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First "Community Patch"

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Wow heli_flying. That really brought your mod alive. Thank you so much. With your xml I can really fly using only my fingertips. So agile and yet so stable at speed. pure awesomeness.

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A little request to those of you who are making FM modifications, please ensure that the modification has a unique name under the ToH Expansions list (is it called like that???).

While the pbo with nightsta1ker mod properly appeared as a unique name in the mod list the modification from b101_uk released as a bunch of folders with a .bin and a .xml appeared in my list as double entry of "Take on Helicopters".


Odd that, if you have 2 “Take on Helicopters†listed in the expansion list, because I don’t and I use the HSim/// folder for moded textures/skins too.

The HSim folder doesn’t use a “–mod=xyz†as a command line switch, it is silently loaded as a recognised folder, if you do use a “–mod=xyz†for it WILL show up in the expansion list as a duplicate, though it is shown in your profile (user_name.TakeOnHProfile) within a “mod list†anyway.

As for packing things in PBO with unique names that could quite well lead to many duplicated helicopters in the editor list which will play havoc with 3rd party missions, whereas the HSim folder method dose not as the default helicopters retain their names. ;)

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Hi b101_uk,

I will need to look in to this (I don't have much spare time now :mad: ) but I'm 100% that I don't use any command, I just deployed the HSIM folder in TOH main folder and then I executed the .exe, nothing else:confused:

The bad news is that yesterday I tried to manually deactivate the mod by clicking in the expansion list and I can't disable any of the two Take on Helicopters entries I have, while I'm capable to deactivate nighsta1ker mod...

Regarding PBO vs folder distribution format... well, to tell you the truth, I don't have anything against the folder method, in fact is more open and therefore invites people to check and look in to the modders work (I did in your case :o ), which is a good thing, the only reason I mentioned the PBO is because it "looks" more clean, specially if someone has many addons.

My dream would be that the mods directed to a more realistic FM (which should be small in size anyway) would be periodically compiled in to one single distribution (as nightsta1ker is already working on if I'm not wrong), in this way the we get no duplicates, conflicts, confusions,... Aaaand, last but not least, we would have certain quality insurance if the person/s who is/are merging mods have real world relationship with the real world super hoobas. :bounce3:

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you will need to look in your (if win7)

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Take On Helicopters\username\


C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Take On Helicopters Other Profiles\username\

for the file "username.TakeOnHProfile" which you can open with txt notepad.

then look down the list in the file for the "class ModLauncherList" below it, it should show "mods"

class ModLauncherList
class Mod1
	name="Take On Helicopters";
	origin="GAME DIR";
	fullPath="f:\valve\steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters\Hsim";

mine only shows as above, but i only have one "Take On Helicopters" in the in the expansion list in game.

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Thanks nightsta1ker and b101_uk for your excelent work.

I tried out your both versions and they are far more accurate for flying than the original one.

I now have installed the file-structure of b101_uk and after testing the b101_uk xml-version inside this structure I replaced it with nightsta1ker `s.

Both versions are a real enhancement. nightsta1ker`s xml has a better behavior when landed on ground and comes closer to heliflying I know from FSX...

So keep on the good work. :)

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cool tweak there NS, though i did notice some oddities. first the torque effect seems to be reversed? i actually need right pedal now to keep it straight when taking off and i was like lol? also there's no more translating tendency for some reason.... though i do love the reduced bunny hop ground effect and higher sink rate =D. also if possible see if you can loosen the skid traction. someone also said something about autorotation is now a different game, it seems to be the same for me. only difference is that i don't need so much lateral cyclic to keep the heli leveled.

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hi guys, i just dropped the hsim folder in the root folder is that what your supposed to do?

all this pbo and xml lark is twisting my mellon, i just want to get rid of the ground effects on all choppers it drives me mad. cheers

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Could the old threads be closed please with link to the new thread?

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