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Any luck with flight stick flying?

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I don't have any videos, but if you like I'm sure we could set up an MP mission on expert mode with autotrim and all the other helpers forced off. That way you can see other people actually flying instead of just reading about it. ;)

:rolleyes: there is a mp server with autotrim off that i know of ! ;)

Edited by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy-

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Heh can tell half the replies to me are people who did not even play the beta, the trim controls on expert in the beta were NOT continuous.. so you could only set trim once then release... So.. yeah.. not too mention im the only one who has a video on youtube landing in expert mode, no auto trim in the CP....

Bloke yoke yoke... you can't defeat the truth I was speaking... Only call me a fool, which makes you the fool cuz you'z trollin and you is auto-trimming...

wouldnt help ziggy unless BI launches a game with no keyboard mouse input accepted....

One question, this may solve everything... In beta was there manual trim, left right up down, rudder l rudder r? keybinds.. I never noticed them.... They are now in retail, and this is probably what is needed to fly ;D

Im actually flying 10 times easier in retail

weird i turned on fraps and now cant fly... i think i found the problem/bug :D

Edited by sarcasticpcgamer

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Are your videos under the name id5556? If so, you were not doing half as bad as you make it sound. I think you were just surprised how different it is compared to fsx and x-plane. And since you seem to have a grasp on how a chopper is operated, you will learn to fly this one too without too much of an effort(if you're id5556). Thats subjective ofcourse, but from the looks of your videos, you're a simmer, and spending countless hours studying and practicing is what being a sim enthusiast is all about. Well that and obviously flying/driving a sim too.

Now I haven't tried dodosim 206 and propably won't either, because no matter how high an addon plane - like the a2a ones and hovercontrol helicopters - is rated by its users, they have all let me down. I tried x-plane too just 'cause their helicopter simulation was getting so much praise. They're good on paper and there are some complex stuff there that I miss in this one, but it always comes down to the feeling you get when flying the aircraft, and in both fsx and x-plane it just feels like the planes are on rails when up in the air and the helicopters are just a tilting and rotating point of views to fsx's slew mode. Motion simulation and/or buttkicker could ofcourse make a huge difference and as I said they do look good when comparing features. A matter of preference

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There's just some issues that i cant put my finger on.. at this point its pot luck... Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.... It truly makes no sense! Sometimes I cant fly, then come back from letting it sit for an hour and it automagically is flying okay.

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It was a hardware issue after all.... I have debugged the issue to my front panel case USB ports.... Haf X 942 usb ports (not the 3.0 ones) caused problems with polling and were not running at sufficient speed, thus giving poor feedback to game and explained why sometimes i just fell out of the sky!!!!!

Since finding this solution, I can hover pretty much at will in expert mode, no auto trim, no auto hover.. matter of fact.. its insanely easy!!!!


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you can't just say sorry and have all the rude and regrading comments about BIS and this community erased. Your shit is still there for anyone to see, and be influenced by.

maybe go back and delete half the garbage you have been spouting, here and elsewhere.

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