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global or local?

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Hi folks,

I am still a noob in scripting but i am useless in MP scripting conditions.

So since OFP i am suffering to decide if sth has to be local or global.

Each time I ve to rethink again.

Right now I want to execute just a simple call within the init.sqf,

but I ve no clue what condition it has to be ,if the map would run on a dedicated.

So maybe you can give me hint.

call compile format ["
pad2 setpos [(getmarkerpos ""mkpos%1"" select 0),(getmarkerpos ""mkpos%1"" select 1),0]
",ceil(random 5)];

A simple object shall be moved by chance.

So global or local?

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You can leave it like that and it will work. It will execute on both clients and server, but it will only take effect where pad2 is local. It will have no effect anywhere else.

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Actually the argument to setPos can be global, so I would not do that if you want it to work with join in progress. Some later joiner could cause the object to be moved to an entirely different location. You should wrap that in isServer. Also you don't need the call compile:

if (isServer) then {
 _somePos = getMarkerPos (format ["mkpos%1", ceil (random 5)]);
 pad2 setPos [_somePos select 0, _somePos select 1, 0];

random 5, gives a number from 0<--->4.9999999. ceil 0 = 0, so I would recommend you use: (floor (random 5)) + 1 instead, otherwise you could get unlucky and it would try the 0'th marker.

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