form ship

_check = _ship getVariable "boatsloaded";

//Check is var is empty/not set

if(isnil "_check")then


//load ships and set var

//Broadcasts ships loaded

_ship setVariable ["boatsloaded", true,true];

//run boat loading scripts

[_ship] execvm "\GNT_FSF\scr\FSFLoadRHIB1.sqf";

[_ship] execvm "\GNT_FSF\scr\FSFLoadRHIB2.sqf";

_ladder = "FSF_Ladder" createvehicle[0,0,0];

_ladder attachto [_ship,[-5.5,-30.2,-4.2]];

_stinger = "Stinger_Pod" createvehicle[0,0,0];

_stinger attachto [_ship,[7.5,23.5,1.8]];


//Var is set so do nothing

//not needed but wont hurt





//script by Gnat


// if you use it, credit me as appropraite


_ship = _this select 0;

_Deck = "Land_FSFDeck" createvehicle[0,0,0];

_Deck attachto [_ship,[0,0.8,0.0]];

_Deck setDir (direction _ship)-180;

//setdir3d = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "\gnt_frigates\scr\setdir3d.sqf");

//while {alive _ship} do


//_Deck Setvelocity (velocity _ship);

//_Deck SetPos (_ship ModelToWorld [0,-42.1,-3.76]);

//_xd = (damage _ship) * -5;

//_vdir = vectorDir _ship;

//_dirn = (_vdir select 0) atan2 (_vdir select 1);

//_res = [_Deck, [_dirn, 0, _xd]] call setdir3d;

//sleep 0.0132


//deletevehicle _Deck;

I hope these scripts above will help your fantastic model. ;)



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abit about what im trying to do .

any western vehicle that aproaches the m2 gets a option to load / board

onto the m2 then gets attatched to m2 via a attachto script .

gets to the say other side of river gets you can then detach it

With East/Opfor and Independent factions actually lacking such working ferrying equipment, are you planning on making these in non-British/West versions too?

Say olive-drab green M2 crewed by Russians and/or Guerrillas to let Opfor and/or Independent have a stop-gap working ferrying-vehicle of their own?

If you do, thanks a ton. Such actually working equipment is greatly missed in the Armaverse.

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Quick question -- is this meant to be a British native design? I noticed the steering wheel is on the left side, not the right where the British would have it.

But, yes, I echo what Thani said! If you add hiddenselections you can pretty much assume someone will do the job, but adding the vehicle for OPFOR and Res with kinda anonymous textures would be brilliant. :)

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Quick question -- is this meant to be a British native design? I noticed the steering wheel is on the left side, not the right where the British would have it.

as far as I know all m2s in british service that I have seen were left hand drive even the manual shows left hand.

but that could be just B.A.O.R it maybe one for the community to answer.

and ref generic I will try and sort that one out

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Quick question -- is this meant to be a British native design? I noticed the steering wheel is on the left side, not the right where the British would have it.

But, yes, I echo what Thani said! If you add hiddenselections you can pretty much assume someone will do the job, but adding the vehicle for OPFOR and Res with kinda anonymous textures would be brilliant. :)

It was a collaborative project between Germany and the UK. That, and factor in that the M2 was designed during the Cold War and most were based in Germany with 28 engineer regiment (or at least in the case of the M3s as I understand it), being left hand drive makes sense :)

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Awesome and can't wait to see this completed. Love to see them being used within the unit I'm within. As someone else says "such actually working equipment is greatly missed in the Armaverse" and I would love to also see an IAB, APFB or ABLE even. Shame theres no tides or currents within Arma2, as else trying to swim across water with your heavy equipment would have been an tad more dangerous and more people would have sought to create such equipment. Kinda on an Corps of Royal Engineers kick at the moment. :rolleyes:

Question, although I do not know much about editor, when you get to implementing the bridging side would there be possibility to have some already setup bridged so that people could just chuck it in the editor? So that say within one operation they can go create the bridge, and then an prebuilt one can just be chucked in the editor so that they continue to have thier bridge in future missions rather than need to create a new bridge each operation?

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